Dragon's Tooth, VA

Dragon's Tooth, VA

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Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking

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Dragon's Tooth- (8-13-09) Wow. Dante and I left early and when we arrived at the parking lot (needs work) off 311 from I-81, it was about 64 degrees. Eager to get started we began to hike the trail. It was through a nice forest with plenty of stones and a creek you cross over about 6-7 times. The ascent was gradual but constant with several switchbacks. Eventually we reached the intersection of the AT where there were several nice spots to set up camp. We made a right onto the white blazed AT and that is when things got...tiring. The trail became significantly more rocky and steep. The book said it was this way for the entire .7 miles and they were correct. I met up with a man hiking by himself and we ascended together. The rocks were slippery due to sand (and I would definitely not want to do this in the rain or snow) and in no time I was covered in sweat. In some places you had to boulder a little bit and it was difficult with a baby in a Bjorn. They even had metal hooks hammered into some of the rock to help you get a foothold. When we finally reached the top, it was a short walk to the Tooth. It does look like a tooth and I decided I have come this far, I need to get to the top of that thing. There is a boulder wedged between 2 slabs of rock that I climbed over with Dante with some difficulty. Once at the top, the drop off is immediate. I sat there while some people took our picture. They were very nice and even offered me some fruit snacks. When it was time to get down, we walked a little further on to a secluded spot so I could feed Dante. Once full and fat, we began our descent. This was the most difficult descent I have ever done. Because of the Bjorn, I cannot see directly beneath me. As I previously mentioned the rocks were slippery and I actually did slip two times, one of which was very scary. I was so happy to see the Blue Blazed trail, getting me off the AT. After that is was just a nice downhill walk through the woods. The views were nice and the climb was strenuous (just the way I like it), and I would do this trail again. The only wildlife I saw were several lizards and boy were they fast! 4.5/5

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