Torreys Peak Climber's Log

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tjburr - Jul 12, 2017 12:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 26, 1999

Mountain Goats on Torreys  Sucess!

Great day to climb two Fourteeners. Did the Grays & Torreys combo. If you look to north and west, you can see Mount Sniktau. Spectacular climb. Happy Trails!


jerky1280 - Jun 12, 2017 2:53 pm Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2017

Over from Grays  Sucess!

Great hike. Lots of snow, microspikes necessary. Had a great glissade down from the middle of the bowl between the mountains!


kronshage3 - Apr 17, 2017 9:46 pm Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2016

Gray's + Torrey's Combo  Sucess!

Started around 7AM. Was able to make it all the way to trailhead. There was a few inches of snow on the road, however. Did the standard combo route by ascending Gray's first then crossing the saddle to Torrey's. Followed a separate trail down from the bottom of saddle. No need for snowshoes. Did not bring crampons, but would have been nice on a few sections. LOTS of wind on the saddle and Torrey's summit. Back at car around 2PM.


skorpeo - Dec 14, 2016 12:15 am Date Climbed: Jun 18, 2014

Nice   Sucess!

Nice day with my son.


droot - Aug 28, 2016 10:53 am Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2016

Grays and Torreys via Kelso Ridge  Sucess!

Climbed both Grays and Torreys by Kelso ridge. Parking lot was full by about 4am on a Saturday. Had the mountain to ourselves the entire way up Kelso ridge, but could see the lines of people heading up the standard route. Kelso ridge was a blast, had a little route finding mishap near the top and managed to somehow completely circumnavigate the knife edge. Once at the top of Torreys it was crowds of people all the way to Grays and down. Lots of snow in late August made for some slippery conditions from all the packed snow. 500+ people on the mountain made for some traffic jams on the way down.


PapaBanucci - Aug 13, 2016 5:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2016

Some Goats  Sucess!

2:20 up, 1:30 down.


dunking_deutschman - Aug 11, 2016 11:12 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2010

Nice hike  Sucess!

Cool hike. Had to park a ways down the road due to huge rocks and potholes-- it made for a long hike, but I got good use out of my microspikes for the first time. I climbed Grays on a separate hike a couple years ago because I like to gain 3,000 ft for each and every 14er summit.


chicagotransplant - Jun 20, 2016 10:37 am Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2016

Emperor Ski  Sucess!

Climbed up Dead Dog and then skied down Emperor. Wanted the longer descent, Emperor had about 3000' of continuous snow. Fun route and would do it again.


BLBonnet - Jun 13, 2016 4:19 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2013

Two peaks in one day  Sucess!

Climbed Grays and walked over to Torreys. Added another half hour to the climb at best.


Kevintheclimber - Apr 4, 2016 10:59 am Date Climbed: Feb 14, 2016

kelso ridge   Sucess!

fun mildly technical climb in winter.


mancopa - Oct 23, 2015 2:20 pm Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2015

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

Great hike. Cool temperatures and sunny skies the whole way. Saw a mountain goat on one of the cliffs.


damgaard - Oct 11, 2015 9:56 am Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2015

Torrey (Kelso) + Gray  Sucess!

After having climbed Mt. Sneffels and Crag Crest the days before, the views around Torrey's and Gray's were less impressive, but still a pretty fun climb up Kelso ridge and down via Gray's.

tripman1 - Sep 10, 2015 6:02 pm Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2015

Torreys cleared up  Sucess!

After Grays in the fog and snow, the clouds parted for this summit.


buzzdainer - Aug 30, 2015 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Aug 30, 2015

Grays/Torreys combo  Sucess!

Did this one along with Grays. Followed the standard route up the Grays Peak Trail to Grays, then over to Torreys and back down. Great day!


mgriffin015 - Aug 14, 2015 1:12 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2015

Grays/Torreys Combo   Sucess!

Though it looks like a harder peak from the trail, i would definitely say Grays was the tougher of the 2.


Treeline12000 - Aug 13, 2015 7:02 pm Date Climbed: Dec 10, 2009

Torreys Peak  Sucess!

Got the summit on my 2nd try. Hiked from I-70 since I did not have a high clearance vehicle. Great views.


jdmorehouse - Aug 8, 2015 10:34 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2015

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

Although a Friday, the trails were covered with people, their dogs, and children.


Hiker4life - Jul 14, 2015 9:20 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2010

With Grays  Sucess!

Nice hike from Grays. Crowds weren't bad.


derekperc - Jan 22, 2015 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2014

Kelso ridge  Sucess!

Weather wasn't looking promising, but we got lucky. Despite a bad forecast, there were 50 people on the summit on this particular Sunday. All college-aged; I suppose more experienced hikers stayed home after checking the weather.

Kelso Ridge was a great class 3.


chicagotransplant - Nov 2, 2014 7:05 pm Date Climbed: Nov 1, 2014

Stevens Gulch Trio  Sucess!

Edwards, Grays and Torreys together from Stevens Gulch trailhead solo. Road open and clear (might change with snow in the forecast!). Lower trail dry, but snow packed up higher, traction can come in handy.

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