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need to climb above 14 ,000 ft again .

Rick F

Posted by Rick F on Feb 10, 2007
Page Views: 1576

Activity Details

Date: After Jul 18, 2007
City or Place: 81611
Skill Level: Advanced
Categories: Biking, Hiking, Mountaineering, Social, Other
Partner Status: Need Partners


Not sure of where to go I ve looked at Peru seems they are makin all of us hire a gude ! i dont need no stinking guide ! So that might be out . While I understand they need to make money climbers are a poor source of revenue . we do not have any extra cash well most of us .

So anything looks good for 2008 St Elias , Fairweather , Logan , hey lets be real insane and try Hummingbird ridge for the hell of it . I've done the cassin .I hear Humingbrid is even more fun ! well sort of .Foraker not sure what route. Denali lets make a new line damn it to many folks wandering up the buttress and getting into trouble . hey I.,even do Everest if some one pays my freight ! Chopoyoy ? Dauhligiri ? Broad peak ? Any one up for the Wind Rivers , Freemont is a nice class 3 climb , Gannette is a tough one and if your counting it is a high point . one of the toughest .

Or help me get in better shape this summer climbing 14 k peaks in Co
Shoot me a email and we see where it goes oh yeah as always good talented female climbers get preference. But I'll hike or climb with most any one. ill even be willing to dust off my guiding skills for food and beer . Ah yes to the celeb (who will forever remain unknown to any list) who wanted me to get her up Pyramid in 2005 and the hike up Snowmass in 2006 A for effort A ++++++for coping with nuts wanting autographs A+ +++++++++++ :) for the locla wines watching afternoon T storms finding a quite place to enjoy a cold beer and fantastic Southwet fare . and evenings filedwith laughter and more I miss ya !

Iam amced but want/need partners was not given a chice so Ill just type it just as easy .

Do your dreams Rick F


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himalaysonI know where


Sounds like you have a wide view of possible places to go. How about the Himalayas in the spring?
Posted Feb 12, 2007 9:40 am



I was in Peru 3 months ago and guides were certainly not mandatory when I was there but rumour was it may change. Which sucks because some of those guides dont know what there doing up there. Im going to Alaska/Yukon this summer and need partners.
Posted Oct 11, 2007 5:23 pm

sdespinsPeru Guides Not Necessary


Guides are not required to climb in Peru. I spent several months in the Cordillera Blanca this summer (2007). All you need to do is sign a waiver at the Huascaran National Park stations.
Posted Nov 13, 2007 4:47 pm

yuredingInterested in high altitudes


I'm interested in climbing Orizaba this winter and Aconcagua the following winter. Next summer I am up for anything challenging. Let me know if you need a partner who doesn't use guides.
Posted Jul 17, 2009 6:05 pm

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