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Wind Rivers and/or Canyonlands


Posted by SaintElias on Mar 7, 2011
Page Views: 368

Activity Details

Dates: Apr 1, 2011 through Apr 30, 2011
City or Place: Wind River Mtn. Range, Wyoming
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing
Partner Status: Need Partners


I am looking for partners (male or female) for two different trips; these trips to take place in April. One of the trips is a ski-mountaineering expedition into the Titcomb Basin area of the Wind River mountain range of Wyoming. This trip would involve about 60 miles, round-trip, of skiing. The approach to Titcomb Basin would be from the Elkhart Park area trailhead, just outside of the town of Pinedale WY. If it is suitable for the partnership, this trip could also incorporate a climb of Gannett Peak or possibly some other peaks in the area. The time involved for this trip would be about 10 days.
The second trip is a backpacking/canyoneering venture into the Canyonlands of Southern Utah. There are two places that I am most interested in going to, either one or the other: A route in the Dark Canyon area or an area in Canyonlands National Park called The Maze. I would like this trip to be a length of about 10 days also.
I am flexible in regard to the exact days either one of these trips actually takes place in April. I am thinking of the Wind River trip to take place during the first couple of weeks of April and the Southern Utah trip in the latter part of April; but if a different combination would work better for you, just let me know.
So, if there is anyone out there that would like to join with me in either one or both of these trips, please get back to me as soon as you can.


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