Page Type Page Type: Article
Activities Activities: Hiking, Mountaineering, Trad Climbing, Sport Climbing, Toprope, Bouldering, Ice Climbing, Aid Climbing, Big Wall, Mixed, Scrambling, Via Ferrata, Canyoneering, Skiing

Important note

I´m leaving Madrid in some weeks time so I can´t work on the SummitPost contents. I´ll start working again on the last days of December or on the first of 2008.



Campamento Rio Blanco

The Dictionary it´s working... but you can help us to improve its contents!

New ideas and opinions are wellcome. Also, collaborations are wellcome.

Editors note:

Please don´t edit the html contets directly: use the shared spreadsheet please... we´ll save time and effords.

The Toponimes Dictionary

English Spanish French Italian German
ascent ascensión (m)   ascensione (f) Anstieg (m)
  subida (f)   salita (f ) Aufstieg (m)
bivouac   bivouac bivacco (m) Biwak (n)
bivouac shelter (??)     bivacco Biwakschachtel (f)
bridge puente (m)     Brücke (f)
buttress espolón (m) pillier sperone (m) Pfeiler (m)
canyon barranco (m)     Schlucht (f)
  cañón (m) canyon (m) gola (f) Canyon (m)
  desfiladero (f) défilé (m) forra (f) Klamm (f)
  garganta (f) gorge (f)    
  hoz (f)      
  foz (f)      
cairn hito (m)   ometto (m) Steinmann (m)
        Steinhaufen (m)
camp campamento (m)     Lager (n)
cascade cascada (f)   cascata (f) Kaskade (f)
        Wasserfall (m)
cave caverna (f)   caverna (f) Höhle (f)
  cueva (f)      
  gruta (f) grotte (f) grotte (f) Grotte (f)
chain cordal (m)     Kette (f)
chimney chimenea (f)     Kamin (m)
cirque circo (m) cirque (f) circo (m) Kar (n)
  hoya (f)     Bergkessel (m)
col/pass/saddle achar (m) col (m) passo (m) Joch (n)
  alto (m)   sella (f) Pass (m)
  collada/o (f/m)   valico (m) Scharte (f)
  cuello (m)     Sattel (m)
  puerto (m)      
  paso (m)      
crack grieta (f)   fessura (f) Riß (m)
crevasse grieta (f) crevasse (f) crepaccio (m ) Gletscherspalte (f)
  sima (f)      
crossroad cruce de caminos (m)     Wegkreuzung (f) (??)
descent descenso (m)     Abstieg (m)
  bajada (f)      
dihedral diedro (m) diedre diedro (m) Verschneidung (f)
East Este (m)     Ost(en) (m)
edge borde (m) bord (m) spigolo (m) Kante (f)
face cara (f)     Wand (f)
fountain / spring fuente (f) source (f) sorgente (f) Quelle (f)
  manantial (m)      
gap brecha (f) brèche (f) breccia (f) Spalte (f)
  horcado/a (m/f) trou (m)    
glacier glaciar (m) glacier (m) ghiacciaio (m) Gletscher (m)
granite granito (m) granit (m) granito (m) Granit (m)
gully/chute canal (f) goulotte (f) gola (f) Schlucht (f)
  corredor (m) couloir (m) burrone (m) Gully (m)
height altura (f)     Höhe (f)
highland altiplano (m)     Hochebene (f)
        Hochland (n)
hill / mound / knoll loma (f)     Hügel (m)
  colina (m)     Anhöhe (f)
hut refugio (m) réfuge (m) rifugio Hütte (f)
ice hielo (m)     Eis (n)
lake lago (m) lac (m) lago (m) See (m)
  ibón (m)      
limestone caliza (f) calcaire (m) calcare (m) Kalkstein (m)
  roca calcárea (f)      
little lake laguna (f) petit lac (m) laghetto (m) kleiner See (m)
        Teich (m)
meadow prado (m)   prato (m) Wiese (f)
  pradera (f)      
mount monte (m) mont (m) monte (m) Berg (m)
  cerro (m)      
  cueto (m)      
mountain montaña (f) montagne (f) montagna (f) Berg (m)
needle/spire aguja (f) aiguille (f) ago (m) Nadel (f)
      guglia (f) Pfeiler (m)
        Zinne (f)
        Spitze (f)
North Norte (m)     Nord(en) (m)
path sendero (m)   sentiero (m) Pfad (m)
  senda (f)      
peak pico (m) pic (m) picco (m) Berg (m)
      pizzo (m) Gipfel (m)
      cuspide (f)  
Pole (North and South) Polo (Norte y Sur)     Nordpol (m) / Südpol (m)
range cordillera (f)   catena (f) Gebirgskette (f)
reservoir embalse (m) réservoir (m) bacino (m) Talsperre (f)
  pantano (m)     Staumauer (f)
ridge arista (f) arête (f) catena (f) Grat (m)
  cresta (f) crête (f) cresta (f) Bergrücken (m)
river río (m) rivière (m) fiume (m) Fluß (m)
road carretera (m)     (Land)straße (f)
route ruta (f)     Route (f)
        Strecke (f)
rock roca (f)     Felsen (m)
  peña (f)      
  piedra (f)      
scree pedrero (m) pierrier (m) detritico (m) Geröll (n)
        Schutthalde (f)
        Talus (geol.) (m)
serac serac (m)   seracco (m) Serak (m)
        Gletscherturm (m)
slope cuesta (f) pente (f) pendice (f) Abhang (m)
  ladera (f) côte pendio (m) Hang (m)
  repecho (m)      
stone piedra (f)     Stein (m)
South Sur (m)     Süd(en) (m)
stream arroyo (m)     Fluss (m)
  riachuelo m)     Strom (m)
  reguero (m)      
summit cima (m) cime (f) cima (f) Gipfel (m)
  cumbre (m) sommet (m)    
trail camino (m)   pista (f) Pfad (m)
  pista (f)     Piste (f)
tunnel tunel (m)   galleria (f) Sanduhr (f)
valley valle (m) vallée (f) valle (f) Tal (n)
village pueblo (m)     Dorf (n)
water agua (f)   acqua (f) Wasser (n)
waterfall catarata (f)   cascata (f) Wasserfall (m)
West Oeste (m)     West(en) (m)
Help needed:        
? ? ? ? Schrofen (m)

