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New to area Need Partners( mnteer., sport, trad )


Posted by killswitch1088 on Oct 8, 2011
Page Views: 534

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Colorado, United States
City or Place: Colorado, US
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Biking, Gym/Training, Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing
Partner Status: Need Partners


Hey im new to area and looking to meet some new parters to climb and hike with. I and laid back 23 year old who has been climbing off and on for last 6 years and started to take in serious in the last one again. Always looking to learn more and push my limits. I have all my own gear and TRAD, SPORT, ICE, MOUNTAINEER, BIKEING, and SKI.

Just a few ideas i have are

Total abandoment
Superstar coulior
North cable route
Or any thing else

I am also trying to find some people to go to utah to climb and canyoneer in the next mo. or so not sure on the dates though.

I go up to the mountains at least 2 times a week maybe more my job is very flexable so just let me know if you have any plans too.



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