Page Type: | Route |
Lat/Lon: | 45.68060°N / 7.38498°E |
Season: | Summer |
La montagna chiama i suoi figli, ed essi rispondono fedelmente al suo appello… Osvaldo Cardellina, Diario alpinistico, 1964-65Page texts: @ OsvaldoCardellina "Osva", passed away on May 2, 2022. Page owners: Christian Cardellina e Osvaldo Cardellina. Any updates from September 12, 2022: Antonio Giani, page administrator, friend and climbing companion. Testi della pagina: @ OsvaldoCardellina "Osva", scomparso il 2 maggio 2022. Proprietari pagina: Christian Cardellina e Osvaldo Cardellina. Eventuali aggiornamenti dal 12 settembre 2022: Antonio Giani, amministratore della pagina, amico e compagno di salite. |
Emilius's Subgroup from Northwest
Emilius Subgroup from Northeast
E - in DETAIL): Histories and Proposals of 85 "Marathon" Traverses/Scrambles/Climbings into Monte Emilius Group and Subgroups and 25 TOURS and 14 Minitours + 1 of Mistery and 20 or basis routes. Handwritten in Pian Felina and to correct since Apr 20th, 2009 in Valenzana/Gimillan/Lillaz - Saint Grat Sanctuary/Combatissière Alp - Gimillan Chapel, 1926/Valmiana - Trois Villes/Fonteil/Nouva Alp/Statue of Partisan - Plout - Sanctuary/Pouria Alp/"Furnace Area"/High Druges Alps - Écloseur Bridge/Tzecheu Alp - Pila Alp - Little Saint Bernard (F) - Brusson/Champoluc/Antagnod/Saint Jacques/Col di Joux-Écloseur Bridge/Gimillan/Valnontey - Saint Grat Sanctuary - Trois Villes/Avisod Chapel - Écloseur Bridge/Pila Alp and Waterfull/Tzecheu Alp - Valtournenche/Cervinia/"Les Clochards", Marmore Stream/"Sciatori BTG Monte Cervino" Chapel - Torgnon/Saint Pantaléon Pass/Roves Alps (ruins) Verrayes - La Mare/Pointe Alps - La Mare/Reverier Dessous Alps/Rongachet Bridge/Reverier du Tzat Alp - Thumel Bridge/Rhêmes Nôtre Dame - Champoluc/Antagnod little stream Laiut's Alps/Saint Pantaléon Pass, Partisans Chapel - Lillaz/Gimillan/Grauson Valley - Reverier du Tzat Alp/La Mare - Les Druges Highs Alps/"Furnace Area"/Pic Nic Area - Champillon Area - Grivel Alp (ruins)/Liouteysaz Alp/Grimondet Alp - Gimillan "Play Area"/Tarabouc Alps/Reventis Alps (ruins)/Écloseur Chapel - Les Ayettes Alps - Reverier Dessous Alps - Rongachet Bridge and Alps - Lillaz/Cogne - Saint Marcel/Grange Zulian House until Nov 28th, 2009. In memento of Adolfo Giulio OURLAZ "Dulo", Aosta's Mountain Guide, dead in Aosta on Aug 17th; 2009.
144 EMILIUS ONEHUNDRED ELEVEN TIMES THE VAULT OF HEAVEN OF AOSTA CITY (Partial History of Crossings, Tours, Minitours and basis routes)
1823 (? th?): Tour ONE "eternally firsts?"; in day? from Aosta route?-Arbolle Alp and Lakes - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle's Lakes and Alp - to Aosta route?; (Giovan Battista Defey, Doctor Lorenzo Cerise and unknown companion. (Edouard Aubert Book "La Vallée d'Aoste", page 242; Publisher Aymot, Paris, 1860: "A l'âge de seize ans j'avais gravi avec mes amis M.M.D…. et M…. une cime plus élevée, le pic de dix heures appelé depuis quelque temps le Mont Emilius. Peut - être mes deux amis et moi avons - nous les premiers fait cette ascension. Le souvenir de cette belle équipée de mon adolescence….") r. Tour 01: A/24; A/24.
1875 (Sep 09th): Tour TWO "new route Escaliers and veins of quartzite S-SW Wall's from Gelato Lake"; in day? from Charvensod - Arbolle Alp and Lakes route? - Gelato Lake - S-SW Wall and S-SW Slope (1° ascent, new route) Mount Emilius in ascent and S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Charvensod route? (Giuseppe Corona, Venanzio Defey and Grégoire Comé, mountain's guide of Charvensod) r. Tour 02: 26; A/24.
1897 (Aug 29/30th): Tour THREE "from Arpisson Alp to Aosta to step over the Becca di Seneva, Little and Mount Emilius"; (29th): from Arpisson Alp - W Wall and from Torrione (Pinnacle) S to N-NW Ridge Becca di Seneva in ascent (1° and 1° absolute of mountain) - S-SW Arête in descent - Arpisson E Glacier - Sources Emilius to Arpisson Alp; (30th): from Arpisson Alp - Sources Emilius - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall Little Emilius's (1° absolute of Arpisson Slope) and W Arête (1° absolute) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Comboé to Aosta; (Giovan Battista Devalle, Ercole Daniele and A. Pession and L. Bich, mountain guides Valtournenche) r. Tour 03: 01/D/23; A/24.