btw. any idea how to translate the German "Schrofen" (steep slope of mixed meadow and often loose rock) to English, Spanish ...??

The Weather Dictionary

English Spanish French Italian German
anticyclone anticiclón   anticiclone (m)  
avalanche avalancha (f)   valanga (f) Lawine (f)
  alud (f)      
avalanche bulletin       Lawinenlagebericht (m)
avalanche risk report (??)        
blizzard ventisca (f) tempête (f) de neige tormenta (f) Schneesturm (m)
    blizzard (m) bufera (f)  
cloud nube (f) nuage (m) nuvola (f) Wolke (f)
cloudy nublado (m)   nuvoloso (m) bewölkt, wolkig
cold frío (m) froid (m) freddo (m) Kälte (f)
dew rocío (m)   rugiada (f) Tau (m)
fog niebla (f) brume (f) nebbia (f) Nebel (m)
freeze (to) helar geler gelo (m) erfrieren
frost escarcha (f)   gelo (m)  
      brina (f)  
gale vendaval (m)   bufera (f) Sturm (m),
gust borrasca (f)     Böe (f)
hail granizo (m) grêle grandine (f) Hagel (m)
heat calor (m) chaud (m) caldo (m) Hitze (f)
hurricane huracán (m)   uragano (m) Hurrikan (m), Wirbelsturm (m)
ice hielo (m) glace (f) ghiaccio (m) Eis (n)
lightning relámpago (m) foudre (f) fulmine (m) Blitz (m)
    eclair (m)    
mist bruma (m) brumaille (f) bruma (f) Nebel (m)
      foschia (f) Sprühregen (m)
rain lluvia (f) pluie (f) pioggia (f) Regen (m)
  chubasco (m)      
rainy lluvioso (m)     regnerisch
ray rayo m) rayon (m) raggio (m)  
snow nieve (f) neige (f) neve (f) Schnee (m)
storm tormenta (f) tempête (f) tempesta (f) Sturm (m)
  tempestad (f) orage (m)    
stormy tormentoso (m)   burrascoso (m) stürmisch
  borrascoso (m)      
sun sol (m) soleil (m) sole (m) Sonne (f)
sunny soleado (m)   soleggiato (m) sonnig
  anticiclónico (m)      
sunrise / dawn amanecer (m) aube (f) alba (f) Sonnenaufgang (m)
  alba (f)     Morgendämmerung (f)
sunset / twilight puesta de sol (m) coucher (m) du soleil tramonto (m) Sonnenuntergang (m)
  atardecer (m)   crepuscolo (m) Abenddämmerung (f)
  crepúsculo (m) crepuscule (m)   (Abendrot) (f)
  ocaso (m)      
typhoon tifón (m)   tifone (m) Taifun (m)
twister tornado (m)   tornado (m) Tornado (m), Wirbelwind (m)
thunder trueno (m) tonnerre (m) tuono (m) Donner (m)
weather tiempo (m)   tempo (m) Wetter (n)
weather forecast prónostico del tiempo (m)   previsioni del tempo (m) Wetterprognose (f)
  parte meteorológico (m)     Wettervorhersage (f)
wind viento (m) vent (m) vento (m) Wind (m)
whiteout tormenta de nieve (f)   tormenta di neve (f) Whiteout

