Trail Running Shoes

Trail Running Shoes
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Trail Running Shoes
Page By asaking11
Created/Edited May 23, 2010 / May 23, 2010
Object ID 7123
Hits 4833
Page Score 0%

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Category Description

Trail running shoes are specially designed shoes that have aggressively knobby soles that are generally more rigid than road running shoes. The usually EVA compound midsole often contain a lightweight, flexible nylon plastic layer to protect the feet from puncture wounds from sharp rocks or other objects. Since trail running takes place on softer surfaces (e.g., grass, dirt) than road races, cushioning is not as important so often the shoes are less 'cushioned' than their counterparts designed for tarmac. Additionally, trail running shoes are low to the ground which provides the best stability on uneven terrain.
