Background Info
The purpose of this page is to keep track of my year-by-year summit activity. Not looking for any votes, just want to clean up my profile page a bit. This will be a work in progress, so I should be updating it fairly frequently.
2016 Log
Mount Olympus 1/4, 1/17, 1/19, 1/23, 1/31, 2/6, 2/7, 2/17, 2/20, 2/24, 2/27, 2/28, 3/1, 3/2
Grandeur Peak 1/10, 2/12, 2/21
Lone Peak 2/13
2015 Log
Grandeur Peak 2/8, 6/8, 9/14, 9/27
Mount Olympus 2/15, 2/18, 2/21, 2/28, 3/2, 3/7, 3/15, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 5/12, 5/25, 5/26, 6/22, 7/12, 8/22, 11/1, 12/5, 12/8, 12/12, 12/13, 12/19
Mount Norris 5/30, 7/4
Storm Mountain 6/28
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Robinson Route
Triple Traverse - via Robinson Route
Mount Millicent,
Mount Wolverine,
Mount Tuscarora,
Sunset Peak,
Pioneer Peak 8/9Was going to continue to Mount Majestic but the sky was starting to look a little sketchy.
Mount Majestic,
Pioneer Peak,
Sunset Peak,
Mount Tuscarora,
Mount Wolverine,
Mount Millicent 8/15
Pfeifferhorn 8/18
Mount Raymond and
Gobblers Knob 8/23 via Butler Fork
Devil's Castle and
Sugarloaf Peak 8/30
Reynolds Peak and
Gobblers Knob 9/2 via Butler Fork
Pfeifferhorn 9/12
Mount Superior and
Monte Cristo - via South Ridge
Dromedary Peak 9/20
Lone Peak 9/26
Mount Raymond and
Gobblers Knob 10/10 via Butler Fork
Mount Baldy,
Hidden Peak and
American Fork Twin Peaks 10/24
Mount Raymond 11/15 via Butler Fork
Mount Raymond 11/22 via Butler Fork
2014 Log
Mount Olympus 1/1, 1/5, 1/12, 1/18, 1/20, 1/23, 1/25, 2/6, 2/15, 2/17, 2/22, 3/8, 3/16, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 5/4, 5/10, 5/12, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/31, 6/1, 6/6, 6/7, 6/13, 6/21, 6/22, 6/26, 6/28, 7/4, 7/6, 7/8, 7/11, 7/12, 7/13, 7/19, 7/20, 7/22, 7/28, 8/2, 8/3, 8/9, 8/16, 8/17, 8/22, 8/24, 8/27(x2), 9/10, 9/15, 10/31, 12/7Ascent on 9/15 was my 500th time up Olympus. Celebrated with a small party on the summit.
Mount Olympus - via West Slabs
5/3, 5/16
Pfeifferhorn - via Maybird Gulch
Thayne Peak 7/20
Pfeifferhorn - via North Ridge
Kessler Peak 8/10
Republic Peak 9/4
Grandeur Peak 9/22, 10/3, 11/9, 12/2, 12/4, 12/10
Gobblers Knob 10/19
Little Black Mountain 11/142013 Log
Mount Olympus 1/5, 2/2, 3/30, 4/6, 4/11, 5/10, 5/12, 5/17, 6/9, 6/16, 6/21, 7/20, 8/17, 9/1, 10/2, 11/27
Grandeur Peak 6/23, 11/2, 11/172012 Log
Mount Olympus 1/1, 1/2, 1/20, 1/22, 1/27, 1/29, 2/4, 2/5, 2/11, 2/25, 2/26, 3/3, 3/9, 3/10, 3/11, 3/15, 3/16, 3/22, 3/23, 3/24, 3/25, 3/31, 4/5, 4/7(x2), 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20, 4/21, 5/12, 5/18, 6/3, 6/8, 6/15, 6/16, 8/4, 8/5, 8/12, 10/19, 10/28, 12/23
Grandeur Peak 4/1, 9/30, 11/21, 11/22, 12/1
Mount Olympus,
Grandeur Peak, and
Mount Wire 4/21
North Timpanogos - via Cold Fusion Couloir
4/28Beautiful day - 5 of 8 summited. Wasatch Mountain Club hike, led by Michael.
