Cerro de la Silla

Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 25.37840°N / 100.1409°W
Additional Information Elevation: 5971 ft / 1820 m
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This mountain is the symbol of the city of Monterrey, it lies on the eastern
end of the city and it`s part of the La SIlla range that runs parallel to the Sierra Madre Oriental range. It has four peaks, they are (from north to south): Pico Antena, Pico Norte, Pico Sur and Pico la Virgen; this last one being the lowest one at 1750 m., and Pico Norte the highest at 1820 m. They are climbed by a lot of sports enthusiasts, the first two being the most popular, and Pico la VIrgen the least frecuented. Pico Antena is an easy walk up to the top; Pico Norte is harder and includes a long category 3 scramble section before the summit trough either the elefantes or el caracol routes; Pico Sur is the hardest with many sections of rock climbing and scrambling and a 12 meter category 4 rock climb at the summit; following the same creek route you get to Pico la Virgen but with out the last steep rock climb. The trailheads for all peaks start at about the same altitude, 560-590 meters.

Getting There

The trail to the Antena starts across the street from parque La Pastora (zoo) where the houses end, and it`s very wide. The head trail to Pico Norte starts at the end of the Contry La Silla neighborhood, and it goes along the creek at the bottom of the canyon between Pico Antena and Pico Norte, this trail divides in two, the elefantes trail to the left and the caracol trail to the right, the last one being the steepest one; both come together at about half way up and form a single one that goes to the top. The starting point for either Pico Sur or Pico la Virgen is at parque Canoas, hiking trough the popular colonia San Angel and entering the canyon between both peaks, before reaching the final ridge the trail divides, to the left Pico Sur, and Pico la Virgen to the right.

Red Tape

No permits are required.

When To Climb

Year round, but specially from October trough April, the cooler months. Climbing in the wet season is discouraged, especially if climbing Pico Sur, which can be dangerous.


Camping is allowed, the best spots are on Pico Norte, half way up at La Carbonera; another spot is about 30 meters below the summit and on the summit itself (exposed).

Mountain Conditions

The conditions on this mountain hardly ever change, snowy or icy weather are extremely rare, normally the weather is the same as in Mobterrey.

You can check the weather conditions here:


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CLMcGee - Aug 22, 2009 4:57 pm - Voted 6/10

Location Correction

The point where "Cerro de la Silla should be located at is N 25 deg, 37.844' W 100 deg, 14.090' This is the third time I have advised you of this error. even on the map provided the mountain is named at this location. Clarke L. McGee


pacojgarza - Oct 23, 2012 12:15 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Location Correction

Got it.

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