Belive me! Bodón is one of the most interesting peak I´ve ever climb. It has a medium technical requirement, and it´s harder than many other peaks around.
It isn´t the hardest one in León province, and of course it´s not the tallest one... but it´s a remarkable peak in the area and good climbers of León know this mountain.
I think it´s a good way to train a get ready to many others bigger peaks.
Appart from that, it´s really atractive for those who want to make up their own route... or people who want to climb new walls. Even it´s a good place for someone who is looking for good views and nice photos.
Hoces de Valdeteja, Curueño river Canyon. Right Pico Huevo, also know as Cueto Ancino, on the left last peak along the redge is Bodón peak. (By Pablo Iglesias)
Getting There
Exists the possibilty to reach the area in coach, but the better idea is use a car.
If you are in Asturias you´ll need to travel a bit more than if you are in León, but the roads are ok and you have good views along the journey.
By the way, in the area there is a very interesting place to visit: the Cueva de Llamazares (Llamazares cave) in the village with the same name. It´s smaller than the most famous one in León province, Cueva de Valporquero (less than an hour from there) but it´s very unusual and exciting.
If I´m not wrong there is a coach to Lugueros. It´s better taking you car.
a) From León:
Take N-630 to La Robla, there right to the C-626 to La Vecilla. There taka LE-321 to the North. You�ll cross along the Curueño river canyon, known as Hoces de Valdeteja.
Depending the route you decide you�ll continue to Lugueros (LE-321) or youll turn left to LE-313.
b) From Asturias:
The best way is taking N-630 and crossing Puerto de Pajares. Turn left in Villamanín to LE-312 and cross Collada de Cármenes pass. In Cármenes turn right into LE-331. A few Km later left to the LE-313 and cross Collada de Valdeteja pass. This will be OK for all the routes you´ve planned.
Red Tape
As in other mountains in León province there´s nothing special to say about.
Souht View
When To Climb
I was said it could be dangerous in winter. But if you are expert (I´m not) maybe you can try. I recomend taking with you crampons and ice-axe. Some of its corridors has a lot of inclination, take care. It´s a good idea carrying rope and climbing material.
Without snow and ice it´s easier, so the only requirement it´s to be ready to make a great efford in the corridors to the summit. A pole it´s deffinetly the best friend in those place, to go up and down.
Camp is not allowed in León province, except private camp sites. But maybe you can vivac in hidden places...
You have many possibilities of accomodation in the area.
You´ll find private camp sites in La Vecilla, La Mata de la Bérbula and Montuerto.
Mountain Conditions
I don´tt know why exactly, but I can remember Bodón peak as one of the last peaks with snow in spring in the province, appart from Pcios de Europa, Macizo de Mampodre or the mountains arround Puerto de San Glorio.
The high inclination of the corridors to the top make me think that it could be dangerous because of the possibility of avalanches.
Weather forecast:
[ Left ] Metosat satellite view provided by INM -
www.inm.es -
* Note: the map shows the clouds evolution.
[ Right ] Reflectivity map provided by The Weather Channel -
www.weather.com -
* Note: the map shows, from blue to red, the power of clouds.
For more info use these links:
Weather forecast today (English) |
Weather forecast today (Spanish)
My Suggestions
* Visit Cueva de Llamazares (Llamazares Cave). Not very well know as the famous Cueva de Valporquero (have a look at Fontún page). You´ll find really interesting.
* Go for a walk through Hoces de Valdeteja, a beautiful canyon of the Curueño river.
** Take a MOBILE PHONE with you. You can use it most of the mountain areas. If you can phone try going up or changing your position. I can remember my moibile ringing on the summit of Torre de Friero... I couldn´t believe it! Mobile is the best thing to make an emergency call. Forget about radios.
Take note of this number: 987 718 004. It´s the number of G.R.E.I.M., Guardia Civil Mountain Rescue Team. They are really good proffessionals with lots of years of experience. If you have serious problems phone them: tell them who you are, how many people is in difficulties, try to tell them where you are, or at least a detailed description of the area.
Special info
The meaning in English of some Spanish words.