Beatout 5/19
Mount Superior & Monte Cristo - via Suicide Chute
Mount Raymond &
Gobblers Knob 6/10 via Butler Fork
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 6/17 via Butler Fork
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Robinson Route
Mount Millicent,
Mount Wolverine,
Mount Tuscarora,
Sunset Peak,
Pioneer Peak,
Mount Majestic 6/23
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 7/8 via Butler Fork
Pfeifferhorn 7/13
White Baldy -
Pfeifferhorn 7/20
Triple Traverse - via Robinson Route
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Robinson Route
Twin Buttes 9/5
Hidden Peak and
American Fork Twin Peaks 9/16
Sepulcher Mountain 10/102011 Log
Mount Olympus 1/1, 1/2, 1/7, 1/14, 1/17, 1/21, 1/22, 1/30, 2/4, 2/6, 2/13, 2/18, 2/19, 2/21, 2/27, 3/2, 3/4, 3/5, 3/13, 4/9, 4/10, 4/22, 4/29, 5/1, 5/6, 5/20, 5/21(x2), 5/22, 5/28, 6/10(x2), 6/26, 7/15, 7/16, 7/22, 7/24, 8/19, 9/10, 9/11, 9/17, 9/18, 9/23, 9/24, 9/30, 10/2, 11/6, 11/11, 11/23, 12/4, 12/6, 12/8, 12/10, 12/13, 12/18, 12/23, 12/24, 12/30, 12/31
Mill Creek Ridge (Grandeur Peak to Mount Aire)
Mount Wire 1/15(x2)
Grandeur Peak 1/23, 6/12
Lone Peak failed attempt 2/11An overnighter with Matt. We reached within about 100 feet of the summit, but with daylight coming to an end, and cold and windy conditions, we elected not to negotiate the final piece of ridge.
Bluejohn Canyon 3/12Not a peak but a long and strenous day. About ½ way through we met a guy who was hiking up the canyon (wrong way) with only one shoe and his leg all bandaged up. He was a police officer from Denver who’d been hiking alone in one of the adjacent canyons and took a fall. He became wedged in a slot and nearly didn’t get out. He’d spent 3 nights out (COLD) and was trying to find his way up to the canyon rim. We hiked him up to the rim and were trying to decide what to do when 2 search and rescue hikers found us and took over. I think he would have got out on his own, but may have spent another cold night out before doing so if we hadn’t encountered him.
Kings Peak failed attempt 3/26The temperature was 5° when we left the car. My leg was cramping up, and knowing I'd never make the summit I made the tough decision to turn around a couple miles short of Elkhorn Crossing. The first time I've ever attempted Kings Peak and returned home before dark.
Bluejohn Canyon 4/2
Lone Peak failed attempt 4/23A failed attempt with Jake and Matt. We ascended via Big Willow and reached within about 100 feet of the summit, but decided not to negotiate the heavily corniced ridge beyond.
North Timpanogos - via
Grunge Couloir 5/7
Taylor Mountain 5/14
Triple Traverse - via Tanners Gulch
Borah Peak 6/18
Mount Whitney 6/23
Boundary Peak and
Montgomery Peak 6/24
Sawtell Peak 7/3 (drive-up
Mount Raymond 7/8 via Butler Fork
Mount Raymond &
Gobblers Knob 7/10 via Butler Fork
Wildcat Ridge 7/2With Matt and Jake. To Desolation Peak, and a descent down Beartrap Fork.
