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Seeking: Experienced mountaineering partners


Posted by tallsailor on Mar 3, 2008
Page Views: 1807

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: United States
City or Place: GUNNISON, CO
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Skiing
Partner Status: Need Partners


I moved to CO this fall to build the skills needed for technical alpine climbing. Spent half the winter broken from a mountain biking fall... Now I am feeling like I am running out of winter! I am looking for experienced partners/mentors to bring me out and begin to help me get my head around basic skills like avalanche safety, snow climbing, route finding in the mountains, and a whole host of things I'm sure I can't even conceive of. As a baseline, I am in good physical condition and lead WI4-5ish. I learn quickly and never need baby sitting. My goal before I sidelined myself in October was to be in good enough shape to not only keep up with the best while learning on the go, but to carry their beer, too!

So, for starters I've got a hankering for some committed multipitch ice with some easy mixed thrown in. I also want to suffer on some light and fast two or three day snow slogs or 14ers or something. I'm pretty sure my sleeping/clothing systems are functional, although I don't have a mountain-worthy stove.

Any takers?



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borisaquaAre you still looking for partners?


I'll be in the area after Christmas
Posted Nov 20, 2009 3:21 pm

Paddyrocki am game


Hey john
I am kinda in the same boat as yourself with regards to experience level. I have been doing winter ice climbing and mountaineering for a good few years and have lots of experience in both ice and mixed however i have never found someone with experience enough to take on harder projects with. I have done a good bit of m6 single pitch and a bunch of dry tooling but since now i have never been able to express these skills in the high mountains. I really want to make 2010 the year, so to say.
I plan to do a few trips to Colorado and Canada through out the winter so if you are up for some suffering id love to join you.
I live in California at the moment and plan to work here until the end of jan. After that i plan to do road trips around the rockies. With a trip to alsaka or europe in april to be the pinnacle of the winter training.
Drop me a line if you have any plans coming up. 415 713 8104
Posted Nov 22, 2009 8:02 pm

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