MSR Fusion 3


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title MSR Fusion 3
Manufacturer MSR
Page By IagosGhost
Page Type Feb 9, 2007 / Feb 9, 2007
Object ID 2558
Hits 10995

Product Description

A lightweight, 3-person tent with great ventilation for spring and summer use as well as the necessary warmth and strength for fall and winter weather. The huge D-shaped door allows easy entry and exit—even when bundled up in full winter garb. (Source: MSR webpage)


Huge Door:
Allows 2 people shoulder-to-shoulder access for such tasks as preparing food in the vestibule.
Superior Ventilation:
Excellent high/low venting through large mesh panels and an adjustable wire peak vent. (Source: MSR webpage)


3-pole design
4 guy out points
8 stakes-6 for tent body, 2 for fly vestibule
Full coverage fly

This is a 3-person version of the MSR Fusion 2. The Fusion 3 is discontinued; however, MSR still produces the SuperFusion 3 which is larger and designed differently.
(Source: IagosGhost)


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IagosGhost - Feb 9, 2007 4:48 pm - Hasn't voted

Not the best of both worlds.
This tent was billed as a 3-4 season "Convertible" tent. As an eager neophyte backpacker, I bought it thinking I would have a great tent for every situation I might find myself in. I soon began to regret my decision as I became more experienced. The quality and workmanship have never been in question--both are top-notch. However, I realized that trying to make a tent to serve two different applications yields a product that doesn't work as well as it could in either application. As a three season tent it is much too heavy and hot. As a winter I think it would work well, but for the price one could buy genuine 4-season tent.

Pros: Great quality and strength. The tent easily handled 40-mph winds.

Cons: Heavy weight. Poor ventilation in summer time. The 3-pole design and cut of the rain fly create an area above the door where rain and snow can collect. For winter applications more guy out points would be useful.

Conclusion: While the tent is great quality and very strong it is overkill for summer usage and adequate for winter. One can buy a 3-season tent which is much cheaper,lighter, and better for its intended purpose.

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