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Bob Sihler

Bob Sihler - Mar 3, 2008 8:08 pm - Voted 10/10

Mountain Page?

Since this mountain isn't on SP, you might consider making a mountain page for it. You could either convert this page or make a separate one with the driving directions, red tape, etc. and attach this trip report to it.

Either way, it's a well-done page. And that picture of the rime-covered tree is worth framing and selling, I think.


Bombchaser - Mar 3, 2008 8:29 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Mountain Page?

I was considering doing up a page, I'm new at this site so still getting it all figured out. I'm surprised there wasn't a page, the mountain definently deserves one I think. Thanks for the comments.

Bob Sihler

Bob Sihler - Mar 3, 2008 10:07 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Mountain Page?

Feel free to ask for help if you want to. I'm far from the site's best climber, but God knows I've spent enough damn time on this site to know how to make a page!

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