Boater's Guide to Lake Powell 4th Edition


Boater's Guide to Lake Powell 4th Edition
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Boater's Guide to Lake Powell 4th Edition
Manufacturer Kelsey Publishing
Page By 2skinners
Page Type Jul 3, 2007 / Jul 3, 2007
Object ID 3493
Hits 3453

Product Description

This book contains the following sections regarding Lake Powell:

Part 1: Introduction & History

Part 2: Introduction to Boating, Hiking and Camping

Part 3: Geology, Maps and Odds & Ends

Part 4: Lake Powell's Side-Canyons--From North to South

It also contains some handy conversion tables as well.


Paperback: 288 pages
Author: Michael R. Kelsey
Publisher: Kelsey Publishing
Language: English
Cost: $13.95
ISBN #: 0944510-19-1

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