Kings Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 161-180 of 284

Bkoziol3 - Jul 6, 2010 5:49 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2010

Solitude in the Uintas

Camped at Dollar Lake. Summit day winds were 20-30 sustained gusting to well over 40mph.. cut over to Anderson Pass from Gunsight Pass. Stayed really high and went up over backside of Byrd to Anderson. a couple class 3 and 4 moves along the way. Descended via Toilet Bowl..


jamesmc2 - Jul 5, 2010 12:13 am

First Peak I Ever Climbed  Sucess!

This is the first real peak I ever climbed as part of a solo backpacking trip when I was 16. I grew hiking in the Uintas and learned to love the outdoors here.


Judd97 - Jul 1, 2010 10:27 am Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2010

Love the Uintas  Sucess!

Seventh state highpoint. Climbed this with two buddies from college. Great trip!


Pfeiffer75 - May 9, 2010 10:43 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2008

Nice highpoint  Sucess!

Climbed via the standard Gunsight/Andersen pass route. Twisted my leg on a loose rock near the summit. Had to limp down to our campsite near Island Lake


Snowslogger - Dec 30, 2009 4:42 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2005

A great area  Sucess!

A fun trip and a moose sighting.

utclimber - Nov 7, 2009 2:58 pm Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2008

4 Peaks in a Day  Sucess!

I climbed Henrys Fork Peak, West Gunsight Peak, Kings Peak, and South Kings Peak in a day from Henrys Fork Trailhead. Round trip was around 12 hours.
I also climbed Kings Peak as a two-day trip in August 1998.


Darren9 - Nov 6, 2009 11:29 pm

spring break extravanganza

The thrilling conclusion to a 6 day ski mountaineering saga, in skinny teles and leather boots. Banzai!


sepra - Sep 16, 2009 9:54 pm Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2009

Long hike, but worth it!  Sucess!

Avery got a lot of compliments for doing it at six years old. Way to go to Avery and Lori. Thanks for going up with me!


punchline - Sep 6, 2009 1:08 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2009

Better than being at work!  Sucess!

Nice trip - camped about 1 mile south of Dollar Lake close to Gunsight Pass and found this great basin to call "home." Basically had the area to ourselves. Managed to avoid the crowds and the afternoon thunderstorms. Would like to try Anderson Pass Scree ascent next time!


shphilby - Sep 5, 2009 4:50 pm Date Climbed: Aug 21, 2006

Bout Time  Sucess!

Camped at Dollar Lake. We passed everyone on our way in and almost had the area to ourselves. The last little climb to the peak was fun. Had a good time on the peak and went straight down instead of following the trail back.


TLP - Sep 3, 2009 9:44 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2009

First time backpacking  Sucess!

Went with a buddy from Flagstaff. First time that I went backpacking. We stayed at Dollar Lake. Next day we made the summit. We didn't take the shortcut at gunsight pass, and that made things longer. Then on the way back we again didn't take the shortcut, and sort of got all mixed up on the trails down in the basin. Sort of made our own trail back to Gunsight Pass. Overall it was a great experience. I'll always remember it.


JDrake - Aug 15, 2009 7:25 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2009

Day Hike   Sucess!

9/7 went back for a day hike. Perfect weather. Up and back in 15 hours - not blazing but good for me. Loved it! Had the summit to myself on Labor Day.

8/7 Didn't summit. Got to Gunsight Pass where half of my group declared they could go no further. In their defense, we were hammered pretty hard the day and night before by thunderstorms, hail, rain, and cold temps. I'll be going back to day-hike this around Labor Day in order to summit. Beautiful area.


gwave47 - Aug 10, 2009 11:55 pm Date Climbed: Jul 24, 2009

HP #35  Sucess!

Day Hike - 13.5 hours
Weather was great the whole way up and horrible the whole way down.


dirth - Aug 6, 2009 1:49 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2009

Wow  Sucess!

Exact same experience as 96avs01. My estimate ~500 people in the area the days we were in there. ~100 people in the trailhead register by 1pm when we left most on 4-5 day trips. The area was a zoo. When I left there were 6 cars in line to take my parking spot because all parking + overflow + horse trailer parking was full.

David Mortensen

David Mortensen - Aug 6, 2009 1:17 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 1992

King's Peak  Sucess!

Nice mountain! I did this as a teenager with a scout group.


96avs01 - Aug 3, 2009 12:16 am Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2009

Never have I truly  Sucess!

appreciated a trailhead quota system until visiting this area. We signed in at noon, after 82 other people (that all seemed to be heading towards Dollar Lake)! Summit day was nice with the traverse from Gunshot Pass to Anderson Pass saving ~2 miles. Descended the scree/talus chute back into the drainage for more mileage savings. Nice peak, but way too many people!

danielrfay - Jul 29, 2009 5:30 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2009


About 30 minutes before we reached the Dollar Lake area to set up camp the rain rolled in and didn't stop for about 12 hours. Once we frantically got the tents up in the rain the thunder and lighting hammered the basin for a solid 2 hours with a couple strikes easily within a mile. Pretty crazy to feel it that close!

We woke up the next time hoping for better weather but the peak was covered in dark clouds for two hours while we were deciding to head up, then the rain started again. We packed up and headed back to the trailhead.

At home the weather channel had issued multiple warnings for heavy rains and lighting in the area. We hated turning back but we'll have to try for the summit again.


seanpeckham - Jul 22, 2009 12:26 am Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2009

from China Meadows  Sucess!

Base camp was at Smiths Fork Lake, climbed Kings on day 2. The huge alpine meadows we crossed between Smiths Fork Pass and Anderson Pass were really nice. Had to wait at Anderson Pass to see what the storm would do - when it looked like it was blowing away to the east, we went for it and the weather was nice by the time we got to the top. This is at least as cheesy as it is cool, but we brought Kings Peak Porter to drink on the summit. Day 3 climbed Wilson Peak and spent a third (and cold) night before heading down.


craghag - Jul 18, 2009 1:01 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2008

Brokethumb Mountain  Sucess!

Dayhike. I hiked solo until I hooked up with Art and Jeff. Art and i missed the short cut at Gunsight and suffered through pain-ter basin to summit jamboree. Upon departing the summit block,I slipped on snow and broke my left hand):. Thanks to Art and Jeff for medical services rendered.


mrchad9 - Jul 7, 2009 6:59 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2008

Kings Peak  Sucess!

Up the standard route over Gunsight Pass, down Anderson Pass. Great trip with too many mosquitos. Spent an hour watching two huge moose eating grass from bottom of a lake near camp- pretty cool.

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