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Cerro San Lorenzo expedition, new route N-W-face


Posted by Nikman on Feb 8, 2007
Page Views: 1756

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: -47.59621 -72.31133
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Will accept Partners


I would like to build up a strong team for a private expedition to find a direct way up the NW-face of Cerro San Lorenzo leading over "Hombro Norte" to the mainsummit.

Nobody ever did a direct line through this face or completed a route up upon one of those ridges, although such a line would lead to the summit on a much shorter route than the current normalroute (Agostini).

During my CSL-expedition in 2004/2005 I studied those ridges and I think there are some possibilities.

If anybody wants to give it a try: contact me! I can provide some more information about my idea, which I developed some years ago.

Actual status @ September 2007:
The expedition will take place. We are a team of two guys right now. My partner will be a German mountaineer, who's been living in Chile already for a while.
If you are interested, too... A bigger team might be a stronger team, so don't wait to contact me.

Update @ 22.12.2007:
My wife became seriously ill at the beginning of this week and had to go to hospital for surgery. There was no alternative but canceling the expedition, I organised for more than half a year now. I am very sorry for Steffen, who should have been my partner, but my family has priority over the mountains. Health can be a transient gift, mountains stay in place for a lifetime and won't be gone another day.
Maybe there will be another try.


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Scott PierceWhen

Scott Pierce

Nikman-When are you going south?
Posted Sep 24, 2007 5:55 am



Hi Scott,

I will fly to Buenos Aires Dec 22, 2007 and return to Germany Jan 13, 2008.

The time window at the mountain will be during the last two weeks of that period.

If you send me an E-mail back I can provide some pictures with the planned route.

Greetings, Niklas

Posted Oct 6, 2007 6:52 pm

kholodenkoEver make it?
Hi Guys, I know this was a while ago. Did you ever make it up that route? I've been looking to do something similar on San Lorenzo
Posted Aug 25, 2011 5:33 pm

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