1902 (Sep 15/16/17/18/19/20th): Tour FOUR "Six days in Mount Emilius Group";(15th): from Aosta, by mule, Charvensod - Bondine - Pissina sala - Gorre - Lesère - Pousse - Reverier - Devil's Barrier - Ponteille Alp - Dard or Ponteilles Waterfall to Comboé House/Refuge; (16th): from House/Refuge Canons Saint Ours (Bear) - Gran Plan Alp - Comboé/Arbolle Pass - Arbolle (or Arbole?, in Abbot Henry opinion) Alp and Lakes - Haunt Pouleins (Little Horse) - Gelato Lake - Old Glacier Emilius's - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête Mount Emilius in ascent (Abbot Maria Joseph Henry of Saint Pierre, Reverend Bionaz of Saint Nicolas and Grégoire Comé, mountain guide Charvensod); E Arête in descent and in ascent (1° route in descent and in ascent) - W Arête Emilius (1° route in descent) to "Colletto" (3.315m) - S Slope in ascent (half) (Ab. Henry and Grégoire Comé); S Slope integral (1° route) in descent - Stones's Lake-crossing E/W Slopes Róss Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins in 1902?) - Comboé Alp (Ab. Henry, Rev. Bionaz and Comé); (17th): from Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins?) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope Becca di Nona (Henry, Bionaz and Comé); Carrel Pass - NW Arête, W Wall and NW Arête Mount Róss of Comboé - W Arête Little Emilius's in ascent and in descent to "Colletto" 3.315m (1° route) - N Wall Mount Róss's in descent (1° route) Arpisson W Glacier - Peckoz Little Lake – Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Vallé (ruins?) to Comboé Alp (Ab. Henry and Grégoire Comé); (18th): from Comboé - Gran Plan Alp - Comboé/Arbolle Pass - Arbolle Alps and Lakes - Haunt Pouleins's - Arpisson Pass or "Bassa" Garin (Garin Pass) - Garin Lake - "Pueblo Town" Arpisson Valley - NW Slope of Quota (3.208m) - SW Arête Garin Peak (2°, new route from Arbolle Valley) in ascent - N Edge and NW Arête in descent - Garin Lake and Pass - Haunt Pouleins - Arbolle Lakes and Alps - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Gran Plan Alp to Comboé Alp (Henry and Comé); (19th): from Comboè - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Observatory Signal Sismonda - Replan N Pass- Replan Point - Replan S Pass - Chamolé Lake - Plan de l'Eyve (of water) Valley - Tsa Setze Pass - SW Arête Punta della Valletta and crossing to Mount Bella Faça (Belleface) and Testa Nera - NE Arête in descent - Chamolè Lake - Replan N Pass to Comboé (Henry and Comé); (20th): from Comboé - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Hermitage Saint Grat - Reverier - Charvensod to Aosta (Henry and Comé) r. Tour 04: A/24; I/32; I/32; D/23; D/23/26; 25ter; D/23bis; D/23bis/01.
1902 (Sep 20th): Tour FIVE "From Aosta to Aosta - crossing W/S Emilius"; in day from Aosta - Comboè - Carrel Pass - NW Arête Mont Róss (Red) of Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête Mount Emilius's - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass (bivouac) (Sep. 21th); Mondini to Cogne through Arbolle and Laures Pass, Questa to Aosta through Arbolle Lakes (two) and Pila - Pila, route?, to Aosta; (Emilio Questa and Felice Mondini, of Turin?) r. Tour 05: D/23/23 bis; A/24.
1906 (Aug 02th): "Marathon Crossing Missis Lanaz and dad in day from Aosta to Emilius"; in day from Aosta - Arbolle Alp and Lakes - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Aosta route?; (Missis Lanaz and dad) r. Cross 01: A/24; A/24.
1906 (Aug 01/02th): "The Ridge of Three Abbots - L'Arête des Trois Curés"; (01th): from Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - Laures Dessous Lake - House in the Hunting Barons Peckoz Family's; (02th): from Les Laures House Peckoz - Peckoz Pass - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge in ascent (1° absolute) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Aosta route?; (Abbots Pantaléon Bovet, Joseph Marie Henry, Louis Bonin and Engineer Nino Tofani);
1926 (Aug 16th) 1°? Replay (Alessandro Martinotti and companion of C.A.I. of Biella);
1929 (Aug 18th); 2° Replay (Alexandre "Dino" Charrey, Jean Charrey and Cino Norat) r. Cross 02: G/16; A/24. ("RM C.A.I. 1907" - Magazine of the Italian Alpine Club by Engineer Nino Tofani, page 49... "Arrivando ai Lores l'occhio si posa sopra un paesaggio di delicata bellezza: un lago contornato da belle spalle di monti, ha dei riflessi d'una tinta azzurra dolcissima; l'Emilius lo domina ad ovest con aspetto severo..."..."Noi pernottiamo ne casotto della guardia del barone Peccoz, la quale ci concede ospitalità; e, mentre io preparo la cena, i miei compagni appartati qua e là, leggono con religiosa attenzione il loro breviario. La sera, senza attutire e variare i rumori del giorno che qui sono eterni ed eguali quasi sempre, é venuta annerendo gradatamente il lago e le cose basse dapprima, le vette ultime poi. Più tardi la luna ha inondato la scena della sua luce tranquilla, e noi siamo tornati all'aperto..."... Edit. RM C.A.I. in Turin, 1907).
