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State Highpointing Binge


Posted by Kifaru on Mar 21, 2012
Page Views: 892

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Central State Highpoints
Skill Level: Beginner
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


I'm an Everest summiteer on a bit of a state highpointing binge. Would anyone care to join me on an epic road trip in the next several weeks to reach 15 highpoints in the middle of America? (I already mentioned I was an Everest summiteer, right? So yes, I AM that kind of crazy.) Nothing is set in stone yet, so write me for details. It would be a lot more fun to do this with some like-minded highpointers. We could share expenses and driving responsibilities and an epic adventure. I'm tentatively planning the following sequence: OK, KS, NB, SD, ND, MN, MI, WI, IA, IN, OH, MO, AK, MS, and LA. I'm starting out in Arizona, and I'm toying with the idea of seeing some friends in Utah and Colorado at the beginning or end of this trip, so there are a lot of different places where we could rendezvous. This will take me two weeks. Come for all or part. Let the adventure begin!


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Tim De JongHigh points

Tim De Jong

Considering very much _have down IA.SD.KS.IL. and several others. Looking to hit more soon too.
Posted Jul 19, 2015 11:13 pm

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