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Robinson Route
Pfeifferhorn 8/6
Red Baldy,
White Baldy, and
Box Elder Peak 8/20
Mount Raymond 10/16 via Butler Fork
2010 Log
Mount Olympus 1/2, 1/3, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/23, 1/24, 1/29, 1/30, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 2/14, 2/15, 2/19, 2/20, 2/21, 2/26, 2/27, 2/28, 3/6, 3/7, 3/13, 3/19, 3/21, 3/26, 3/27, 3/28, 4/2, 4/3, 4/4, 4/9, 4/10, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/15, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4(x5), 7/2, 7/9, 7/10, 7/30, 8/27, 8/29, 9/10, 9/11, 9/24, 10/3, 10/15, 10/22, 10/23, 11/5, 11/11, 11/13, 11/18, 11/19, 11/20, 11/21, 11/22, 11/25, 11/27, 12/1, 12/4, 12/5, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13, 12/17, 12/23, 12/24, 12/31The 78 ascents were a slight step back from last year's 104, but then I wasn't really trying. The quint on 6/4 was one of the most difficult hikes of the year. On 7/9 the ascent included beer and hot dogs on the summit to celebrate lifetime ascent #300.
South Thunder Mountain 1/9
Grandeur Peak 1/10, 1/17(x2), 3/5, 4/23(x2), 4/24(x2), 4/30, 5/14(x2), 5/21(x2), 5/23, 5/31(x2), 6/13(x2), 6/20, 7/4, 9/6, 12/26
Mill Creek Ridge (Grandeur Peak to Mount Aire)
Mill Creek Ridge (Grandeur Peak to Church Fork Peak)
Lone Peak 3/12
Lamotte Peak 3/20A nice ski trip with Dmitry. The thermometer read 0°F when we left the car at the Christmas Meadows trailhead.
Triple Traverse - via Tanners Gulch
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 5/8
Gobblers Knob - via
Southwest Ridge 5/16
Beatout 5/29
Mount Raymond 6/6I eased back in to the mountains after my Olympus quint 2 days before.
Mount Raymond to
Reynolds Peak 6/11Scouting out the route from Raymond to Reynolds Peak. I was planning to continue on to Little Water Peak, but it started snowing pretty strongly so I called it a day at Reynolds.
Pfeifferhorn 6/25
Triple Traverse 6/26
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 6/27
Wildcat Ridge 7/2A long day in the mountains with Matt. Continuing the tradition, I extended this one to Little Water Peak.
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 7/5
Mount Baldy 7/11
Kings-Emmons Ridge
7/16I started and finished this one in the dark. I had delusions of heading up Gilbert Peak, but upon reaching Gunsight Pass it was dark and I'd had enough fun for one day so I headed for the car. I donated several gallons of blood to the mosquitos in Painter Basin.
Mount Raymond &
Gobblers Knob via Bowman Fork
Storm Mountain to
Devil's Castle 7/23
Mount Superior and
Monte Cristo - via South Ridge
Gannett Peak (dayhike,
trip report)
8/7I planned this hike way back in the Spring, and it turned out almost exactly how I'd planned. I elected not to hike anything the following day.
Pfeifferhorn 8/20
Mount Baldy 8/22
Spread Eagle Peak to
Mount Agassiz 9/3It took me just as long to summit Spread Eagle Peak from Rocky Sea Pass as it took to get to the pass from the TH. I descended down the southwest slopes of Mount Agassiz and nearly got cliffed out. It was extremely steep and loose but I managed to make it down.
Pfeifferhorn - via North Ridge
9/25My second time on this route. The climb up the couloir to the north ridge is incredibly loose and nasty when dry - it was much more pleasant when filled with snow.
Pfeifferhorn 10/1
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Robinson Route
Hematoma Quad - via Bells Canyon
R2R2R 10/30Not a peak, but at 47 miles R/T I felt it deserved to be included on this list. This hike led to a sore knee, which bothered me well in to December.