QUANDO IL TECNICISMO SUPERA LA POESIA (sic!)...WHEN THE TECHNOCRACY HE LIVES OVER THE POETRY (sic!). (See above and under, by Osvaldo Cardellina.). Hellish AUTOCriticism of Misdeed, by author. "Guida del Monte Emilius" by Osvaldo Cardellina, pages 126/133 ..."Essa sale a cavallo delle pareti nord (costituita dal Triangolo Nero nel primo tratto) ed est e presenta un vuoto ed una esposizione notevoli anche se risulta priva di passaggi superiori al III°; nonostante il nome datole dai tre parroci di Valpelline, Roisan e Doues di "Cresta dei Tre Curati", essa ha più l'aspetto di uno spigolo..."... Edit. O. Cardellina in Aosta, Dec 1978.
1924 (Jun 15th): "Or basis of Becca di Seneva"; in day from Arpisson Alp - W Slope of little saddle 2.645m - N-NW Ridge Becca di Seneva in ascent( First crest) and S-SW Arête in descent - Peckoz Pass, E Slope in descent - Laures Dessous Lake and Alp - Le Tramouail - La Vieille - L'Arp - Gremonenche - Grand Brissogne to Villefranche Quart; (Amilcare Crétier, C.A.I. of Aosta, Renato Chabod, C.A.A.I., A. Nouchy and Giuseppe Riconda) r. or basis 01.
1925 (Nov 02th): "Or basis Becca di Nona,from Aosta Town in hardly wintry circumstances"; from Aosta Town-Charvensod - Comboé route? - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona? in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé Alp to Aosta route?; (Amilcare Crétier and Lino Binel, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. or basis 02.
1925 (Aug 19th): "Walk-stroll in Becca from Aosta Town,in day....";from Aosta Town - Charvensod - Comboé route? - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona ? in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé Alp to Aosta route?; (Amilcare Crétier and Lino Binel, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. or basis 03.
1926 (Jun 19/20th): "Amilcare in N-NE Ridge (1°ascent) for to train the N Wall of Arpisson Alp"; (20th): from Arpisson Alp - Arête and N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona (1° ascent absolute) and E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolé Alp-Pila – Pont Suaz to Aosta Town; (Amilcare Crétier, Guido Perolino and Giuseppe Riconda) r. or basis 04.
1927 (Mar 17/18/19th): "Renunciation first winter of Mount "Aemilius" and 1° in winter of Becca di Nona and first skiing Carrel Pass"; (17th): from Aosta - Charvensod - Ponteilles Alp (bivouac); (18th): from Ponteilles Alp and Dard Waterfall - Comboé and renunciation Mount Emilius first winter, for bad weather (bivouac in Alp); (19th): from Comboé Alp in skiing Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass - E-SE Arête in ascent and in descent (first winter and first skiing to Carrel Pass) - Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboè - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolè Alp - La Nouva/Pila - Plan Pra to Pont Suaz and Aosta Town; (Amilcare Crétier, F. David, Albert Deffeyes, G. Lamastra, Basilio Ollietti, Guido Perolino and Luigi Pession) r. or basis 05.
1926/1927: "Double Shot in North Wall!"... 1926 (Aug 15/16th): (15th): "North Wall for Three";from Pila - Comboè - Plan Valé (ruins) - Carrel Pass - Peckoz Little Lake and Refuge (ex House in the Hunting of Barons Peckoz Family); (16th): from bivouac in Refuge Peckoz - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall, Pillar of Left and N Edge (about 70/80m) of Mount Emilius (1° Ascent of Wall, incomplete) in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila; (Lino Binel, C.A.I. of Aosta and S.U.C.A.I. of Turin, Renato Chabod, C.A.A.I., and Amilcare Crétier, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. Cross 03: 07/G/16; A/24. And...... 1927 (Aug 20/21th); (20th): "Cross Amilcare and Lino on North Face Emilius; from Pila-Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez - Carrel Pass-Peckoz Pond and Shelter; (21th): from bivouac - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall, Pillar of Left and W Arête Emilius (first complete Ascent) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila; (Lino Binel and Amilcare Crétier) r. Cross 04: F/08/D23; A/24.
1930 (Aug th?): "Great Cross Lone Southern Emilius's"; in two day: (first day) from Fernier (Pila)-Arbolle Alp, Lake and Valley-Crosiing W/E Slopes Valaisan Pass-Grauson Tower in ascent and in descent to Lussert Lakes and Ervillières Alp; (second day) from alp Tessonet/Doreire Glacier-Tersiva Collar and N-NW Arête to Summit in ascent and in descent, round trip to Valaisan Pass and Fernier; (Anselme Falcoz,solo:sole Document retrouved in Tersiva Summit, by Osvaldo Cardellina, Sep 08th, 1974,in storm: note by "Ansel" Falcoz extant) r. Cross 05: Gr. Tow. and P. Ters. Second half years 30' (In the Tirties): Minitour "To make fun Emilius"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass - Les Laures Lakes - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Pila to Aosta; (Anselme Falcoz and company) r. Minitour 01: A/24; A/24.
