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Moving to Colorado - Need Job!


Posted by MollyL on Oct 21, 2007
Page Views: 1315

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Summit County/Leadville
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Skiing, Social, Other
Partner Status: Want Partners


Planning to move to the Summit Co or Leadville area in February or March of 08! Looking to make new connections/friends in the area - plan on doing A LOT of 14er climbing both winter and summer as well as skiing, hiking, camping, rafting...whatever!

Any tips or advice on getting a decent job in the area would help...I have 6 years of large volume management experience as well as a background in public relations with in the radio and airline industry. It seems hard to find anything other than seasonal around the resort areas and I'm looking for something permanent.

Can't wait to get out there...I've been wanting to make this move for years and am finally going to do it!!



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charmannI'm Game


Hey Molly - just wondering how the job and house searching is going. Anhow - I'm also always looking for people to get outdoors with. I have a pretty good summer crew but I'm lacking winter people. I'm a beginner/intermediate for backcountry skiing - but I'm trying to get into it hardcore - having a hard time finding more experienced people to take me out - or anyone to learn with either. I have off Tues, Wed, Thur right now - but that will be changing once mid- April comes around. Anyhow - let me know what your plans are and maybe we can get out somewhere once you move closer.

Posted Feb 16, 2008 11:35 pm

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