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NH Presidentials - Last week of 2007


Posted by puddlecruiser on Nov 9, 2007
Page Views: 575

Activity Details

Date: On Dec 27, 2007
City or Place: Presidentials
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Need Partners


I'm coming back to New Hampshire for Christmas and am thinking about doing a presidential mountain backpacking trip/overnighter in the days following Christmas 2007, before New Years2008. Two days, one night might be all, but I'll consider longer. I'd consider a traverse of the presidentials too, if we can coordinate cars, etc.

Not too many miles, but expect 5 degrees Fahrenheit with 100 mph winds......or worse during the day, colder at night.... That's what I encountered last year.

I would do this solo, but my mother will worry if I do, and accidents happen, so I'm hoping to find a partner that can handle a dilemma in the brutal winter conditions, and can happily deal with one night of cold sleep... the hot chocolate is never more than a day away.

If you're serious: Seven03-3five0-305seven Dave


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