1933 (? th?): "Cross "Agostino", 6 years!, from Dzacquin Lake to Summit Emilius's"; from Dzacquin Lake (Dessus Lake) - Ghiacciato Lake - E Slope Three Capuchins's Pass - S-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Ghiacciato(Frozen) Lake to Dzacquin Lake; ("Agostino" Zulian and dad Alcide) r. Cross 06: A/24; A/24.
1935 (Jun 25/26th): "Cross in E Wall of "Fortissimi" Giusto Gervasutti and Renato Chabod and Marathon in descent from Emilius to Villefranche/Quart Praetoria"; (25th): from Villefranche/Quart "Praetoria"-Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - of Laures Dessous Lake and House in the Hunting; (26th): from Les Laures House in the Hunting - Blantsette Glacier -(First ascent of E Wall, Central Route) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Ghiacciato, Dessus, Long, Dessous Lakes and Laures's Alp - Le Tramouail - La Vieille - L'Arp - Gremonenche Alp - Grand Brissogne to Villefranche/Quart "Praetoria"; (Giusto Gervasutti "The Fortissimo" and Renato Chabod) r. Cross 07: H/18; A/24.
1936 (Aug th?): "Marathon Crossing from Garin Peak - Punte Rossa to Monte Emilius"; in day from Fernier (Pila) - Arbolle - Garin Pass and Lake - SW Arête of Garin Peak in ascent - N Edge and NW Arête in descent - Mont Valaisan and Pass - S-SW Arête of Punte Rossa (three) - NE Arête in descent - Arbolle Pass - Three Capuchins Pass - SE Arête Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Fernier (Pila); (Anselme Falcoz, solo) r. Cross 08: 36; A/24; A/24.
1940/41 (in winter): "W Arête 1° in winter"; from? - Comboé/Carrel Pass? Róss Pass? - Arbolle Valley Róss Pass or S Slope of Little Emilius? and W Arête of Mount Emilius in ascent (First in winter) - S-SE Arête in descent? to Pila?; (Nerino Gobbo, C.A.I. of Trieste) r. Cross 09: D/23bis?/D/23; A/24?.
1941 (Jul 20th): Tour SIX: "Crossing in ridges Arpisson Valley"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Monte Emilius in ascent and W Arête in descent - Little Emilius - Mont Róss de Comboé NW Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - SE Arête of Becca di Nona - N-NE Ridge in descent, to Aosta; (Giulio Adolfo Ourlaz "Dulo" and wife Aurora Wuillerminaz) r. Tour 06: G/16; A/24.
1946 (Feb th?): "Cross from Pila Les Laures 1° replay of E Wall, Gervasutti/Chabod route"; (first day): from Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - Dessus Lake and Alp; (second day): from Les Laures Alp - Blantsette Glacier - E Wall, 1° replay (Central route and directs variants, new route), in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila route?; (Franco Garda and Pietro "Piero" Rosset, mountain guides of Aosta and Valpelline) r. Cross 10: G/16; A/24.
1947 (Aug th?): "Try replay Cross 1936"; try up to the top Three Capuchins Pass, 2° crossing from Pila - Garin Peak - Monte Emilius; (Anselmo Falcoz, solo) r. Cross 11: 36; A/24 (half).
1949 (Feb th?): "Cross in day from Pila 1° in winter NE Ridge and N Edge"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Monte Emilius (First Winter) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Pietro "Piero" Rosset and Franco Garda, mountain guides of Aosta and Valpelline) r. Cross 12: G/16; A/24.
1955 (Aug 15th): "Cross N Edge in inauguration and opening Refuge/Hut Giulio Ménabreaz at of Laures Dessous Lake": from Ménabreaz Hut-Blansette Glacier and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - E Arête in descent - Cross 3.162m Charrey Brothers and Cino Norat to Ménabreaz Hut; (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian and Mirando Perruquet until Summit and Fedele Deval, Valentino Zulian, Adolfo Mathiou, Bruno Nicoletta and Roberto Brughera until Summit of Black Triangle in ascent and in descent) r. Cross 13: G/16; I/32.
1955 (Aug 16th): "Cross Arête des Trois Curès 1° solo"; from Ménabreaz Refuge - Mont Blansette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge (1° solo) in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Ghiacciato, Dessus, Long and Dessous Lakes to Ménabreaz Refuge; (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo) r. Cross 14: G/16; A/24.
1957 (? th?): Tour SEVEN "from Prarayer/Les Laures/N Edge/Arbolle Valley to Pila in Flood - Inundation '57"; in day from Prarayer - Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - of Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut - Blansette Glacier and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - APPARITION of Gelato Lake! - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Old Glacier of Emilius - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - Chamolé Pass and Lake to Pila; (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian and son Walter, 9 years!) r. Tour 07: G/16; A/24.
1968 (Oct 06th): "Or basis from Pian Félinaz W Wall "ribbing" of left of Mont Blantsette to Pian Félina": in day from Pian Félina - Reverier Dessous and Dessus - Ponteilles Alp and Waterfull - Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - W Wall of Mont Blansette (First "Ribbing" of Left), in ascent - W-NW Slope in descent - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé-Ponteilles to Pian Felina; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Riccardo Botti) r. or basis 06.
