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Need partner for quick Mont Blanc attempt in March


Posted by Quadaxial on Dec 19, 2006
Page Views: 717

Activity Details

Dates: Feb 24, 2007 through Mar 10, 2007
Location: France
City or Place: Petit Mont Blanc
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Need Partners



I'm going to be spending a week in Paris for work sometime at the end of February or early March and I'm thinking about taking a few days off before heading back to Los Angeles (where I'm from) to give Mont Blanc a go.

I've climbed in the Sierras and Bolivia, but never in the Alps, and I'm looking for someone to go with. I'd preferably like to find someone with at least a little knowledge of French, since I know next to none. Bonus points if you're familiar with the Alps or Mont Blanc. Mountaineering skills, specifically winter experience, are obviously required.

If you're interested, please get in touch with me at jbrooks@lrwonline.com. My dates aren't set in stone yet, but once they are, I'm unfortunately going to be tied to pretty unflexible dates. I'd like to at least start some dialogue with some interested folks before I go.

Thanks for your time, hope to go climbing with ya!



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