2009 Log
Mount Olympus 1/2, 1/4, 1/9, 1/11, 1/15, 1/16, 1/19, 1/23, 1/25, 1/30, 1/31, 2/5, 2/6, 2/8, 2/13, 2/16, 2/20, 2/22, 2/27, 2/28, 3/1, 3/6, 3/8, 3/13, 3/19, 3/20, 3/21, 3/28, 3/29, 4/3, 4/5, 4/10, 4/11, 4/17, 4/18, 4/24, 4/25, 5/1, 5/3, 5/8, 5/16, 5/28, 5/29, 6/5(x4), 6/12, 6/14, 6/19, 6/21, 6/26, 7/2, 7/3, 7/26, 8/7, 8/22, 8/23, 8/28(x2), 8/29, 9/4, 9/7, 9/11, 9/13, 9/18, 9/20, 10/2, 10/3, 10/9(x2), 10/10, 10/11, 10/12, 10/16(x2), 10/17, 10/18, 10/23(x2), 10/24, 10/25, 11/11, 11/13, 11/14, 11/15, 11/20, 11/21, 11/22, 11/25, 11/26, 11/27, 11/28, 11/29, 11/30, 12/1, 12/2, 12/3, 12/10, 12/12, 12/19, 12/20, 12/24, 12/29I managed 104 ascents on my quest for a 100-ascent year (trip report). No regrets on this stunt, but it did feel like an obligation at times. The quad on 6/5 was by far the hardest trip of the year.
Grandeur Peak 1/10, 2/15(x2), 3/7(x2), 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/2, 5/10(x2), 5/17, 6/7, 6/28, 12/16
Mill Creek Ridge (Grandeur Peak to Mount Aire)
Lone Peak 2/21
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 3/14
North Timpanogos - via Cold Fusion Couloir
5/9A fun climb with the Wasatch Mountain Club, led by Michael.
Triple Traverse - via Tanners Gulch
Barronette Peak 5/22I finally succeeded on this peak after staring at it for quite a few years. The snow on the east slopes was hard as concrete on the climb up.
Mount Olympus - via West Slabs
Beatout 5/30A solo run on the Beatout. The Wasatch Mountain Club was also doing the hike on this day, but they were running about an hour behind me, thus I got to do all the trailbreaking duty. As usual I got off-route coming down Bells Canyon.
Wildcat Ridge 6/19
Flagstaff Mountain to
Sunset Peak 6/27
Triple Traverse - via Broads Fork
Flagstaff Mountain to
Sugarloaf Peak 7/10
Pfeifferhorn 7/11
White Baldy 7/12
Triple Traverse - via Ferguson Canyon
Sunset Peak to
Sugarloaf Peak 7/19
White Baldy 7/24
Gobblers Knob &
Mount Raymond 7/25
Triple Traverse - via Broads Fork
Granite Peak 8/14 (
trip report, written by
A fairly straightforward route, although the remaining snow in the hidden couloir was hard as concrete. The only casualty on the hike was my car muffler.
Mount Superior and
Monte Cristo - via South Ridge
Mount Millicent,
Mount Wolverine,
Mount Tuscarora,
Sunset Peak,
Pioneer Peak,
Mount Majestic 8/30
Kings Peak,
South Kings Peak,
Gunsight Peak,
Gilbert Peak 9/5A spooky descent dodging lightning bolts from the summit of Gilbert Peak. The day included sun, clouds, wind, rain, lighting, hail, and snow.
North Thunder Mountain - via Coalpit Gulch
Cottonwood Ridge (Broads Twins to Mt. Superior)
9/19Thanks to Matt for leading me on this Wasatch Mountain Club hike.
Mount Sheridan 9/25
Mount Olympus - via West Slabs
Haleakala 11/1 (
trip report)
I atoned for a failed sea-summit idea from our 2006 trip. Dry socks would have prevented me from walking around with blistered feet for the remainder of the trip.