Gear Dictionary

English Spanish French Italian German
altimeter altímetro (m)   altimetro (m) Höhenmesser (m)
avalanche beacon     seganlatore per valanghe (m) LVS Gerät (n)
avalanche transceiver       Pieps (n)
backpack mochila (f)   zaino (m) Rucksack (m)
biner mosquetón (m)   moschettone (m) Karabiner (m)
binoculars binoculares (m)   binocolo (m) Fernglas (n)
  prismáticos (m)      
  gemelos (m)      
bivy sack     zaino per bivacco (m) Biwaksack (m)
bolt     dado (m) Bohrhaken (m)
book libro (m)   libro (m) Buch (n)
boots botas (f)   scarponi Schuhe (m)
bottle botella (f)   bottiglia (f) Flasche (f)
camera cámara (f)   macchina fotografica (f) Fotoapparat (m)
canteen cantimplora (f)   mensa (f) Kochgeschirr (n) (??)
cap gorro   tappo (m) Kappe (f)
climbing shoes pies de gato (m)   scarpette da arrampicata (f) Kletterschuhe (m)
        Kletterpatschen (m) [in AT]
        Kletterfinken (?) [in CH]
climbing skins piel de foca (m)   pelli di foca (f) Steigfelle (n)
compass brújula (f)   bussola (f) Kompass (m)
        Bussole (f)
crampons crampones (m) crampons ramponi (m) Steigeisen
donkey burro (m)   asino (m) Esel (m)
double rope     corda doppia (f) Doppelseil (n)
        Halbseil (n)
figure 8   huit discensore a 8 (m) Abseilachter (m)
        Achter (m)
first aid kit kit de primeros auxilios (m)   Kit di primo soccorso (m) Erste-Hilfe-Set
  botiquín (m)      
gaiters polainas (f)   ghette (f) Gamaschen (f)
  guetres (m)      
guide guía (m)   guida (f) Führer (m)
glove guante (m)   guanti (m) Handschuh (m)
googles gafas de ventisca (f)   occhiali da sole (m) Brille (f)
harness arnés (m)   imbracatura (f) Klettergurt (m)
hat sombrero (m)   cappello (m) (Sonnen)hut (m)
headlamp linterna frontal (f)   lampada frontale (f) Stirnlampe (f)
helmet casco (m)   casco (m) Helm (m)
ice axe piolet (m) piolet piccozza da ghiaccio (f) Eispickel (m)
ice screw tornillo de hielo (m)   chiodo da ghiaccio (m) Eisschraube (f)
jacket chaqueta (f)   giacca (f) Jacke (f)
knife cuchillo (m)   coltello (m) Messer (n)
knot nudo (m)   nodo (m) Knoten (m)
map mapa (m)   mappa (f) Landkarte (f)
mittens manoplas (f)   mezzi guanti (m) Fäustlinge (m)
mobile phone teléfono móvil (m)   cellulare (m) Handy (n)
overboots cubrebotas (f)      
pants pantalones (m)   pantaloni (m) Hose (f)
pocket knife navaja (f)   coltellino (m) Taschenmesser (n)
porter porteador (m)   portatore (m) Träger (m)
  cargador (m)      
quickdraw cinta express (f)   rinvio (m) Expreßschlinge (f)
radio radio (f)   radio (f) Funkgerät
raincoat chubasquero (m)   impermeabile (m) Regenschutz (m)
  impermeable (m)     Regenmantel (m)
  poncho (m)      
randonee binding fijaciones de travesía ?   attacco (m) Skitourenbindung (f)
randonee boot botas de travesía ?   scarpone da sci-escursionismo (m) Skitourenschuh (m)
randonee ski     sci da Escursionismo (m) Skitourenski (m)
rope cuerda (f)   corda (f) Seil (n)
snow shoes raquetas de nieve (f)   racchette da neve (f) Schneeschuhe (m)
ski poles palos de esquí (m)   bastoncini da sci (m) Skistöcke (m)
  bastones (m)      
sleeping bag saco de dormir (m)   sacco a pelo (m) Schlafsack (m)
sleeping pad esterilla (f)   cuscino (m) Matte (f)
socks calcetines (m)   calzetti (m) Socken (f)
  medias (f)      
stove hornillo (m)   fornello (m) Kocher (m)
sunglasses gafas de sol   occhiali da sole (m) Sonnenbrille (f)
tent tienda tente (?) tenda (m) Zelt (n)
thermal bottle termo (m)   termos (m) Thermoskanne (f)
underwear ropa interior (f)   biancheria intima (f) Unterwäsche (f)
whistle silbato (m)   fischietto (m) Pfeife (f)
white gas benizina blanca   gas butano (m) Reinbenzin