1969 (Aug 31th): "Great Cross of Conca Pila,in day from Pila to Pila"; from Pila-Grimondet Alp-Pointe de la Pierre and Pass-Pointe du Drinc and Pass-Pointe du Couiss-Piatta di Grevon-Punta di Mon(m)pers-Punta di Tsa Setze and Pass- West Shoulder Punta della Valletta-Punta della Valletta-Mont Belleface-Testa Nera-Chamolé Pass and Lake to Pila; (Ilario Antonio Garzotto and Osvaldo Cardellina, of Pian Felina) r. Cross 15 C. di Pila.
1971 (Jul 14th): Tour EIGHT "From Emilius to Tersiva"; from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona - S-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blansette and Pass - Blantsette Glacier - Ménabreaz Hut; (Jul 15th): Laures Lakes (three) - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête Mount Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass; Cossard, Lamazzi, Lenzi and Trussoni to Ervillères (Tersiva), Cardellina Gelato Lake - Arbolle - Pila to Aosta; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Marco Cossard, Giuseppe Lamazzi, Franco Lenzi and Ezio Trussoni) r. Tour 08: G/16 part/A/24; A/24. MOUNT EMILIUS (3.559m) GREAT TOUR and TRAVERSE towards the TERSIVA POINT (3.515m).
1973 (Jun ?): Tour NINE "Crazy tour"; try up to the top quota (3.400m) Mount Emilius's; in day from Les Druges Alte Alp - Mulac Alp - Grande Chaux House in the Hunting - Coronas or Saint Marcel Pass - Punte of Laval N and S - Punta Gianni Vert - Punte of Laval S and N - Mont Vallonet and Pass - SE Arête of Punta di Leppe - NW Slope in descent - Lussert Pass and Punta - S Wall in descent (1° of Wall) - Lussert Lakes (three) - Laures Pass - Arbolle Pass - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE half Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass to Gelato Lake (bivouac); (30th): from Gelato Lake - Arbolle Alp - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Ponteilles Alp and Waterfall - Les Pousses - Les Gorres to Saint Salö; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Marco Cossard and Giuseppe Lamazzi) r. Tour 09: A/24; A/24 (half).
1973 (Sep 14/15th?) "Minitour Becca and Replay To make fun Emilius Years '30";(14th): from Saint Grat Sanctuary - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé (bivouac in sleeping bag); (15th): from Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Peckoz Lake - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - crossing W/E of Peckoz Pass - Laures's Dessous Lake - Mènabreaz Hut - Long, Dessus or Dzacquin and Ghiacciato Lakes - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - Arbolle Comboé Pass - Plan Fenêtre Pass to Saint Grat Sanctuary; (Eusèbe Imperial, Livio Munier and Aldo Comé of Charvensod d'en Haut) r. Minitour 02: A/24;A/24. (priv. inf. by Eusèbe Imperial, Jan 10th, 2010).
1974 (Jun 30th): "Conca Pila Great Tour on countrary"; from Pila-Chamolé Statio, Lake and Pass-Testa Nera-Mont Belleface-Punta della Valletta-West Shoulder Punta della Valletta-Tsa Setze Pass and Point-Punta di Mon(m)pers-Piatta di Grevon-Drinc Pass and Point-de la Pierre Pass and Point-Grimondet Alp to Pila, (Osvaldo Cardellina, Sergio Roverso and Nino Trapani) r. : Cross 16 C. di Pila.
1974 (Aug 04th): "Cross in ridges Arbolle Valley (Buttress SW)"; in day from Pila-Arbolle-Trident de Comboé-Comboé Pass-Punte of Gelato Lake (various)-Róss Pass-SW Arête Mont Róss of Comboé-Little Emilius-W Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent-S-SE Arête in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake-Arbolle to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato) r. Cross 17: 29/D/23;A/24.
1974 (Sep 06th): "Minitour Conca Pila in Arête-at present Pano Railway" from P. de la Pierre to Tsa Setze Pass, round trip"; in day from Aosta Town-Charvensod-Péroulaz Village-Pila-Grand Grimod Alp-E Slope de la Pierre Pass and Point-Pointe du Drinc and Pass-Pointe du Couis-Piatta di Grevon-Punta di Mon(m)pers-Pointe de Tsa Setze and Pass, round trip to Aosta City; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Luigi Bassignana, Corrado Bovi and Gianni Cera, games Area Cogne of Aosta) r. Minitour 03: Pila Crest.
1976 (Jun 29th): "Replay Cross 1936 (Integral)"; from Pila - Arbolle - Garin Pass and Lake - SW Slope Mount Valaisan - NW Arête and N Edge in ascent and in descent - Valaisan Pass - S-SW Arête Punte Rossa (three) NE Arête in descent - Arbolle Pass - crossing Punta Three Capuchins and Pass - SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Marco Cossard and Giuseppe Lamazzi) r. Cross 18: 36; A/24; A/24.
1976 (Aug 01th): "Cross W Arête Integral"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass - NW Arête Mont Róss of Comboé - Little Emilius - W Crest Monte Emilius (integral including "Dente" 3150m, "Torri Rosse" and "Salto Grigio") in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato) r. Cross 19: D/23 ter; A/24.
1976 (Aug 08th): "Cross NE Ridge and N Edge Integral in day from Pila and Great Tour Emilius".
