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Scientific Expedtions, Documentary & Outdoor Films


Posted by erykmynn on Sep 12, 2008
Page Views: 2233

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Oakland
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Gym/Training, Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing, Social, Other
Partner Status: Need Partners


My girlfriend and I would like to volunteer our services to anyone working on scientific expeditions or outdoor film and video of any sort. I have a strong academic background in earth sciences, and we both have at degrees in broadcasting.

We'd be interested in helping in any capacity, depending on the project. We are intermediate hikers, and beginners at rock climbing and mountaineering. We could do anything from schlepping gear to shooting and editing video to distributing content via the web or writing copy for news and press releases (any many other things in between). We either have, or have access to any equipment we could need, and have a good support network should your project go beyond our current capabilities.

We're mostly interested in meeting people and volunteering to do cool stuff at this point, but projects with a large commitment would obviously require compensation. We're also particularly interested in shooting amateur films of your climbing, mountaineering, or scientific exploits with hopes of getting into the festival circuit.

Please contact with any wild ideas or for more information on our abilities.


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MounTaurieElbrus 2009 Research Expedition


I try to organise research expedition to Mt.Elbrus (Russia).
The main question of expedition is why people enjoy climbing.
Posted Jan 11, 2009 5:35 pm

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