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Climbing/Mountaineering Partner


Posted by MtnMike67 on Jan 31, 2008
Page Views: 849

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Colorado, United States
City or Place: Colorado, US
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Biking, Gym/Training, Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Here's the story... I've done most everything solo up to this point, but if I don't get some solid partners, then I'll never progress. The ability is there, the mind is there, I just need to physically be there... I like to have fun on the trail so sense of humor and laughing on the trail is mandatory. However, when I'm sucking wind because I've been at sea level for a month, I can only laugh so much without blowing a lung. I would rate my abilities at a 5.7 but want to get better. I have no fear of exposure, that is within reason though. It's amazing how secure you feel when you have a rope holding you in place.
With that said, I'm looking for positive people to climb with. I've been told I'm a very good teacher, so if you're just learning that's ok. I travel durning the week so I'm only limited to the weekends to get out and the occasional days I get to stay in Colorado. It would be great to find a person that is experienced on vertical ice. I really would like to learn that and get in more alpine routes with a technical flare.
Send me a line and let's see if we can work something out.


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