Haleakala 11/7 (drive-up
Red Baldy 12/52008 Log
Mount Olympus 1/2, 1/20, 2/10, 2/15, 2/17, 2/28, 2/29, 3/7, 3/9, 3/15, 3/16, 3/28, 4/4, 4/6, 4/18, 4/19, 4/25, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 5/9, 5/24, 5/25, 5/30, 6/6, 6/8, 6/13, 6/14, 6/20, 6/22, 7/4, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 10/3, 10/5, 10/10, 10/12, 10/17, 10/24, 10/25(x3), 11/7, 11/8, 11/11, 11/14, 11/16, 11/21, 11/22, 11/23, 11/24, 11/25, 11/26, 11/27, 11/28, 12/1, 12/3, 12/5, 12/7, 12/10, 12/12, 12/15, 12/17, 12/19, 12/22, 12/24, 12/27, 12/29, 12/31The 76 ascents gave me the idea to try for 100 ascents in 2009.
Grandeur Peak 2/8, 2/23, 12/31
Broads Fork Twin Peaks 4/12
Lone Peak 4/26
Triple Traverse - via Tanners Gulch
Bunsen Peak 5/18
Beatout 5/31 (
trip report, written by
mtn runr)
A nice day to complete the hike which was aborted by last years avalanche. It was fun walking across the frozen Upper Bells Reservoir.
Wildcat Ridge 6/20 (
trip report, written by
Matthew Van Horn)
In our ongoing quest to stretch Wildcat Ridge further east, we extended this one to Gobblers Knob.
Cottonwood Ridge (Broads Twins to Mt. Superior)
Triple Traverse - via Broads Fork
Bullion Divide 7/19
Sugarloaf Peak,
Devil's Castle,
Sunset Peak,
Mount Tuscarora,
Mount Wolverine 7/26
Hematoma Quad - via Bells Canyon
Mount Raymond &
Gobblers Knob 8/9
Triple Traverse - via Ferguson Canyon
Colter Peak 8/26If you find a Garmin GPS Map 60 somewhere on the mountain, it belongs to me.
Kings Peak 9/6 - solo day-hike
Mount Millicent,
Mount Wolverine,
Mount Tuscarora,
Sunset Peak,
Pioneer Peak,
Mount Majestic 9/13
North Thunder Mountain - via Coalpit Gulch
I finally dragged Shelley up Coalpit Gulch. We'd been planning to go to South Thunder as well, but it was a rainy grey day with lightning, so we decided to save that trip for another time.
Humphreys Peak 9/26
A long day counting the drive down from Salt Lake.
Lone Peak 10/18
Mount Olympus - via West Slabs
Mount Raymond &
Gobblers Knob 11/1
Mount Raymond 11/152007 Log
Mount Olympus 1/1, 1/2, 1/7, 1/13, 1/15, 1/18, 1/28, 4/1, 9/21, 11/9
Notice how my pace dropped off after 2/3?
Little Water Peak 1/6
Lone Peak 1/20 (
trip report)
Pfeifferhorn 1/26 (
trip report, written by
Matthew Van Horn)
Pfeifferhorn failed attempt 2/3 (
trip report)
Everyone wants to be written up in "Accidents in North American Mountaineering", right? Thanks to Brian for keeping me alive until Search and Rescue arrived.
Grandeur Peak 3/18, 4/7, 9/3
The 3/18 ascent was my first peak following a 30-day stay in the hospital after the Pfeifferhorn accident.
Frary Peak 3/24
Mount Aire 4/21
Gobblers Knob 6/3
Elephant Back Mountain 7/7
Massive hail storm on the descent.
Mount Millicent,
Mount Wolverine,
Mount Tuscarora,
Sunset Peak,
Pioneer Peak 7/15
Pfeifferhorn 8/11
Thanks to Grizz for accompanying me on this extremely slow return to the scene of the 2/3 accident.
Mount Raymond 9/1
Bunsen Peak 9/28Can you say "wind".
2006 Log
Grandeur Peak 1/6, 3/4, 4/7, 4/23, 6/16, 9/16, 9/24, 12/29
Mount Superior - via South Ridge
Lone Peak 1/22 (
trip report, written by
Dmitry Pruss)
Mill Creek Ridge (Grandeur Peak to Mount Aire)
Pfeifferhorn - via North Ridge
2/11A bitterly cold but beautiful day - the sign at the bottom of Little Cottonwood Canyon road said 0° when we started the drive up.
