Pinyon Peak

Pinyon Peak

I went on a hike to Pinyon Peak (6805’) which is near Walker Pass just off Highway 178. The hike was 5.6 miles round trip with about 3000 feet of elevation gain. We located the trailhead which has a nice road, and parking area. We started hiking at around 7:30 AM, and we were greeted immediately with some sagebrush uphill bushwhacking. The beginning of this hike is basically a series of hills and then a ½ mile climb with a thousand feet of gain to a major ridge. Once on the ridge we went over a few more hills until we reached a little valley. The valley had some snow, a small creek, and a beautiful Jeffrey pine forest. There were ample signs of bears though we did not see any, and the meadow we found was amazing. We climbed a gully Southeast out of the valley, and so completed the last approach to reach Pinyon Peak. We were lucky to have such great weather for this hike, and it was nice to take our time enjoying the beautiful region. Click here to see pictures from Pinyon Peak
on Jan 25, 2009 11:01 am
Image Type(s): Hiking
Image ID: 483328


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