Guide Services & Instruction

Guide Services & Instruction
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Guide Services & Instruction
Page By Steve Larson
Created/Edited Jan 25, 2007 / Apr 18, 2007
Object ID 2108
Hits 9613
Page Score 87.76%

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Category Description

No matter what your skill or experience level, no matter what your objectives, there is a guide service or noncommercial organization out there somewhere (probably several) that would be happy to help you meet your goals. This gear category is an experiment to see if we can accumulate enough information on guide services to provide a useful place for people who are interested to start looking for a guide. I envisioned two main kinds of “gear” pages in this category, although people should feel free to come up with others:

  • Individual guiding and instruction providers (people can post their experiences with a company or a group to these pages)
  • Guiding and instruction services available in a specific area (e.g., California, Chamonix, Everest, South America)

In a similar vein, Alpinist has put up a list of climbing schools (US/Canada only) with links to their websites and a summary of the courses offered by each school. Worth checking out.

Some thoughts on page content

I suggest that submitters of pages in this category consider including the following information for individual guiding and instruction providers:

  • How long they’ve been in business
  • Who are the principle guides?
  • Principal areas of operation
  • Principal types of trips or course offerings
  • Contact information
  • A link to their web site (if they have one)
I figure area pages would pretty much consist of a list of companies operating in a given area, and maybe some information on permit restrictions (such as those in effect on Denali) if they exist. Information on going rates for common climbs (like summiting Denali, Everest, Aconcagua, and other popular climbs) might also be useful.
