Mount Rainier Climber's Log

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travelin_light - Aug 25, 2007 1:31 am Date Climbed: May 30, 2004

DC  Sucess!

Saw a shooting star explode in the sky over on our way to the summit at about 2:00am. Even made a noise! Still can not believe to this day. I will have to double check my date is right...


pkrebs - Aug 20, 2007 5:02 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2007

Emmons Route  Sucess!

Did the Emmons route on July 7th, 2007. Weather was perfect, route was in great shape, a few large crevasse crossings but pretty smooth sailing the rest of the way.


wyattw - Aug 14, 2007 6:29 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2007


Not this time. My first backpacking trip ever. It was super hot. 2 day RMI climb. 4 day trip would have been much nicer and more likely to summit. DC rocks with crampons really isn't that pleasant! Despite the earlier hear I fell in love with my parka north of DC. I'll be back next year!


jaypisano - Aug 13, 2007 10:09 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2006

2nd attempt  Sucess!

after a failed attempt 1 month earlier due to climber illness a friend and i returned for our second attempt. picked up two solo climbers (named kyle and jerome best i can recall) at camp muir- great guys. clear skies, warm temps, bright moon and a meteor shower to boot. summitted via the DC on the unusually clear morning of aug 13. what an awesome weekend


Sara_Matisse - Aug 11, 2007 11:25 am

3rd Time is a Charm  Sucess!

After two other unsuccessful ascents of Rainier on two different routes (due to weather and timing issues), I decided to guide a group of friends up. It was a very rewarding experience to get two inexperienced climbers up and safely down Mt. Rainier:)


ridgegirl - Aug 11, 2007 1:54 am Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2007

DC-Emmons  Sucess!

LONG summit day, but lovely weather and we all made it to the top. The alternate route down and around the cleaver makes the climb more interesting, but longer. It was my Dad's 30th time on the summit.


Moogie737 - Aug 6, 2007 1:40 pm Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2007

Altered DC route  Sucess!

We all made the summit: Me, Joey, Lance, Joe and Lindsey. Very windy all the way up and 40-50 mph winds on top. Held up for one hour during ascent because of a girl who was blown off an ice bridge into a monster crevasse. She was shaken but fine after her extrication. Rainier is one BIG mountain, but I loved every minute of time spent on it.


nigelmcc - Aug 1, 2007 8:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2007

DC-variation  Sucess!

Incredible climb...even if it was crowded, badly crevassed, etc (all the same stuff everyone hears about the route). Crevasse situations above the Disappointment Cleaver forced us on a long descending traverse towards the Emmons glacier which added some veritable vert to the trip.


hiker100 - Jul 30, 2007 7:41 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2007

DC  Sucess!

Excellent Weather and some exciting terrain. Check out the exposure in the Pic I posted...


TheBootfitter - Jul 30, 2007 6:07 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2007

Turned back at bergshrund...

Our party of three dropped to two at Schurman. We climbed together with another party of three from Schurman. They left their third bivied at about 12,500 ft. Then, as two parties of two, with one noob on each rope, and moving fairly slowly, we reached the 25-ft, 55-degree bergschrund around 13,600 ft. It looked like a lot of fun to me, but sketched out one of the newbies. (He'd never swung an axe or clipped into protection.) Though I'm confident we could have continued up safely to the summit, we opted to stay together and head back down as a group.

I like it on top

I like it on top - Jul 30, 2007 4:37 pm Date Climbed: Jun 20, 2007

Fun Trip  Sucess!

What a great trip. The D.C. and weather were good. Our abilities and friendships are getting stronger. Awesome view from the top.


gimpilator - Jul 30, 2007 12:37 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2007

DC Alternate Route  Sucess!

This is my third summit of Rainier. It was a 2 day ascent led by Kevin. We spent the first night at Ingraham Flat. We heard news of unusual rockfall danger on the cleaver and something about sketchy free-standing ladders higher up. As an alternate route we traversed below the cleaver over to the Emmons Glacier and after navigating some tricky crevasses we joined the upper Emmons route at about 13,500 feet. Only 4 of us reached the summit. 6 turned around because of severe altitude sickness. Above 13,000 I was coughing up some stuff and wondering about the bubbling sounds my lungs were making.

On the descent between the Ingraham Glacier and the Cowlitz Glacier Anna suffered a head injury from rock fall. We should have been wearing helmets at that point. I was able to stop the bleeding with a make-shift bandage and she did not show any signs of a concussion or brain injury. Her gear was divided up and we helped her get back down to Muir and the parking lot.


reboyles - Jul 30, 2007 7:50 am

Kautz Glacier Route

Great mountaineering route. Three of us soloed to the summit from Camp Hazard. We left camp around 12:30 AM and made it to the summit just before 6:00 AM. We descended the route and made it back to camp by noon. The conditions were as perfect as it gets on Rainier. Not bad for a bunch of guys over 50.

Shirley Lam

Shirley Lam - Jul 26, 2007 3:29 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2005

Emmons  Sucess!

Great weather and even better climbing partners: Yannick, Zach, Jason, Kurt, Barnaby and Jeff. Thanks boys!


thelisa - Jul 23, 2007 7:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 20, 2003

No disappoint for us!  Sucess!

Since it was our first time attempting a glaciated peak we took the Disappointment Cleaver route. Camped at Camp Muir the first night, a windless night. Up at 03:00 to cool still conditions. Made it to Cathedral Rocks after some wandering around crevasses - everything was open by that time of the year. Reached the top of the Cleaver as the sun rose below us. Had the summit to ourselves, only 2 others from an RMI group had summited that day before us. Took our time heading back to Camp Muir and spent the afternoon and night there again to savour the whole experience.


smiarowski - Jul 18, 2007 4:49 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2007

DC ROUTE  Sucess!

Made the summit at 630a. Really windy, but it was a beautiful, sunny day!

William Marler

William Marler - Jul 18, 2007 12:32 am Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2007

Emmons Glacier  Sucess!

Long day from Camp Sherman. Summit and all the way out to the car. Beautiful route to a very windy summit. Many thanks to Jeff, Laurie and Tracy for inviting me along. Great part of the world.


nasak - Jul 17, 2007 3:35 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2007

DC Route  Sucess!

Got up early and headed to summit before RMI teams. Made for a quick approach (no waiting for folks) and some private time on the summit. Strong winds (45+) made the climb harder. A nice boot path all the way up. Views were amazing, though clouds prevented seeing much beyond the surrounding area.


kommish - Jul 16, 2007 2:59 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2007

Kautz Glacier  Sucess!

Went with IMG great guides 13 hour summit day. Great weather all 4 days in the low 30's.


deungsan - Jul 16, 2007 1:44 am Date Climbed: Jul 1, 1996

DC route with RMI  Sucess!

Great trip with great guides (5-day exp. seminar).

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