News about this project

I´m looking for a easier way to let the collaborators exchange the info, something like a shared spreadsheet throug Google Docs or something similar, because I think it´s quite frustrating editing the html code directely.

The idea is:

* Collaborators edit the spreadsheet.
* Once the spreadsheet is updated export the info into html code
* Update SP with the html code exported from the spreadsheet

I´d like to know your opinions

Thanks everybody for your help!!!!

More news

I was looking for a good way that let people just add information just
writing down into cell on a spreadsheet. Obviusly, human been like fresh air, clean water, flowers... but not edit a table contents on html code directly.

The good news is I think I have the tool to do the dirty work: using Google
Docs we can centralize into a unique file all the collaborations. Any of you just need to go into the
document using your web browser and simply edit the contents. :-D (it´s cool... and free!!!).
I have an account and a document on it. The only thing I need it´s your
email account. Then I´ll invite you to be a collaborator of the document and you´ll recive an email on your
box. Just click on the hyperlink you´ll find in the message and access the file.
Another great thing: if someone make a mistake or something we can go back,
because it records the versions of the document automatically.
Also, it lets exchange messages, so we can comunicate the rest of the
members about the new contents, ideas etc...

Later, with this file completed, we can just export into html, so 80% it´s
Just let me solve any problems I´m having with table html on SP... then the
proccess will be clear, simple and easier then edit html code.


The spreadsheet on-line system using Google Docs is ready and running. All the people interested in collaborate with the page just send me a Private Message or email, adding a gmail account to give you access to the file.

Portuguese and Polish languages are include in the shared database (the only GoogleDoc spreasheet) so new page with other languages will be ready soon.

Other languages help needed

Problems with GoogleDocs: we have exceed the cells limits of the on-line document

Problem has been solved spliting the shared file in three files


The Climbing Dictionary



Post a Comment
Viewing: 21-40 of 68

Nanuls - Sep 26, 2007 3:15 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Just a thought

Its difficult with so many languages to fit them all on one page, and to make this a truely worthwhile recource, I think it must contain information that can't be found anywhere else. Through colaberation this is quite possible as SP has members all over the world.

