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MA / NH Hiking and Climbing!


Posted by jjdubs on Feb 10, 2011
Page Views: 630

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Watertown, MA
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Will accept Partners


3 Roommates from Watertown, MA- avid hikers / mountaineers / climbers.

From day trips to Quincy quarries / Hammond pond, weekends in the whites, and a week trip to Rainier this summer, if you've got the skills and are looking to meet up for some adventuring, hit me up and we'll work something out!


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thecroceAspiring CT climber
Hi there, I am a beginner mountaineer (have done very little winter) but have hiked most of the whites and adirondacks in the summer, and lookign to start gaining winter experience. I have the necessary gear etc, would lvoe to meet some people to hike/climb with this summer then get out to the mountains with this winter. I am very dedicated to learning / increasing my skills, and also have goals set upon Rainer / pretty much any peak inb the near future. Would lvoe to meet people who sahre the same goals. Im located in CT, but obviously have no quarrels with driving out to hike/climb/mountaineer. am free most weekends thecroce@gmail.com
Posted Jun 7, 2011 6:19 pm

2ManyHobbiessame as you


whats up man- from what you posted it sounds like we do pretty much the same stuff. I live in North Attleboro now and have about 5 people that I hike/climb with fairly regularly. We've done a lot in the Whites, Katahdin a few times, summitted Shasta in CA earlier this summer. I'd like to do a bunch of stuff over the winter in the Whites this year and am always looking for more motivated partners. Message me back or send me your number or something and we will get some things together.
Posted Sep 6, 2011 12:47 pm

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