* Collado, collada: col, for instance "Collado de Gete"
* Pico: peak, for instance "Pico Fontún"
* Peña: peak (very tipical from Le�n, Asturias, Santander), for instance "Peña Ten"
* Torre: peak (very tipical from Le�n, Asturias, Santander), for instance "Torre del Friero"
* Cueto: peak, for instance "Cueto Millaró"
* Puerto: mountain pass, for instance "Puerto de Pajares"
* Cordillera: big group of mountains, for instance "Cordillera Cantábrica"
* Macizo: group of some mountains or peaks, for instance "Macizo Central, Urrieles of Picos de Europa"
* Cumbre: summit
* Cima: summit
* Canal: corridor, for intance "La Canal de Dobresengos", note it´s in femenine
* Canaleta: narrow corridor
* Hoces: canyon made by a river, for instance "Hoces de Vegacervera", "Hoces de Valdejeja"
* Valle: valley, for intance "Valle de Valdeón"
* Río: river, for instance "Río Torío"
* Horcado: narrow col between two peak, normally difficult to cross, for intance "Horcado de Pambuches"
Books I recomend.
Montañas de León (in Spanish only)
Ramón Lozano, Santiago Morán
Everest Editorial
ISBN 84-241-0404-8
Description in detail of more than one hundred routes across the mountain of the León province, including the Picos de Europa Area and many others.
Book details (English) |
Book details (Spanish)
50 montañas de la Cordillera Cantábrica (in Spanish only)
David Atela
Desnivel Ediciones
ISBN 84-96192-90-3
Really useful book about the most remarkable mountains in Cordillera Cantábrica massif. It doesn´t containt anything about Picos de Europa area so it lets it go along another interesnting and no so famous mountains.
Book details (Spanish)
Another remarkable peaks in the area
* Peña Valdorria
* Pico Huevo del Curueño, Cueto Ancino - 1722 m
* Correcillas, Pico Polvoreda - 1998 m
* Susarón - 1879 m
The Spanish corner :-)
Info in Spanish for Spanish Speakers & Spanish Studients:
Para todos aquellos que no tengan un inglés súper, y yo me incluyo, he decidido añadir esta sección. También para todos aquellos que estudian o están aprendiendo español.
El pico Bodón es un lugar de refencia entre los montañeros de León. No pasa por ser uno de los más altos, duros o desafiantes, pero sí entre uno de los más queridos.
Personalmente creo que la relación dificultad/dureza le hacen valedor del calificativo de muy interesante: sin requerir ni unas grandes dotes técnicas ni un gran fondo si que está en ese punto en que empieza a ser un pico exigente. Aunque carezco de experiencia en grandes montañas de la zona, como Picos de Europa, sin duda creo que es un lugar excelente para entrenar y desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para montañaas de más calado como los Picos de Europa. Creo que la oportunidad que brinda el Bodón, con sus moderadamente largas e inclinidas canales, puede servir a más de uno para afrontar con garantías las duras y exigentes ascensiones por las canales de los Picos de Europa.
Además, el Bodónn es bastante accesible, no muy lejos de León, próximo a varios pueblos desde donde comenzar la caminata, y con menos volumen de nieve que los grandes macizos montañosos del Noreste de la provincia.
Para una información más detallada os remito al texto en ingléss. Si tuviéseis algún problema estoy a vuestra disposición para facilitaros toda la información que esté a mi alcance.
External Links
- Cristino Torio�s web site
Web about León Mountain by one of the most well known climber in the Le�n province (Available only in Spanish)
- Castilla y León Tourism Official Web Site
You can find here many information about this region, as camp sites, accomodations, monuments, culture, nature, it could be a valuable tool to plan your holidays and trip along the mountains of this region. (Avalaible in many languages)
- Web Site about Picos de Europa and the North mountains
Information, photographies a lots of things about Picos de Europa, the tallest montains along Cordillera Cantabrica and the North of Spain. It counts with a valuable informations by the hand of the people on the forum, most of them experts in these mountains. I´m sure they can answer your question even in English, French or German (Available only in Spanish)
- Cueva de Valporquero Official Web Site
Information about this amazing cave not far from Bodón peak, if you are here don´t loose the opportunity to visit it (Avalaible only in Spanish)
- Cueva de Llamazares web site
Not so well known as Cueva de Valporquero, this cave is really interesting and exciting. You´ll enjoy your visit (Avalable only in Spanish)