Mount Baker Climber's Log

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PBS42 - May 3, 2019 7:40 pm Date Climbed: May 3, 2019

CD  Sucess!


Tom Robinson

Tom Robinson - Mar 1, 2019 8:49 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2017

Beautiful Morning above the smoke  Sucess!

Attained about 8:30am Tuesday morning, after camping two nights on Heliotrope Ridge on guided climb with North Cascades Mountain Guides led by Matt Walker. Beautiful views of Glacier and the tips of some Olympics. Everything else obscured by fire smoke. The awful New Normal for Northwest summers.

mzelasko - Jan 13, 2019 3:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2018

Baker in July  Sucess!

Alpine Ascents climb with guide Devin Bishop as first part of 8-day alpine climbing course.

Youliana - Oct 29, 2018 12:20 am Date Climbed: May 7, 2017

Baker  Sucess!

Ski trip. Too icy :-(


calebEOC - Sep 15, 2018 3:20 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2018

Heliotrope Route  Sucess!

Perfect climbing conditions with great snow for cramponing. Roman Wall really reminded me of Hood's old chute.

rafiq - Sep 10, 2018 2:05 pm Date Climbed: Aug 21, 2017

Mount Baker-Coleman Deming Glacier Route  Sucess!

Due to forecast possible cloud covering the summit and area around, our guide (Baker Mountain Guide) decided to go for summit day early, leaving in the afternoon reaching summit at sunset and then come back down in darkness. We left BC at 2PM, reached summit at around 7.30-8.00PM. Return to the BC at 3AM in the morning. I dropped one hiking pole in crevasse on way down. My toes froze badly that, gradually within 4-8 weeks I lost four toenail, one big toe nail included. Quite an eventful climb. - Sep 6, 2018 4:05 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2018

Summit Attempt up the Broken Eastern Glacier

Great day navigating many crevasses, ice falls, and seracs. Climbed to 9100 feet prior to heading back due to a late start, softening conditions and lack of a clear route to the summit.


LoganScamfer - Jun 26, 2018 8:54 am Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2018

Coleman-Deming Mt. Baker Route  Sucess!

Great climb with a 9AM start from 7200 ft Gargoyle Camp. Clear summit with a lower cloudy marine layer at about 1:15

rockymountain_guac - Oct 11, 2017 6:44 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2017

First time on ICE  Sucess!

Took a course with Alpine Ascents, learned a ton. Heavily crevassed so took a while but overall great day.


cbeats - Oct 6, 2017 11:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2017

Coleman Deming route  Sucess!

Great weather, great team, great climb!


Harvest - Sep 3, 2017 5:11 pm Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2017

North Ridge  Sucess!

*Ascent of the North Ridge Route 8/27/17


e-doc - Aug 23, 2017 9:53 am Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2017

C-D  Sucess!

First PNW summit in a few years. Nice sunset but a bit windy. Great return to the Cascades.


calebdyches - Aug 22, 2017 1:36 am Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2017

Coleman Deming - Cloudy Summit  Sucess!

Was clear in the morning around 3am, once we got near the Roman Wall it became pretty cloudy and windy, couldn't see too far ahead of us. We continued on into the lenticular cloud covering the summit and reached the summit around 830am. Hung out on the summit for about 15 minutes since it looked like it was trying to clear up but it never did so we headed back down. Once we passed the Roman wall again on the way down it began to clear up.

Matt Lemke

Matt Lemke - Jul 20, 2017 9:41 pm Date Climbed: Jun 18, 2017

North Ridge  Sucess!

Excellent route! Climbed right into a whiteout and didn't see much on the summit but was still worth it. Climbed with Jamie and Josh.

Jake Robinson

Jake Robinson - Jul 9, 2017 11:48 am Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2017

Coleman/Deming  Sucess!

Joined the hordes on the C/D on the hottest day of the year (so far). Started climbing at 4 AM and got down before the heat of the day. Much easier than anticipated, but still a lot of fun.

Sawtooth Scott

Sawtooth Scott - Jul 6, 2017 12:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2017

C-D Route  Sucess!

Conditions were warm and very sunny on the Heliotrope Trail to high camp just below the Black Buttes at about 6,700 ft. Many crevasses were seen on the lower Coleman Glacier but none were large enough to cause serious concern. At 1:05 am we heard the distinctive sound of an avalanche higher up the mountain. We began our summit bid at 3:30 am on 1 July with warm temps and snow that was high in water content and consolidated just under the surface. The Roman Wall was firm and deserves its reputation for being fairly steep. Spencer, Kent and I summited under full sun and increasingly soft snow. The descent was warm, with very soft snow and a seamingly endless train of climbers going up. Following our departure from high camp, we encountered yet more climbers and skiers and upon reaching the trail head, the parking area was packed with cars extending beyond the parking area about a quarter mile in each direction. This is a popular climb.

Baker is a beautiful climb and offers the mountaineer spectacular views from the summit. Highly recommended.


rtgomez90 - Jun 25, 2017 5:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2017

Midweek on CD  Sucess!

My second Baker summit. Brought Eniko and Briley up.


shanahan96 - Jun 25, 2017 1:38 am Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2017

north ridge  Sucess!

climbed the north ridge, AI3, with lemke and josh. today was one of those incredible times that brands itself deep in your memory, a fantastic line on a powerful line in a remote setting. love baker! what a mountain!


Kristian Martens

Kristian Martens - Jun 8, 2017 4:24 pm Date Climbed: Jun 3, 2017

Caught in the saddle  Sucess!

Coleman-Deming/Heliotrope Ridge route.
July 2-3 2017.
Perfect approach day - bluebird skies & great conditions. Just able to park at the Trailhead (first weekend to do so after heavy snowpack winter). Basecamp setup on Coleman glacier near Black Buttes. Most smaller crevasses covered - no sketchy crossings until higher elevations.
Overnight major storm hit - winds high enough to destroy a 4-season tent (rental from MEC). Up at 1:30 for coffee and to gear-up. Had to take-down tents due to conditions (would blow off the mtn if we weren't sleeping in them). 2 other groups plus ourselves, decided to rope up & make a summit attempt - we followed their path. Departed around 3:30am amidst blowing wind & heavy overcast conditions. Both other groups turned back around 6am. We continued briefly to the saddle between the Roman Wall & Colfax. Complete white-out. Evidence of significant and recent avalanche debris all around us. Large crevasses to navigate around - could barely see them in time. Post-holed a bit, prayed, waited 15 minutes for a miracle - then decided to return to basecamp.
Packed up gear and glissaded much of the way off the glacier & down the hogsback. Watch for hidden crevasses in the snow-pack adjacent to hogback, especially where creeks cross. Deep enough to swallow you. Had to jump across one, about 4ft wide & 20ft deep.
Approach trail was mixed - snow & open trail. Glacier creek crossing was very sketchy - although everyone appeared to make it. Many groups heading up on Saturday afternoon as we headed out.
All in all - a beautiful 2 days on the mountain with my 3 sons. Psalm 121 came alive.


Peaker - May 30, 2017 2:43 pm Date Climbed: May 27, 2017

Coleman/Deming  Sucess!

More or less walked up with a fellow peakbagger who had much more experience with glaciers and snow. Beautiful weather, lots of people out enjoying the mountain.

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