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Denali Team


Posted by johnfho on Oct 19, 2010
Page Views: 773

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Connecticut, United States
City or Place: Meriden
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Need Partners


I'm trying to put together a team for the west buttress. Looks like mid-June 2011 is a go; however, 2012 would be a nice alternate. As of this post, we have a team of four and are looking for more, perhaps even another rope team. If we can form a team with previous experience on 14ers, train enough to build good rapport and confidence in each other's skills, anything is possible. I plan on training in the Presidentials this winter, maybe back to the Cascades or Colorado in spring. This is an unguided trip and therefore, previous mountaineering and cold weather experience are required. Post or private message me.

My experience:
Rainier via Fuhrer Finger
Hood solo via South Side
Rainier via DC
Baker via Easton Glacier
Rainier solo via DC DNS
Numerous winter trips (some solo overnighters) above treeline in Presidentials and Whites.
Several week-long winter hiking trips.
Multiple cold weather field problems when I was in the infantry.
I can follow 5.10+ on rock and lower grade ice.
All my trips were unguided

I am committed to training all angles of the equation, am easy to get along with, and have common sense that supplements experience and training. If you have a reputation for tantrums, clumsiness, inattention to detail, irrational choices under pressure, or carry a hatchet/military surplus shovel, this is not the trip for you.

Looking forward!


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yapilotJoin in some capacity


Hi there,

I don't think I have enough experience just yet to join you guys on the trip itself, but perhaps I could join you for your training sessions in the Whites?

I have been up Washington a few times in the winter via Lyon's Head, Right and Left Gullys, and some overnight trips. I'm taking some intermediate to advanced courses in the beggining of the winter to boost my skills. Plans for higher peaks out west and intenationally are definitely in the near future.

Please let me know if you're interested in any capacity. E-mail is best: yapilot2001@yahoo.com

Posted Nov 15, 2010 11:07 am




Been on my tick list for years, just never planned the trip.
What level of experience do you and the team have?

Will this be a guided? What route? West Buttress?

Get back to me, perhaps we can hookup in NH. Alpine ice or waterfall, its all good. I can lead WI4+ and 5.10 rock

Climb On!
Posted Nov 16, 2010 10:44 am



I am trying to find a Denali trip to join. I couldn't do 2011 but could definitely do 2012. I have both glacier and high altitude experience! Would love to talk to you about this more. Please let me know!
Posted Dec 28, 2010 7:09 pm

gorangeDenali 2011


I have high altitude experience:
- Kilimanjaro (summit)
- Aconcagua (summit)
- Elbrus (summit)
- Denali (no summit / bad weather)

General fitness:
- Numerous solo bicycle expeditions (Cross Canada/ Cross Europe)
- Numerous Marathon
- Ironman.

I am interested in climbing Denali again in 2011. I would like to talk specifics, please message me.
Posted Feb 8, 2011 2:57 pm

gorangeno response.


I suppose this is a joke expedition.
Posted Feb 24, 2011 8:51 pm

thecroceCT climber/aspiring Mountaineer
John I am very itnerested, in just finding climbing partners in this area in general. I would love to do denali, though dont have the experience yet. I have a done winter climbs in the adirondacks, looking to do a lot of the whites this upcoming winter, and then rainer next spring, hoping with maybe meeting some people and gianign expiernce denali would be a posibility in the near future, though if not would still lvoe to meet people in CT to climb with, and gain experience from. Hit me up if itnerested thecroce@gmail.com
Posted Jun 7, 2011 6:08 pm

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