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Need Mountaineering Adventure Groups

Posted by CharlieInTheBox on Jul 22, 2011
Page Views: 691

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Ohio, United States
City or Place: Columbus
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Need Partners


I currently live in Columbus, Ohio and since there arn't too many mountains, there also isn't much interest in trips to climb any. I recently got back from a solo trip to Colorado to climb some 14ers. I had an awesome time, but was a little limited by being by myself. I did Belford/Oxford on day 1, Bierstadt day 2 and Grays/Torreys on day 3. My next little adventure is to do Langley and Whitney after a weekend in Vegas.

I am really interested in the technical aspects of climbing, which I cannot learn or attempt on my own. I don't really want to rope climb at this time, just stick to class 3 treks. The problem is that I don't know anyone that shares this hobby. I am looking for some people or groups who like to travel to mountains or other cool outdoor adventure locations. I figure I could learn a lot from people with experience, be safer, meet cool people and save a little bit of money. I also struggle in planning trips as I have never been to any of these places and don't know what to expect, pack or even know the real difficulty of what I attempt.

Ideally I would like to learn to mountaineer some glaciated peaks, possibly in Alaska, Canada, or Rainier. I'm also interested in the Sierras, Central or even South America. Hopefully there are some crews out there that I could fly into a destination meet up and get into some outdoor fun with.

I'm a 26 year old male. My main hobby is running. I would consider myself in pretty good shape, logging around 30 miles a week. I happen to be an accountant, which I love, but doesn't seem to fit my extra curricular passions.

Let me know if you have any questions about me or would contemplate letting me tag along.



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I'm looking to do some fall (november), winter and summer '12 climbing. I typically would like to climb Mt. Shasta, Hood, Baker, Adams or Rainier. I've done all but Rainier in winter conditions. Message me if your interested. I'm 20 years old and have 3 years mountaineering experience.
Posted Sep 18, 2011 9:40 am



I am in cincy-just getting back to climbing after a 4 year hiatus due to a bad accident that put me in too much rehab. In fact this is my first log-in probably in three years. If you find any groups in the Ohio area, let me know. I had big plans prior to my bad luck. Still have big dreams though.
Posted Oct 11, 2011 5:54 am

CharlieInTheBoxMexico Volcanoes
Hey guys, I'm looking at a possible trip to Mexico City to hit Iztaccíhuatl and Orizaba. It's just getting into season to climb and since winter is fastly approaching here I think it would be a great winter escape.

I've never been to Mexico City and I'm a bit worried about how rough it can get there. I think it would be much safer to travel with someone. It looks like flights are really cheap if you fly out of Chicago. Ideally I'd like to go in February, but would also be down for March.

Thoughts? Any other adventure ideas for the 4 months?
Posted Oct 31, 2011 10:54 am

USAFM6Aconcagua 1-21 Feb 2014


There's a group of us climbing Aconcagua 1-20 Feb 2014 if you're interested. Info here: http://summitclimb.com/new/default.asp?vid=90
Posted Jul 25, 2013 7:17 am

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