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Winter Druk Path Trek


Posted by fancysv8 on Nov 26, 2016
Page Views: 453

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Bhutan
City or Place: Bhutan
Skill Level: Beginner
Categories: Hiking
Partner Status: Will accept Partners


Duration: 6 days, Max. Elevation: 4,220m

Seasons: March to June & Sept to Nov (winter trek)

Start: National Museum in Paro

Finish: Mothitang (Timphu)

The six day trek is the most popular trek in the country as it passes through a gorgeous natural landscape of blue pine forests, high ridges and pristine lakes while at the same time offering the opportunity to visit some ancient lhakhangs, dzongs and villages.

The Druk Path Trek is also a fairly easy hike to undertake as the distances between rest camps is fairly short. The trail takes you through forests of fir, blue pine and dwarf rhododendrons at altitudes ranging between 2400-4200 m. On the third day hikers will arrive at Jimiling Lake, whose crystal clear waters are home to gigantic trout.

This trek also offers hikers stunning views of Mt. Gangkar Puensum, the highest unscaled peak in the world. The best times to embark on the Druk Path Trek are between March-June or September-November. if you all need more information about trekking in Bhutan you can visit www.sptoursandtreks.com

you can mail me at fancysv8@gmail.com


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