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Journey to adventures beauty of northern Pakistan


Posted by ilyas78 on Jul 8, 2006
Page Views: 1557

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Pakistan
City or Place: Karachi
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hello friends,
I m Muhammed Ilyas from pakistan I m looking for the partener(s)to hike and mounteneering to northern pakistan like sawat kaghan naran hunza chitral skardu gilgit shimshal baltistan khangrab pass baltoro baifu snow lake in karakuram himalyan karakuram and hindukush range of mountains and all of very higher and bigger karakuram highway and many of there valleys in the cover our trips in the northern areas bigger taller and adventures mountains beautyful lakes in this region

I would like to find friends with simmilar interest all our the worlds .I m not interested in a commercial organisations or a pre-package tour etc .Simply looking for like-minded peoples who like to join mee in any time any year in april to agust please contact mee.

Muhammed Ilyas
mailto: smilly_leo@hotmail.com
Contact: +92-0333-3233611


Post a Comment

Quadaxialkeep in touch


Hello Muhammed,

I am very interested in visiting Pakistan some day and climbing in the Karakoram as well as experiencing the culture of Pakistan. I am an American, and many of my friends are afraid to go to Pakistan right now because of the conflicts.

Please keep in touch. Maybe we could climb together someday if I come out there. If you ever want to climb in the Sierras (I live in California), you're welcome to visit!


Posted Dec 19, 2006 5:39 am

ilyas78Re: keep in touch


Hello friend,
I m Muhammed Ilyas i was read ur comment in to reply in my summit post plans and partners portion .I m welcome to come and visist that pakistans natural and adventurest beauty of the world i hope u can join that mee as soon as possable i m very much to support that and guide that and inform that pre-tour informations for the trip of every were in pakistan like adventures mountains lakes and glaciors in karakoram hindukush and himalyan range of pakistani teretory i hope u can enjoy that real adventures beauty of natural pakistan.I asure that northern pakistan is one of the safest part of pakistan northern pakistani people wam welcome and support that forign tourist for great hospitality and care that .Travelling of pakistan is very cheap and so much reasonable and affording as well of another part of the world i hope u can contact that regularly. U can interest that to do that trip of northern pakistan i will every type of information u have to know that i can mail that and information that to getting visa and financiel information of the trip i will provide u i hope u can responce that as soos as possable

mail to : smilly_leo@hotmail.com
contact number : +92(0)345-2256-066
Posted Mar 18, 2007 10:27 am

ilyas78Re: +255756409232


Hello friend,
I m Muhammed Ilyas i was read ur comment in to reply in my summit post plans and partners portion .I m welcome to come and visist that pakistans natural and adventurest beauty of the world i hope u can join that mee as soon as possable i m very much to support that and guide that and inform that pre-tour informations for the trip of every were in pakistan like adventures mountains lakes and glaciors in karakoram hindukush and himalyan range of pakistani teretory i hope u can enjoy that real adventures beauty of natural pakistan.I asure that northern pakistan is one of the safest part of pakistan northern pakistani people wam welcome and support that forign tourist for great hospitality and care that .Travelling of pakistan is very cheap and so much reasonable and affording as well of another part of the world i hope u can contact that regularly. U can interest that to do that trip of northern pakistan i will every type of information u have to know that i can mail that and information that to getting visa and financiel information of the trip i will provide u i hope u can responce that as soos as possable

mail to : smilly_leo@hotmail.com
contact number : +92(0)345-2256-066
Posted Mar 18, 2007 10:28 am

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