One way to do it, without trying to fit everything on one page, would be to create a number of pages based on language families, for instance a page for the Romance languages (French, Spanish, Portugese and Italian), a page for the Germanic languages (German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic etc), a page for the Slavic languages (Russian, Ukranian etc) and so on. If you wanted to include local terms, such as are found in most languages, they could then be included on those specific pages. These family pages would then be attached to a parent page that would contain a short introduction. For ease of use the format of each page should be uniform and consistent with all other pages that belong to the parent.

It's a big project, but it could be done in stages, not all pages have to be made at once. It would be a source of information unique to SP and be of enourmous use and interest.

Exciting don't you think?


eza - Sep 27, 2007 9:19 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Just a thought

How about a child page called "Regional Climbing Dictionary" (or something similar)? A first column with the english word and after that... well, I can think of basque, catalan, maybe galician (I don't know if it's really very different from spanish), welsh, gaelic, maybe breton,... and so on. Ideas would be welcome!
About our idea on specific areas of Spain, well, I don't know if it would fit in such a page... Maybe a second child page with a title such as "Regional Mountain Terms in Spain". Just a suggestion, anyway.


toc - Sep 25, 2007 12:38 pm - Voted 10/10

good idea already said in the above posts. If that helps, there is small english/german dictionary attached at the bottom of the Kitzsteinhorn page.

Vic Hanson

Vic Hanson - Sep 26, 2007 8:06 pm - Hasn't voted

The climbing dictionary

I just finished reading it. It is good but it is just for rock climbing, not mountain climbing. As has been said, we need these terms available on SP even if they are someplace else. I was working on an English/Spanish dictionary, but haven't finished it yet. It is for the American English speaking traveler to South America, especially Peru, so it includes more than just climbing and mountaineering terms. It includes general terms that a hiker or climber would find helpful on a mountain adventure in S. America. I emailed it to nikolai79.

Keep up the good work and let me know if I can help in any other way.



jck - Oct 1, 2007 7:12 am - Voted 10/10

I may... the Polish.


Andino - Oct 3, 2007 3:02 am - Hasn't voted

Re: I may...

Yes, go for Polish !
Ask to Nikolai for rights ;o)


nikolai79 - Oct 2, 2007 9:59 am - Hasn't voted


Let us see how to add new languages.


Andino - Oct 2, 2007 11:33 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Great!

We have to accelerate now, to provide an excellent page, as it is featured on the front page ;o)
People will be expecting good work from us.
What about the list of other words I had given you : when do we add them in ?


nikolai79 - Oct 2, 2007 11:54 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Great!


I´ll try to include them tonigh... I was the weekend out, and this week I have to solve somo "personal issues"... so I haven´t got as many time I wanted... I´ll do my best, let me have a look the shared spreadsheet.

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 2, 2007 6:47 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great!

Eduardo, horcada/o en inglés sería "gap", en otros idiomas ahora mismo no me sale. Sería bueno que se pusiera que quiere decir (m) y (f), en otros idiomas masculino y femenino no empiezan por m y f respectivamente

John Climber

John Climber - Oct 2, 2007 3:58 pm - Voted 10/10

Muy buena idea!!

Very good idea, Heel goede idee, ...mucha suerte, good luck,...sucess,..


Andino - Oct 3, 2007 2:54 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Muy buena idea!!

Thanks for your support ! We are going to improve it day by day.


fossana - Oct 2, 2007 6:24 pm - Voted 10/10

excellent idea

Now if we only had a SP wiki...


supermarmot - Oct 3, 2007 3:29 am - Voted 10/10

Good idea!!

...idea buena, bonne idée, buona idea, gute Idee :-)


nikolai79 - Oct 3, 2007 11:16 am - Hasn't voted

Editing Rules of this page

I´d like to show you some ideas and other things I think we have to discuss (the admin members and the rest of SP communities, as a democratic group we are). All kind of comments and ideas are wellcome.

* Alphabetical order of the English term.

* Similar words in different languages together (pass - paso, both have the same latin root)

* Maybe it can be a good idea remark in any way the more common term when we have some word

with the same or similar meaning.

* Spanish language: differences between Spanish from Spain and Spain from South america.
Vic Hanson wrote:

"I'm wondering how much difference there is between S. American spanish and Spain spanish?

