Pulse Oximeter

Pulse Oximeter
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Pulse Oximeter
Manufacturer SPO Medical
Page By tleaf
Created/Edited Apr 5, 2008 / Apr 5, 2008
Object ID 5214
Hits 6848
Page Score 86.25%

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Product Description

The SPO PulseOx 5500 is a 2007 model based on SPO Medical's uniquely patented algorithms that use reflective pulse oximetery technology for accurate oximetry measurement. This unit is designed to utilize very low power for extended use, eliminating the need for frequent battery replacement. The SPO Medical PulseOx 5500 offers compact, user friendly and light weight blood oxygen saturation and heart rate monitoring during physically active and high-altitude activities. These activities include mountain climbing, hiking, cycling, walking and some say jogging. SPO Medical PulseOx 5500 may not monitor SpO2 during activities that include significant arm swinging.

Product Features

* Accurately measures blood oxygen saturation level and heart pulse rate

* To operate, simply place the sensor on your finger and turn it on

* Very low power consumption

* Easy to use; single button operation

* Comes with neck strap


This product is from 2007, costing close to $200 through Amazon.com. Other products are available from $69.99 up to $271.99. Manufacturers are Octivetech, SPO Medical, Nonin, Drive and CONTEC.


The reliability of any compact pulse oximeter is determined by many factors such as weatherproofing, waterproofing, battery power, the abuse it takes by the user and the algorithm used to read the SpO2 and HR. In the research I did last year, I found Nonin and SPO Medical to have the best reliability. My determining factors for choosing which device to purchase were: price, battery life and use with movement and altitude.

I had one concern after purchasing the SPO Medical PulseOx 5500. Your finger must be warm to read otherwise the readings are extremely strange and the finger must not be too large. Choose a finger that is warm and fits easily into the opening then you will enjoy remarkable, reliable readings during your chosen activity.