A): "Integral in Northeast Edge"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mount Blantsette and Pass - NE Crest Mount Emilius in ascent Integral - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato) r. Cross 20: G/17; A/24.
B): "Bis in parallel in day, with friedlys in East Ridge" - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Blantsette Mont, Pass and Glacier - Cross of Charrey Brothers and Cino Norat - E Arête of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - Chamolé Pass and Lake to Pila; (Marco Cossard and "Gigi" Gadin) r. Cross 21: I/32; A/24.
1977 (Jul 11th): "Cross W Arête from Róss Pass"; in day from Pila-Comboé's Alp - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - W Slope and SW Arête Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête Mount Emilius's in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato) r. Cross 2230/D/23; A/24. 1978 (Jun 25th): "Total and complete Cross Conca Pila's from West to East"; in day from Pila-Grimondet Alp-Grand Grimod Alp-E Slope de la Pierre Pass-crossing in crest from Pointe de la Pierre to Punta della Valletta in ascent-from Punta della Valletta-Mont Belleface-Testa Nera-Costa di Chamolé-unta di Replan-Signal Sismonda-Plan Fenêtre Pass-Chamolé Alp to Pila in descent; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Marco Cossard) r. Cross 23: Great T. Pila's.
1980 (Aug 31th): "Cross North/South of Emilius and Great Tour of Emilius".
A): "North Face Direct"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall (Direct Line, new route) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato) r. Cross 24: 09; A/24.
B): "Great Tour in day from Pila Arpisson/Blantsette Glaciers East and South Ridges"; in day from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Blantsette Mont, Pass and Glacier - Cross of Charrey Brothers and Norat - E Arête of Mont Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - Chamolé Pass and Lake to Pila; (Eugenia Comé, Raffaella Pellizzari, Sandro Plat and Elmo Maglione) r. Cross 25: I/32; A/24.
1981 (Aug 06/07/08th): Tour TEN "Three days in Emilius Group"; (06th): from Pila - Chamolé Station, Lake and Pass - Arbolle Alp and Lakes - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Mount Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Old Glacier of Emilius 3000m (bivouac); (07th) from bivouac - Arbolle Pass - NE Arête of Summit E of Punte Rossa and crossing to Central and W Summits - S-SW Arête in descent - Valaisan, Laures and Arbolle Pass - Old Glacier of Emilius to bivouac; (08th): from bivouac - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - Chamolé Pass - NE Arête of Testa Nera and crossing to Mount Bellefaçe/Punta della Valletta/Punta di Pian Bessey in ascent and in descent - Chamolé Pass, Lake and Station to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Christian Gianni Ilario Cardellina (8 years!) and Sandrino Casalegno) r. Tour 10: A/24; A/24.
1984 (Jul 28th): "Cross N Wall Direct Summit and Tour of Emilius"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Col Carrel - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall (Direct Summit, new route) - E Arête in descent - Blantsette Glacier, Pass and Mont - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel and Federigo Zullo Bivouac (positioning in day) - Comboé to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Camillo Roberto Ferronato, Sandrino Casalegno and Maurizio Castellan) r. Cross 26: 10; I/32.
1985 (Jun 29/30th): "Firescross N Wall, Central Couloir 1° solo and 1° replay of route Firties (1941?) and 1° solo W Arête in descent to Róss Pass"; (29th): from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé Alp-Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope Becca di Nona's in ascent - Fires with brother Paolo - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac; (Jun, 30th): from bivouac - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall Emilius, Central route 1940 ? 1° replay and 1° solo in ascent; W Arête 1° solo in descent - Little Emilius - Mont Róss de Comboé - SW Arête in descent - Róss Pass and descent W Slope - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolé Alp to Pila; (Alberto Sciardi and Paolo Sciardi in day 29; Alberto Sciardi, solo, in day 30) r. Cross 27: 05; D/23/D/24 (partial)/30.
1985/6? (? th?): Tour ELEVEN "Crossing in day of NE Ridges from Charvensod to Charvensod"; in day from Charvensod - Ponteilles-Morion Alp - N-NE Ridge in ascent of Becca di Nona - S-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Monte Emilius - W Arête in descent - Little Emilius - Mont Róss de Comboé - Carrel Pass - Comboè - Ponteilles to Charvensod; (Carlo Lucianaz, solo) r. Tour 11: G/16/D; 23/23 bis.
1988 (Jul 05th): "Cross Pila/Pila through Róss Pass - of Stones and Gelato Lake - Mount Emilius"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - Róss Pass crossing W/E Slopes - Boulders Pond - Gelato Lake - S Slope Little Emilius - W Arête in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. Cross 28: 28bis/D/23; A/24.
1990 (Sep 14th): "Or basis from Pila W Wall ("Ribbing" of Right) Mount Blantsette and Becca": in day from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - W Wall Mount Blantsette (1° of "Ribbing" of Right), in ascent - W-NW Slope in descent - Arpisson E and W Glacier – E-NE Arête Becca di Nona in ascent - S-SW Slope in descent - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolé Alp to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. or basis 07.
1991 (Jun 23th): "Cross W Arête from Róss Pass, solo"; in day from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - W Slope of Róss Pass - SW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête of Monte Emilius (1° solo in ascent from Róss Pass or Nerino Gobbo in winter 1940/41?) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila: (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r.Cross 29: 30/D/23/23 bis; A/24.
