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Santa Cruz and Bay Area Climbing partners Needed


Posted by bigrock on May 26, 2009
Page Views: 2641

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Santa Cruz
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Gym/Training, Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing, Social
Partner Status: Want Partners


I am looking for someone to get outside with. I live in Santa Cruz and travel a lot throughout the bay area. I am trying to get back into climbing after moving to the bay about 6 months ago. I have a ton of climbing experience but I have been out of climbing regularly for a couple years. I still go a few times a summer but I don't have a regular partner. I am super chill about climbing and believe it is more about having fun than it is about your ego and how hard you pull. At my peak I could trad lead a .11b and I have done some beginnner big walls in yosemite. Now I am looking to get back into climbing regularly. Right now I can trad confidently .8 and can sport in the high 10's. I have all the gear to do just about anything in the climbing realm from big walls to ice I am outfitted.

What I am looking for:

I am looking for someone who is chill and gets outside for the fun of it. I would be interested in someone who has some experience under their belt but climbers who have been outside some and looking to get better are cool too. Honestly I am looking for someone to get out with whether it is TR or sport or trad. I also don't care about where you want to go whether it is the bay or beyond. I would be interested in someone who is looking for a person to get out on some big routes eventually but for me it is all about trust so we need to get out on some smaller stuff first and would love to get together at the gym. On a side note I would be super interested in someone with big wall gear that wants a partner to teach as I am a beginner to walls. Really it comes down to replying to this post with what your into and what your looking for.


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bigrock, I sent you a PM.
Posted May 30, 2009 9:26 pm

redsolarearthemail sent


I sent you an email
Posted Jun 13, 2012 2:36 pm

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