Located on the Swiss-Autrian border, Sulzfluh is an important summit of the Rätikon Mountains, part of the northern Limestone Alps, is easy to climb and provides a beautiful view from the top.
The mountain range of the Rätikon is enframed by the Rhine in the West, the Ill in the North and the Silvretta in the East. The southern border is formed by the Landquart, which is already in Switzerland. Many people will be disappointed, that none of the Rätikon's peaks reaches the 3000m and only one small glacier, the Brandner Gletscher, exists in this area. But these circumstances might turn out to be big advantages for the hiker: almost every mountain and also the Sulzfluh can easily be reached without crampons and/or ice axe. So the Sulzfluh is the ideal region for alpine tours and climbs even for the beginner.
Sulzfluh is the east neighbour of the fantastic Drusentürme called also Drei Türme, a jewel of the Alps. The summit dominates the Gauertal (Montafon, Autria) in the north and the valley of Sankt Antönien in the south (Prättigau, Switzerland).
Live cam with Sulzfluh
Getting There
A) Start point in Austria : SCHRUNS
To get to Schruns :
- By car :
From Germany over Lindau-Bregenz, Pfänder- and Ambergtunnel, or From Schwitzerland over Feldkirch on the highway to Bludenz-Ost or from Innsbruck-:
a) over Landeck-Paznauntal-Silvretta Hochalpenstraße (only in summer)
b) through the Arlbergtunnel/Arlbergpaß over Bludenz-Ost to Schruns-Tschagguns.
Bludenz - Schruns-Tschagguns = 13 km
- By train :
International station (ÖBB) in Bludenz - Montafonerbahn to Schruns-Tschagguns
- By plane :
Nearest airports :
*Zürich Kloten (CH -152 km)
*Friedrichshafen (D - 95 km)
*Altenrhein (CH - 85 km)
*Innsbruck -(A 150 km)
From Schruns, you must walk to Lindauer Hut or Tilisunahut
To Lindauer Hut :
- From Latschau over Gauertal : 2,5 h. From Schruns take the car to Tschagguns. Car park in Latschau near the electric power-station. Take one of the two tracks which lead to the hut through the Gauertal (these tracks are also used by mountain-bikers).
- From Golm over Latschätzweg : 1,5 h. Use the Golmer railway from Latschau.
- From Golm over Golmer Höhenweg and Geissspitz : 3,5 h. Beautiful walk over the crest.
To Tilisuna Hut :
- From Grabs : Tobellake path. : 3 h
- From Tschagguns over Gampadelstal : 4,5 - 5 h
B) Start point in Switzerland : SANKT ANTÖNIEN
To get there :
- By car :
Highway Zurich - Chur exit Landquart. Direction Prättigau. At Küblis turn left in the valley of Sankt Antönien.
- By train :
Rätik railway from Landquart to Klosters. Most train stop in Küblis.
- By plane
Nearest airport : Zürich Kloten (2 h 1/2 distant)
From Sankt Antönien, you must walk to Garschina Hut (or Carschina Hut)
Red Tape
No red tape
When To Climb
Sulzfluh can be climbed all the year (in winter with skis)
Routes Overview
1) Rachen route from Lindauer Hut : 3,5 - 4 h ( Schruns)
2) Karrenfeld from Tilisuna Hut : 2 h (Schruns)
3) Gemstobel from Garschina Hut : 2,5 h (Sankt Antönien)
Rachen ski-route
= > LINDAUER HUT 1744 m :
home page
Contact : Beck Thomas Brand 12
A 6708 Brand
Telephone 0043/664/5033456
Open :
Summer : begin june to mid october
Winter : 26. december to 6. january and end february to end march.
Beds 40
Lager 120
Notlager 20
Winter room 24
UTM x 5209331.00
UTM y 563488.00
Meridian 9°
Longitude 09°50'08''
Latitude 46°59'22''
=> TILISUNA HUT 2208 m :
information page
Contact : Fam. Hedwig und Helmut Fitsch
Innerberg 89
A-6780 Bartholomäberg
Tel. Hut: +43-(0)663-9652088
Tel. Valley.: +43-(0)5556-75185
32 Beds in (rooms of 5 or 6 beds), 110 Lager (10/ Lager)
Winterroom : 16 Lager, kitchen with wood stove.
Open : Mid june to mid october ( Information at Verkehrsamt Tschagguns, Tel: +43-(0)5556-72457)
Location :
Latitude 47° 1,481
Longitude 9° 52,358
UTM x: 5208277
UTM y: 566312
Meridian 9°
Telephone 0041/79/4182280
Summer :Mid june to mid october
Roomlager 85
Lager 15
=> GAUERTAL HUT 1250 m
Contact : Stampfer Franz
Telephone 0043/5556/73109
Open : begin may to mid november
Books and Maps
Rätikon, Gebietsführer für Wanderer und Bergsteiger
from Günther Flaig
Davos - Prättigau, 50 Skitouren für Genießer zwischen Rätikon, Silvretta und Albula
from Rudolf Weiss, Siegrun Weiss
Kompass Karten, Feldkirch, Vaduz n° 21
Kompass Karten, Bludenz, Schruns, Klostertal n° 32
Map with ski routes : swiss map 1:50.000 Nr. 238 Montafon (info : Mathias Zehring)
Camping and Accomodation
St. Gallenkirch-Gortipohl
Daniela und Ernst Rudigier
Gortipohl HNr. 23
A-6791 St. Gallenkirch, Austria
Tel: +43(5557)6608
Berghaus Sulzfluh , 7246 St. Antönien/Partnun, Schweiz
Tel. 081 332 12 13 Fax: 081 332 37 87
A romantik candle-light hotel.
Added by Mathias Zehring
Date: Mar 20, 2005 5:09 PM :
I stayed the last two nights in Berghaus Alpenrösli at Partnun, that is a good basis for the south routes to Sulzfluh
Home page of DAV (German Alpine Club) Lindau
Resort Sankt Antönien : as the advertisement says, behind the moon, on the left.
SAC (Swiss Alpine Club) Prättigau
Climbing History
First ascent : 1782
J.B. Catani
L. Pool
External Links