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Numbur Cheese trek plato and Mera peak


Posted by rtkr on Feb 26, 2016
Page Views: 412

Activity Details

Date: After Oct 10, 2016
Location: Nepal
City or Place: Nepal
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


Numbur cheese trek is very easy. The only difficult thing is acclimatisation. You will need to climb 4000 in 2 days. 8 hour from Kathmandu by bus to Jiri, no special permit. The highest point is 4800. In 2013 we've met only 2 groops in 8 days. But the trek itself is not the main point. To the East there is an interesting plato with altitudes 5000-5400. On the maps and google earth the plato looks available, without big glaciers. Also, there can be some way to Rowaling (without permit, ja!) The main idea is:
Start from Numbur cheese trek, then go east, cross the plato and step down to Dudh-pokhari. I think that will take 14-15 days. From Dudh-pokhari there are different ways to lukla or back to Kathmandu (both very colourful, through the jungles). There is an interesting way to Mera valley.
If I'll found the partner to share permit costs, we can climb mera peak as well.
I'm looking for a partner with an apropriate experience.
I speak english, deutsch and russian.


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