1992 (Aug 02th): "Cross Becca and Róss Pass in crossing and Lakes to Emilius"; in day from Pila - Saint Grat Alp - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - W Slope of Róss Pass - Boulders Little Lake - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle - Chamolé Pass and Lake to Pila: (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. Cross 30: A/24; A/24.
1993 (Jun 18/19th): (18th) "Cross Arpisson Glaciers and N Edge"; from Pila (19th): Arpisson W and E Glacier - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge Mount Emilius - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass- Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila, route?; (Roberta Vittorangeli and Aldo Cambiolo) r. Cross 31: G/16; A/24.
1993 (Jul 22/23th): (22th): "Cross Gimillan/Garin Pass/Arbolle/Carrel Pass/Emilius"; from Gimillan - Garin Pass - Arbolle Lakes (two) and Alp - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Gran Plan Alp (ruins) - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (23th): from F. Zullo Bivouac to Monte Emilius route? (Claudius Rolter, DAV Tubingen, and Herbert Lemcke, Düsseldorf) r. Cross 32: ?.
1993 (Jul 23/24th): Tour TWELTEN "Pila/Pila crossing Becca - E/S Arêtes of Emilius";(23th): from Pila - Comboè - Carrel Pass - S-SE Arête Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent to Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (24th)from bivouac - S-SE Arête Becca di Nona in ascent - E-NE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette, Pass and Glacier - Cross of Charrey brothers - E Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - of Stones Little Lake - crossing E/W Róss Pass - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, Elisa Cardellina, Roy Cardellina and Luca Ferronato) r. Tour 12: G/16 part/I/32; A/24.
1993 (Jul 26/27th): "Cross Arbolle Hut/Ménabreaz Hut - crossing Becca and Emilius"; (26th): from Arbolle Alp - Arbole/Comboé Pass - Plan Valé - Gros Scez - Becca di Nona - Carrel Pass - Federigo Zullo Bivouac;(27th): Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass or Blantsette Pass? - Ghiacciato Lake - Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Les Laures Lakes (three) to Mênabreaz Hut; (Marcin Marlychiewicz and Maciej Mazur of Lublin) r. Cross 33: A/24; A/24.
1993 (Aug 05/06th): (05th): "Cross from Ponteilles Becca in crossing - Peckoz Pass - Ghiacciato Lake - Emilius to Pila"; from Ponteilles Alp - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona in ascent and E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (06th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass - of Laures Dessus Lake - Ghiacciato Lake - E Slope of Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes (two) and Alp to Pila route?; (Cristian Comé, 13 years, and Remo Comé, Haut Charvensod) r. Cross 34: A/24; A/24.
1993 (Aug 08th):"Or basis Becca from of Saint Grat Sanctuary and Testa Nera-Pano SW of Mount Emilius"; from Saint Grat Sanctuary and Alp-Chamolé Alp-Plan Charvensod) r. or basis 08.
1993 (Aug 13th): "Or basis from Ponteilles Alp and Dard Waterfull - Arpisson Valley and Becca"; from Ponteilles Alp - Barmes Alp - Marstaouchy Desott and Damon Alps - Plan Croix (ruins) Alp - Arpisson Alp - Sources of Emilius - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - descent? - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé to Ponteilles Waterfall and Alp?; (Maurizio Borbey and Ugo Donzel, Haut Charvensod) r. or basis 09.
1993 (Aug 15/16th): (15th): "Cross from Martsaouchy - Sources of Emilius - Carrel and Peckoz Pass - M. Emilius"; from Martsaouchy - Plan Croix (ruins) - Arpisson Alp - Sources of Emilius - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (16 th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass - Monte Emilius in ascent route?, S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes (two) and Alp to Pila route?; (Luigi Pepelin, Aymavilles, and Cristina Galliani, Perloz) r. Cross 35; A/24.
1993 (Aug 30/31th): (30th): "Cross classic in two days"; from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac; (31th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass crossing W/E Slopes - route Dessous Lake of Laures and Ménabreaz Hut? - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila route? (Nadia Arroni and Diego Éclair, C.A.I. of Biella) r. Cross 36.
1993 (Aug 30/31th): (30th): "Cross Becca - Mont Blantsette, Pass and Glacier - Three Capuchins Pass"; from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac; (31th): Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass and Glacier - Three Capuchins Pass route? - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and alp to Pila route? (Andrea Saccon, Cristian Prella and Emanuele Liantonio, C.A.I. of Biella) r. Cross 37.
1993 (Sep 12/13th): (12th): "Cross Becca - Peckoz Pass - Emilius - Three Capuchins Pass"; from Pila - Plan Fenêtre Pass-Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Becca di Nona route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (13th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - crossing W/E Slopes Peckoz Pass - Mount Emilius route? in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila route?; (Guido Perruchon, of Morgex and Eliseo Lunignon, of La Salle) r. Cross 38: ?/A/24.
1993 (Sep 15/16th): "Or basis Campaign Glacial in Arpisson Glaciers 1993"; from Pila - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel pass and Federigo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers (remarks) to Pila; (Elio Plano, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. or basis 10.
1994 (Mar 21th):"Becca skiing in first day of springtime"; from Pila - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboè to Pila; (Erik?, Claudio? and Franco?, of Aosta Town) r. or basis 11.
