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Looking for Mountaineers based in Argentina


Posted by SiggiSoleyjar on Jun 25, 2009
Page Views: 1029

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Buenos Aires
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hi guys,

I am always looking for partners to journey with and do a bit of mountaineering. I do a lot of solo trips, out of necessity more than interest – because the true nomad is a rare animal.

I am currently spending a lot of time in Argentina and I want to use the time to do a bit of leg work, long and short trips, something challenging.

Anyone living in Buenos Aires, bored with city life and looking for a partner in crime?

I am looking at Ojos Del Salado in early 2010 and I might visit Ecuador soon for a bit of mountain air.

I am keen to get out and about and although I have already climbed Aconcagua (normal route), I could be tempted to do it again (nice little trip), maybe via the Polish Glacier route in early 2010.

I am not much of a rock specialist, but I know a bunch of stuff about winter survival, navigation, weather and expedition planning.




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Caropatagoniadesde Calafate


Hola!, como va!?
Yo tambien hice Aconcagua x la normal, x Polacos estaria bueno.
No te motiva el Ojo del Salado, catamarca, alto, super salvaje!
A mi tambien me gusta subir en solo, pero viste q la alta montaña es jodida.
Bue estamos en contacto
Mucho gusto!!!!
Posted Sep 5, 2009 11:50 am

ingsany mountain


Hi Siggi, I am taking some time off from work and planning to do some climbing in Argentina Nov/Dec 2009 or Feb 2010. I have done some local californian mtneering like Whitney, Shasta and some smaller mountains. My skills are sufficient for crampon and ice axe routes. I do not know how to set up ropes but travelled on fixed roped climbs before.
I am interested to climb anything and of course Aconcagua. Congrats on your solo climb!! Very cool.
Let me know if you are interested. A PM would be great!
Posted Oct 4, 2009 11:13 pm

laurentsebmelOpen minded climber


I will be in Argentina and Chile from the 5th of January to the 10th of April 2010. I was also planning doing solo climbs to discover some high peaks but it's always better to share nice trips (and loads...) with someone else.
I'm from Switzerland and i'm doing everything you can do in the Alps from backcountry skiing to rock and ice climbing.
My travel plan is flexible and depends a lot on the propositions I will get from other climbers I will met before or during the trip.
I'm not realy motivated by the overcrowded peaks, so Aconcagua is absolutely not a necessity ( or maybe the Polish route). I was thinking about the Mercedario, or some less known peaks, anyway i'm interested in climbing everthing from the smallest crag to the highest peaks.

See you


Posted Oct 7, 2009 4:05 am



Looking for partners for Aconcagua in early January 2010 and open for the Polish Glacier route. Check out my summitpost page and lets stay in touch...


Posted Oct 16, 2009 1:30 am



Hi Siggi,

I'm looking for an similiarly experienced climber to do some mountains. I have time off from Nov-Feb and am looking for a committed partner. My goal would be to start in Ecuador (although I did read a great New York Times article about climbing in Colombia.) Then head south to Argentina for a Polish Route climb. If I can't find a partner I'd probably solo the standard route, but it's a lot of weight to carry. Would love to see Patagonia also, but that would start jamming up the time.



Please email me if you're serious about it hockettw at gmail.com
Posted Oct 22, 2009 1:45 pm

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