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Looking for serious trad/alpine partners

Posted by jackalak on Jun 10, 2010
Page Views: 679

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Pasadena
Skill Level: Advanced
Categories: Gym/Training, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Need Partners


I'm switching my emphasis from mainly sport climbing to mainly trad climbing so I'm in the need of some regular reliable partners. Places we'd be frequenting would be Tahquitz, Jtree (shade only now of course), the needles, Yosemite Valley, Toulumne meadows, and Red Rocks. I'd like to work up to some technical rock climbing in the Sierras also. One day trips are fine, but ideally I'm looking for people that like to go for whole weekends at a time. I lead around 10a trad right now, but I'd like to work up to the 10+ range for multi-pitch. Looking for people that can help me or learn with me on getting faster and efficient for easier climbs too. So examples of the climbs I'd like to do now or within the next year include: Dream of wild turkeys (10a), epinephrine (5.9), East buttress of El cap (5.9 A0 or 10b I think), East buttress of middle cathedral (5.8 A0 or 10c), serenity and sons of yesterday (10d) (already did serenity (followed the 10d pitch), but still have the link up left). In Tahquitz I'd like to bag super pooper (10a/b) and El Camino Real (10a). Looking forward to hearing from you!
Send me an email (not a PM) and I'll get back to you faster.



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