<i><font color=brown>Turkey Vulture's Roost</i></font>

Turkey Vulture's Roost

Yes, many surprises await the common hiker in central Arizona. When I was descending from this ridge of granite boulders, I looked back to see five Turkey Vultures circling overhead. They apparently were looking for a place to roost for the evening. One of them actually landed upon a smooth wall of rock I had been exploring. In this photo, you can see the dark object on the south-facing side of the large boulder. I affectionally labeled it as Buzzard. Buzzard is really enjoying itself on this clean face of rock. In fact, it probably doesn't even know (or care) that I had been exploring its roost 15 minutes earlier. (Buzzards are the true "vacuum cleaners" of the desert.) Photo taken May 5, 2008 in central AZ My wife tells me that I'm living inside a vacuum cleaner. I tell her, "That really sucks!" GET IT???
on May 14, 2008 2:25 pm
Image Type(s): Bouldering,  Hiking,  Wildlife,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery,  Humor
Image ID: 403766


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