Twist and Shout, 5.7

Twist and Shout, 5.7

  • Twist and Shout – 5.7/
  • Twist and Shout, as its name implies, is a fun route that serves as a good warm up for the 2nd tier because you scramble right past it on your way up. It is just to the right of the hand chain assist that takes you to the 2nd tier on the Sand Dunes area. It is an easy one to top rope for beginners. Involves a funky left traverse low on slab and horizontal cracks past four pins to anchor, placing a few medium pieces of gear in a crack further up to prevent run out if you so desire. You can walk off to the left and down with the chain assist or rap the route or bring up the 2nd and continue on to the 2nd tier routes. Sand Dunes Area, Island in the Sky,
    Dow Williams
    on Jun 28, 2007 10:15 am
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 305861


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