Mount Bierstadt Climber's Log

Viewing: 121-140 of 548

DerekFreed - Mar 30, 2012 12:51 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2011

Fun Off Season Peak  Sucess!

Nice high peak for winter days when other routes are sketch. East ridge is my favorite route on this peak. Plan to continue revisiting this peak.

JPBX924 - Feb 20, 2012 7:58 pm Date Climbed: Feb 20, 2012

Unsucessful Winter

Absolutely stunning in the winter. Entirely alone on the mountain (except the other two in the party). Very cold up higher, with relentless winds and weather moving in from the east. Group opted to head down about 1/2 way up due to worsening conditions and exhaustion. A good day though. Watch for ice on route up from US-285. Most ice I've ever seen on a road.


MissH - Feb 19, 2012 10:52 am Date Climbed: Feb 18, 2012

Don't forget sun/windblock!  Sucess!

Perfect weather - no clouds and mild winds, but that means lots of sunshine and frigid temps for a winter ascent. Saw a few people on the way up, and passed some overnight backpackers on our way down. Used microspokes myself, but saw others using snowshoes the whole way. They probably postholed a lot less in the willows than us, but it wasn't too bad.


DanielWandsneider - Feb 17, 2012 10:47 am Date Climbed: Feb 14, 2009

fun winter hike  Sucess!

I hiked up at night and slept out on a tarp at the base. That night I could hear a few lynx calling out to each other, which was pretty fascinating. The next morning, there was a bit of a storm, but the ridge wasn't too bad. Made it up in a few hours but couldn't see much with the low visibility. Hiking through the willows was a huge pain - I'm glad I had at least some help with flotation.

armstrongclimber - Nov 2, 2011 11:12 am Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2011

First 14er  Sucess!

Me and my brother were in town for a couple days hanging out with my cousins so we decided to bag a 14er while we were here. So we stopped by this one for a glorious day in the mountains while on our way to a family reunion in steamboat. When we summited we say a storm that we thought was a long way off, but quickly blew in causing us to run down in some places while the clouds set in and it began to rain. But we all ended up having a good time.


xpda - Oct 29, 2011 1:03 pm Date Climbed: Jan 30, 2000

Bierstadt  Sucess!



Kara - Oct 24, 2011 10:50 am Date Climbed: Oct 23, 2011

Beautiful hike  Sucess!

A beautiful hike we squeezed in before winter. A little snow, but not enough to shut it down (or change the sport) Gorgeous color and clarity.


pavellush - Oct 14, 2011 4:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2011

nice and easy

Mt Bierstadt from Guanella Pass

Ted Eliason

Ted Eliason - Oct 12, 2011 3:07 pm Date Climbed: Jun 6, 2002

OK training Run  Sucess!

Worth a 2 1/2 hour am hike in stable conditions without crossing over the sawtooth to Evans.


BLong - Sep 25, 2011 7:46 pm Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2011

The Saw  Sucess!

Fun hike via the east arete and Sawtooth.


EndlessPat - Sep 25, 2011 7:24 pm Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2011

Done  Sucess!

Beautiful fall day


Tonka - Sep 19, 2011 6:42 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2011

Late start with iffy weather  Sucess!

I flew out of Minneapolis at 7:20 a.m., arrived in Denver, checked into the Super 8 in Goergetown and was on the summit before 2. There was quite a bit of snow (for the date) high and lower there was a lot of mud which made the going slower and slippery. Weather was around but things stayed decent in our area. You could see rain in some places but there was no lightning anywhere. Felt our late start would be ok with the current weather conditions.


twilly - Aug 30, 2011 2:13 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2008

first 14er  Sucess!

This was my first 14er. My tallest peak before it was only 5,648 ft.


mstender - Aug 24, 2011 11:45 pm Date Climbed: Aug 18, 2011

Sawtooth!  Sucess!

Did it during the week from Guanella Pass were we slept to do the Sawtooth route. We did not see many people since we got a pretty early start (5:30am).

Lowa rennt - Aug 22, 2011 10:04 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2011

Mt.Bierstadt  Sucess!

Beautiful day.I had read for years about the infamous willows,and kinda felt like I was cheating walking over those bridges.;) I'll live :).


vbeckman74 - Aug 4, 2011 10:51 am Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2004

Sawtooth  Sucess!

The Sawtooth Traverse is very cool. Talus, boulders and a little escape from the crowds on Evans.


SofiaGoumas - Jul 19, 2011 12:05 pm Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2011

1st 14er  Sucess!

Did Mt Beirstadt, yes, I am so proud of my daughters 7 and 9 they made it all the way.

Up2zmtns - Jul 18, 2011 1:02 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2011

Wow  Sucess!

Scary scene on this summit after Sawtooth. We were made out to be superhuman for dong the class three traverse... I saw plenty of cell phones, and even a couple iPads... glad the city folk are getting their exercise... probably a hundred people up there


odysseus - Jul 16, 2011 9:37 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2011

From Guanella Pass, standard route  Sucess!

My 4th time up Bierstadt. There were easily 100 people on the mountain with me that day and, as usual, many of whom didn't look like they belonged there.


Nmontelli - Jul 13, 2011 6:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2011

Tour d' Abyss  Sucess!

East Ridge is alot of fun.

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