Mount Olympus 2/17, 2/20, 2/24, 2/25, 2/26, 3/3, 3/5, 3/10, 3/11, 3/17, 3/18, 3/31, 4/9, 4/21, 5/19, 5/20, 5/29, 6/8, 9/10, 9/17, 10/9, 10/22, 11/17, 11/19, 11/23, 11/26, 12/3, 12/5, 12/7, 12/8, 12/14, 12/15, 12/18, 12/20, 12/24, 12/26
Kings Peak 3/25 (
trip report, written by
Dmitry Pruss)
A long ski trip with the Wasatch Mountain Club. I fell down more times than I could count. Arriving back at the Swanson's vehicle at the TH, I stopped to report back in and promptly fell flat on my ass - perfect punctuation to a 14.5 hour day. But the crux of the route was the drive home - it was snowing so hard I had to roll down the windows and navigate by looking at the sides of the road.
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Deaf Smith Canyon
4/2A beautiful spring hike with Grizz and Lee. My first time up this route
Independence Monument 4/8
Brian dragged my sorry butt up my first desert tower. On the drive home we stopped at Fisher Towers and climbed the first 3 pitches of Ancient Art, but I weenied out and didn't climb the final pitch to the top of the tower.
Sundial Peak 4/22
Buck Mountain failed attempt 4/29We climbed the Northeast Chimney, but upon reaching the east ridge and with the hardest part of the climb behind us, I started getting a funny feeling in my head and elected to go no further.
Triple Traverse - via Tanners Gulch
failed attempt 5/6
We made it to the base of the Dromedary summit block, but spooky snow conditions led to our decision to bail.
Triple Traverse - via Tanners Gulch
5/7 (
trip report)
I returned to atone for the failed attempt from the previous day.
Grand Teton - via Stettner Couloir
My first time to the top of the Grand. The Stettner Couloir was kind of a spooky place to be (especially with the nearly continuous river of spindrift), but we had no problems and a beautiful day.
Devil's Castle - via Devil's Castle Couloir
Bells Cleaver &
Rocky Mouth Canyon Peak 5/26
Mount Superior & Monte Cristo - via Suicide Chute
Cottonwood Ridge (Broads Twins to Mt. Superior)
Mount Raymond &
Gobblers Knob 6/11, 7/8, 10/15
Grand Teton - via Direct Exum
A beautiful and quiet day on the Grand. Brian led all the pitches, and I lamely followed. I never would have been able to climb the Direct Exum without Brian's leading.
Mount Rainier - via Liberty Ridge
6/30-7/2 (
trip report)
Mount Hood 7/4
A quick trip up without rope or helmets. Probably not the smartest thing to do, but we never really felt uncomfortable. The day started with Mount Hood and ended home in bed in Salt Lake.
Hematoma Quad - via Bells Canyon
Bullion Divide (Devil's Castle to White Baldy)
North Thunder Mountain - via Coalpit Gulch
Broads Fork Twin Peaks - via Robinson Route
Triple Traverse - via Broads Fork
Kings Peak 9/3 - solo dayhike
I was hoping for a sub 7-hour trip, but I was having some bad stomach pains which slowed me down a lot on the descent. It was a relief to see the clock tick over the 7-hour mark and take the pressure off for the final 2 minutes.
Mount Washburn 9/30
Pfeifferhorn - via Red Pine
Triple Traverse - via Broads Fork
Haleakala 11/7 (drive-up
I was hoping to try a sea-summit attempt, but being unable to locate the starting point I settled for a drive-up. I returned and completed a sea-summit climb on 11/1/09.
Great White Icicle 12/1
Pfeifferhorn failed attempt 12/9
We (Brian and I) were planning to go up the northwest couloir, but tons of super soft snow slowed us down greatly. After doing the breaststroke up to the north ridge we'd had enough, and elected not to drop onto the Hogum side to make our approach.
North Thunder Mountain - via Bells Canyon
12/30 (
trip report)