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Outdoor Partner??


Posted by bcaarons on Sep 14, 2012
Page Views: 511

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: San Francisco
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Gym/Training, Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hey there,
My itch to climb outside was temporarily satisfied in Utah/Colorado/Idaho this summer, but now that I am back in California, I'm painfully aware that I don't have any stable reliable climbing partners. I mostly rock climb, started going outside last year. I'm leading sport 5.7s through 5.9s, with the occasional 5.10. I can follow trad; I've learned and led one trad route but am not confident enough to own a trad rack. I'm a huge backpacker, and I love to scramble peaks. I'm going to Patagonia in a couple of months thus am motivated to train. I want to start mountaineering, I don't have much exposure to snow. This is what I'm looking for:

-Consistant, non flaky partner who likes to climb/ peak bag for weekends, at least once a month
-Someone who has equal experience if not a little more, I love learning from others
-people who are looking for a long term climbing partner who they can trust and grow as a climber with.(sounds cheesy I know but is important!)

I'm serious about climbing and would love to learn and grow, I'm excited to start mountaineering and would love to be shown the ropes. I don't often go back on my word when I plan a trip.

let me know if you're looking for the same things!!!


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I live pretty far away, in Placerville, but am on your way up to the mountains. I have a ton of climbing experience, bouldering v10 and doing a lot of trad and sport, but I would like to get into some mountaineering. Let me know if your interested and we can marks some dates.
Posted Oct 30, 2012 5:13 pm

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