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The Haute Route the Hard Way


Posted by bbirtle on Sep 18, 2006
Page Views: 1570

Activity Details

Dates: Jan 1, 2007 through Apr 1, 2007
City or Place: Haute Route
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Mountaineering, Skiing
Partner Status: Want Partners


"The Haute Route involves a BUS TRANSFER?!"

"Is *that* the Haute Route? Wow it looks like rush hour on the I-5!"

Not My Haute Route!

I want to do it using the winter rooms, bringing a stove and food to save cash and experience this classic route without all the crowds. That means doing it a bit pre-season. During 2005 and 2006 there were several excellent windows during February/March where we had both excellent weather and a stable snowpack due to prolonged periods in between storms. Ski touring isn't necessarily best or safest after that imaginary "March 15th" boundary that most people tend to think. In fact the last three years we've seen some horrendous weather and horribly dangerous conditions during that period!

I would also like to try it without any lifts, and from Chamonix town center to Zermatt town center all on "our own power". That unfortunately means on day 1 a slog at the beginning up the ski de fond piste, up the Piere a Ric piste of Les Grands Montets, and a fairly boring trek on the Argentiere Glaciar. But aside from day 1, the lifts don't help and days 2-7 would be on your own power whether you like it or not. So, hey, why not make it an "all foot power" trip.

Chamonix to Zermatt
No friggin Lifts.
No friggin buses.
No expensive mountain huts.
Dead of winter.
Alone in the mountains.
The old fashioned way.

Day 1: Chambre Neuf bar (Chamonix) to Argentiere Hut (winter room / bivy)
Day 2: ... to La Fouly (town - hotel)
Day 3: ... to St. Bernard Monestary (hotel?)
Day 4: ... to Velon Hut (winter room / bivy)
Day 5: ... to Chanrion Hut (winter room / bivy)
Day 6: ... to Vignettes Hut (winter room / bivy)
Day 7: ... to Papperla Pub (Zermatt)


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gbvelezHaute Route


I have done it in 1988 and there is no bus transfer. You walk a little on the road to get to La Fouly.
I did it through Glacier Ottema, you seem to indicate a different itinerary between La Fouly and Chanrion. I think we went to Valsorey hut after La Fouly. Seems to be a more challenging itinerary. It gives you the possibility to climb a 4000'er which name I do not recall but it is a well known peak.
Good luck.
Posted Sep 28, 2006 5:03 pm

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