Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 44.13450°N / 73.8499°W
Additional Information Elevation: 4400 ft / 1341 m
Sign the Climber's Log


Number twenty-two in order of magnitude in the Adirondacks standing between Gothics and Upper Wolf Jaws it offers great views of the upper Great Range and Johns Brook Valley. Ascent can be a real hoot since there is a huge ladder and a few fixed cable near the top.

Not one of your pointy top type mountains the actual summit is a bit of a letdown after the ladders. The actual summit height has been gleened by the contour line in the general area of the peak.

There are a number of differing ways to get to the top the normal route is to start at the parking lot in Keen Valley up the Johns Brook trail and then either up and over Upper Wolf Jaw to Armstrong or go further down Johns Brook up and over Gothics to Armstrong.

Normally it is less popular than the other mointains in the area. A nice place for lunch if you are doing the great circle route from Johns Brook over the peaks of the great range and back again.

In bad weather one can quickly get off the peak and down into a shelted valley that is a good camping area. In winter when doing this route this is the usual spot for an overnight stay.

Getting There

Normaly Adirondack restrictions apply. Just watch out for parking in Keen Valley. The lot fills quickly and there is no parking allowed in the street. Your car will be towed.

In the summer there is a shuttle bus from Keen Valley airport to the trailhead.

Red Tape

Normal Adirondack restrictions apply.

As of June 30th, 2001 all parties regardless of size in the Eastern Zone (High Peaks) of the Park must fill in and possess a self-issuing "trip ticket," which may be obtained at the trailhead. People have been fined and turned around for not having one and at the more popular trailheads the Ranger on duty will not let you pass without one. This can cause some delays in getting onto the trail.

When To Climb

Any season is good. Winter can be a problem since some of the fixed cables and ladders could be snowbound.

Some good sites:

ADk 46ers
Adirondack Hiking Portal


Normaly Adirondack restrictions apply.

1) No Camping above 4,000 feet
2) No camping withing 150 feet of a stream or other water source except at a designated campsite.
3) No soap or washing withing 150 feet of water
4) Pack it in Pack it out is the rule for garbage
5) Only dead and down wood can be used for fires and set in a proper fire pit. ( local etiquette is to use a stove and not a fire)

It is posiable to stay at Johns Brooks Lodge but space is very limited.

What's in a Name

The peak was named after Thomas Armstrong, another one of the 19th century pioneers and lumberman of the local area.

External Links



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.