For example here all the maps use "quebrada" for a small canyon, actually anything except a

very large canyon. However my dictionary (University of Chicago Spanish - English) says that

a quebrada is a ravine. In U.S. English a ravine is usually quite small, like a large gully.

Of course I'm not even sure in English where something changes from a ditch, gully, ravine,

gorge and canyon. I guess some terms like this are going to be hard to define. A small lake

is a pond, is that the same as a laguna? We also use lagoon, but I can't really define it. I

think a tarn is a small mountain lake. This could get very complicated!"

a) We could add something like (SAS=South America Spanish) to distinguish between both

(Eurpean and American). In any case, this words from America would be useful for climbers on

the great South American mountains, so they may be included.

b) Also, as Vic said, sometimes some words has an special meaning. Any idea to solve this


* As Diego Sahagun said: detail the genders of the words: m=masculine, f=femenine.

* jck offer us to include the Polish terms... it´s an old theme... We have to decide if

we´re going to add more languages in the page or in child pages.
If we add too many contents to the page it will be difficult to understand... and mantein.

Also, I was thinking maybe someone would like to print the page if he/she travels abroad to

climb mountains... in this case, the best is a table with 4-6 languages that can be printed

on an A4 paper.

We can use the shared spreadsheet solution for other languages too.


eza - Oct 4, 2007 7:03 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Editing Rules of this page

I'd say you are right: tables should be no longer than 4 to 6 languages. We all want to make it as useful as possible, and that would be the way to do it. The trouble is choosing the languages. If we look at the number of people speaking them around the world, I think english (of course!!!), spanish, french and german would have to be in the main page. Perhaps russian, arabic or chinese would deserve a place here (regarding the number of speakers criteria) but I don't know what do you think about that...
Apart from that, "regional" children pages would be ideal to group (as proposed) related languages with a lower number of speakers. And those children pages would also be the place to write about regional changes of a same languages or geographical variations (such as south-american and european spanish). I also believe english should be included in every table, as it is the common language used here at SP.


ganesh70 - Oct 4, 2007 7:14 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Editing Rules of this page

I think that we should leave the page as it is and add other languages as children. Italian is spoken only in Italy but Italy is one of the most visited countries by alpinists and hikers from all the world so if this is a mountain dictionary this must be considered.


Andino - Oct 4, 2007 8:09 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Editing Rules of this page

I agree with Ganesh, we have to think about this dictionary in terms of countries concerned by mountains :

- English for North American ranges and New-Zealand Alps
- Italian and German for the Alps
- French for the Alps and the Pyrénées
- Spanish for the Pyrénées and the Andes

These are the undisputed main five languages, I think.
But then we can think of countries that have a strong mountain history such as Slovenia + other Countries from Former Yougoslavia (Serbo-croatian ?) and Poland (Polish), with a large community on SP speaking these two languages.
That would make 7 languages in the "primary" dictionnary.

Some other languages could go into a "secondary" dictionnary, among others :

- Portuguese
- Norwegian
- Swedish
- Suomi (Finnish)
- Hungarian
- Romanian
- Czech
- Russian (can we make cyrillic letters ?)
- Pakistanese (a few active members on SP)

That's another 9 languages.

And why not a third dictionnary with regional languages :

- Welsh
- Scottish
- Basque
- Catalan
- Swiss German
and so on ...

How does it sound to you ?


nikolai79 - Oct 4, 2007 8:44 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Editing Rules of this page


I like Nanul´s idea too.

All of us have at least the opinion English-Spanish-French-Italian-German it´s the languages than have to be included in this pages.

But do we add more languages on this page or those languages must be added on child pages?

The groups of languages as Nanul said I think it´s goog. This way similar languages will be together.

In each child page will be English so you can translate every word in every language.

While we all decide something we can add new members to spreadsheet access, so they can add words in these other languages. It´s not difficult later to publish 5, 7 or the number of languages we decide and use the same spreadsheet to publish the tables for the children pages.


Andino - Oct 4, 2007 10:14 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Editing Rules of this page

OK then !
To avoid any competition between languages, let's make how Dan suggests. And keep the main dictionary with E/S/F/I/G.

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