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Cali. Lost Coast Trail South sect. EXPIRED


Posted by buckski on Mar 28, 2013
Page Views: 424

Activity Details

Date: On Apr 26, 2013
City or Place: Sinkyone Wilderness State Park
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking
Partner Status: Need Partners




...ride-share worked well in 2012 but we hired the van above in 2013...

Meet at Usal camp, drive my SUV to Northern Needle Rock trailhead, hike back South to your car, we hike North. Its 2 overnights about 5-8 miles per day.

I did this last year and worked out great. We're hiking the southern section of the infamous "Lost Coast Trail" thru hike from Usal Beach to Needle Rock in Mendocino County in Sinkyone wilderness state park. Looking for a bay-area backpacker(s) who want to do the same from the opposite direction. Meet at Usal campground Thurs PM or Friday early AM April 26, leave your car there, then Saturday morning you drive my SUV to Needle rock and start hiking South. We will pass each-other on the trail and say hi, then both groups keep hiking towards their own car.

Regarding "Partner Status" here we are only looking for you to drive our car North (2hrs) and hike separately.

Our dates are firm. You must be able to drive my SUV to Needle rock by Sunday AM. Also its required you have a clean driving record, a license, insurance and are reliable and trustworthy etc.

Here's the map: http://goo.gl/maps/AiKvt

"Lost Coast Trail" is used for both the Northern (beach crossing routes) and Southern section that is in the Sinkyone Wilderness. We're doing Southern in Sinkyone, see the map or the BLM website: http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/arcata/kingrange/sinkyone_wilderness.html

Interested? Let me know. -Chris


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