Bolle Scream


Bolle Scream
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Bolle Scream
Manufacturer Bolle
Page By mikus
Page Type Jan 9, 2008 / Jan 9, 2008
Object ID 4578
Hits 6466

Short About Bolle Scream

Scream is the highest and of course the most expensive model in Bolle's snow goggles collection.
If the high quality, no fogging goggles is what you need,
if almost no limited field of view is a mustbe for your new goggles, Bolle Scream is exactly what you are looking for.

Let's look at the Features:


* P80 plus carbo glas
* Double spherical PC vented lens
* Bolle Equalizer technolgy
* Air Booster 3 position air management system
* Triple layer face foam
* Perfect helmet fit
* Bolle quick release strap for easy-on, easy off

For more specific information please visit manufacturer webpage:

My Impression

First of all, these goggles are huge! Really, if you have never seen googles such as Oakley Wisdom, Spy Orbit or something in the size of XXL, make sure, you know how big they really are ;]

Second thing is one of the most important feature for all goggles in the market -> Anti Fog. If you think that fog can just go away with spending 100$ on you new eyeglasses, you are wrong. All in all antifog system in Bolle Scream goggles work great and, as far as I know, is quite similar to this using by Oakley and other manufacturers.

Maybe this is even more important. As I mentioned in features section, in these goggles you will find double spherical lenses, with venting system.
Optically they are awesome, the field of view is almost no limited. Looking to the right or to the left you will still find lenses covering your face around. No as wide as Spy Orbit's, but still...
There are plenty of colors to chose, so make sure you have chosen what you will use most of the time.

Fire Red and 'Gun's' would be the best choice for bright light conditions, vermillion or citrus for dark weather. Chose clear for night ridding. You can find all of the colors available on the pictures below.
Take into consideration buying additional replacement lenses.

There's one more thing I have to mention. When you take most of Fire Red/Fire Iridium lenses it's simple gray glass with yellow+red mirror cover. When you examine Bolle's Fire Red lenses you will find there is blue glass behind! WTF I thought...
Now I think it just great, this invention makes Bolles Fire Red Mirror much more universal. In fact I use it for all light conditions and they are just awesome. Ant the world is no more orange... maybe a little big blue..

I haven't used Vermillion Modulator's and Polarized Brown lenses, but they are also worth consideration.


Unfortunately, there is no thing such as ideal goggles.
- Scratches. Lenses are not bulletproof. After few bigger crashes or some time ridding between trees you will find plenty of small scratches on the mirror cover. Not very bothering, but quite irritating.
- They are Big. Advantage or Disadvantage. Consider if they fit into your helmet.


One of the most interesting model in the market.
Consider it before buying Oakley Wisdom's or other 100$+ goggles.
Are they really worth it?



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