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Alpinism partner for California and the world


Posted by MichaelJ on Sep 3, 2006
Page Views: 2591

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: San Francisco
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


I live in SF and would like to find a serious alpine climbing partner for local and worldwide adventures. By serious I mean someone with good climbing skills and experience on backcountry rock and ice who also the drive, determination and ambition to take it to the next level. Also a flexible schedule and the means to travel are important. Perhaps it would be easier to find a supermodel to date. In any event, I would like to find a partner to climb in the Sierra and Cascades this fall/winter/spring and perhaps in the greater ranges in the near future. I lead around 5.10/WI3 and have climbed in the Sierra, Alps and Andes.


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FrenchyclimberHello Mickael


I am a french climber, and stay in California for a few month. I will be off in November and I am looking for a partner. I want to visite the most beautifull cliff arround California, but I am open to other proposal like mountaineering or ice climbing. I can lead 5.9. I have all of my gear for ice climbing, mountaineering ang climbing. I want to live a great adventure in US. If you have on week free and wnt to do something let me know....my email address is olivon.mickael@laposte.net, and my phone number is 559 646 6579.

I hope to have some news from you!

Have a good climb...Peace.

Posted Oct 1, 2006 3:39 am



I’m not the guy you’re looking for but if you have any specific plans for something moderately technical, let me know. I’m not in your area so no chance for weekend/shorter trips. Still hoping to put together an Illiniza Sur, Antisana (and maybe El Altar but probably not) late in the year. (I think I sent you an e-mail about this sometime back.)

If you do find that perfect partner (or the supermodel for that matter), you should write a story about it because in my experience, it’s friggin’ impossible. (Maybe I’ll start a thread about this somewhere…)

Good luck.
Posted Oct 24, 2006 12:22 am

Paddyrocksounds good


I am moving to Frisco in a month or two. i have done quite a bit of mountaineering/climbing but like your self i have never found the right partner to push that bit further. i Climb "when fit" about 5.10 5.11 alpine D WI5 M7. god that sounds funny all these numbers mean shit really they r just numbers i consider myslef safe in the mountains but i have got in my fare share of epics.
I am injured at the moment from trying to push my self past those nembers i have listed. but i hope to be good for the winter ice season. i also plan to do a a few weeks climbing in chamonix this March..
keep in contact

Posted Oct 27, 2006 5:20 pm



I am thinking to make it to dana couloir in two weeks , are u up for it ? let me know .
Posted Oct 19, 2007 8:21 pm

mow10alpine climbing, seriously!


I live in Sonoma County and should have a lot of time on my hands this summer. It has always been a challenge to find anyone who can keep up with me (dare I say) but mabye I haven't tried hard enough. I love to travel fast and light, and most of the alpine stuff I have done has been simul in the 5.5-5.7 range yet I am comfortable on 10s, often onsighting 11a/b. Lets talk and if you like hit some local rock to discuss alpine ventures.
Posted Feb 24, 2007 8:24 pm

HamidaghLet's go!



Shoot me and Email and let's see if we have some common objectives. I have a lot of free time on my hand, and a whole lot of motivation. I plan to climb in the Sierras and other North American ranges this summer.

Posted May 25, 2007 7:11 pm

urbanprojectsPartner Needed for Mt. Whitney
Check out my posting on Summit Post and let me know if you are interested in this adventure.

"Partner Needed- Mt. Whitney 7-31-07"
Posted Jul 17, 2007 2:09 pm

floreahi !


At any time during week days ! I am every day almost at planet granite too so let me know if you are interested in going climbing .My main thing is ice climbing .I am planing to go do Dana Couloir the first week of nov . let me know if there is any interes .Ciao.
Posted Oct 19, 2007 8:25 pm

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