

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Wallnuts
Manufacturer DMM
Page By Nikolas_A
Page Type Jan 23, 2004 / Jan 23, 2004
Object ID 9662
Hits 1068
Most nuts are glorified wedges. Not Wallnuts. These are the most sophisticated nuts on the market. Subtle curves provide you with 3 stable points of contact. The dovetail shape allows for secure placements in shallow flares and the aggressively forged scoops will sit over crystals that would normally dislodge other nuts. Never leave the ground without them.

• Most sophisticated shape.

• Forged cavities reduce weight.

• Endless placement options.


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Nikolas_A - Jan 23, 2004 9:57 am - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
The first "new age" nuts, meaning what DMM's description says: not just wedges.

Their funny looking shape works great on irregular rock formations (see limestone and conglomerate for Greece) and very odd placement (like halfway in).

They sit everywhere, which is also a con, as sometimes they stick where you don't want them to.

Sometimes they are hard to clean but this also means that they rarely walk when you move past them.

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