1994 (Jul 28/29th): (28th): "Minitour from Pila - Becca/Emilius to Cogne"; from Pila - Comboè to Becca di Nona; (29th): Monte Emilius (from? route?) to Cogne (route?); (Luit Ezinga and Reinout Ezinga, KNAV) r. Minitour 04: ?; ?.
1994 (Aug 05/06th): (05th): "Cross Becca - Federigo Bivouac - Comboé/Arbolle Pass - Emilius"; from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - Becca di Nona - Carrel Pass to Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (06th) from Gros Scez - Gran Plan - Comboé/Arbolle Pass - Arbolle - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Mount Emilius in ascent and in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake-Arbolle Lakes and Alp-from Pila route?; (Giuliano Machieraldo, C.A.I. of Aosta, Corrado Machet and Rinaldo Vesan, C.A.I. of Châtillon) r. Cross 36: A/24;A/24 r. Cross 39: A/24; A/24.
1994 (Aug 08th): "Classic/Cross Federigo Bivouac-Peckoz Pass-Ménabreaz Hut"; from Pila?-Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac-Arpisson W and E Glaciers-crossing W/E Slopes of Peckoz Pass to Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut; (Marcella Colemma?, C.A.I. UGET, and Giuseppe Ceffega, AGAI) r. Cross 40.
1994 (Aug 11/12th): (11th): "Cross of N Edge of my friendly Gerd"; from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (12th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and NE Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila? route?; (Gerhard "Gerd" Klotz, DAV Hanan and friend ( boys name, of St. Christophe?) r. Cross 41: G/16; A/24.
1994 (Aug 13/14th): (13th): "Cross N Edge again"; from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valè (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (14th): Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Pila route? (Rino Quendoz and Tullio Baldon, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. Cross 42: G/16.
1994 (Aug 16th): "Cross of Nice mans "De Passage Emilius" to Refuge Ménabreaz"; from Mount Emilius, route?-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac-Arpisson W and E Glaciers-crossing W/E Slopes Peckoz Pass to Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut; (Eric Lagrange, Jean Louis Caisson, Robert Schellino, of Nice, and Nicolas Caserta, Cap Ferrat) r. Cross 43.
1994 (Aug 26/27th): "Cross in the Summit of Becca"; for timing sky-runner Alfredo Mammoliti recordman from Pont Suaz 550m (Aosta Town)-Charvensod Village-Comboé Alp-Gros Scez to Becca di Nona (3.142m) in 2h.06'.57!!;(Sergio and Remo Pession, C.A.I. of Saint Barthélemy timekeeper) r. Cross 44.
1994 (Aug 27th): "Cross E/W Slopes Róss Pass's - Federigo Zullo Bivouac and Becca"; from? - route? - Comboé Little Valley - Plan Valé - Gros Scez - crossing E/W Slopes Róss Comboé Pass - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - in descent? - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé to Pila route; (Maria Cristina Bonbelli Retegno, C.A.I. Milano, Giovanni Battista "Titta" Retegno, C.A.I. Milano and Mario Michela: "Becca di Nona in traversata dal Col Ros", C.A.I. Volpiano and C.A.S. Monte Rosa Sierre) r. Cross 45.
1994 (Aug 27/28th): (27th): "Cross Becca - Federigo Bivouac - Ménabreaz Hut"; from? - Becca di Nona route? Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (28th): Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Ménabreaz Hut; route? Peckoz Pass?; (Sebastian Crieling and Stefan Crieling: "Becca di Nona, Rif. Menabreaz", DAV Niederelche?) r. Cross 46.
1994 (Sep 11th): "Or basis Campaign Glacial in Arpisson Glaciers 1994"; from Pila - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers remarks) to Pila; (Elio Plano, C.A.I. of Aosta and C.G.I., and Giuseppe Plano, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. or basis 12. 1994 (Nov 27th): "HelicopterCross! in Becca and descent to Comboé for search goats - MODERNS TIMES!"; from airport to Becca - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) to Comboè: "(Li tant zerzüla mais li pas capûla! to look not to find a goat!)"; (Marco Fragno, Olindo Ferré, Martino Brun Sandro Ducly and Angelo Spadotto, everyone of Charvensod) r. or basis "aerial" 13.
1994 (Dec 28/29th): Tour THIRTEEN "Eastern Emilius's Tour from Les Laures Valley to Ilario Antonio Garzotto Peak - First ascent in winter"; (28th): from Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tamouail - Dessous Laures Lake and Ménabreaz Hut; (29th): from bivouac-Long Laures Lake - W Slope Leppe Pass - S-SW Arête in ascent (First in winter) and in descent round trip to Ménabreaz Refuge and Grand Brissogne; (mountain guide Pietro "Piero" Giglio and son Matteo). r. Tour 13.
1995 (Apr 15/16-Easter: (15th): "Cross N Edge in Easter"; from Pila?-Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins) -Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac-Arpisson W and e Glaciers-Mont Blantsette and Pass-NE Ridge and N Edge Emilius's in ascent-S-SE Crest in descent-Three Capuchins Pass to?; (Mauro Farina and Lino Facchi, C.A.I. of Piacenza ..."Per ora non abbiamo compiuto nessuna salita,abbiamo solo fatto in 1° di fatica ad arrivare. Domani e Pasqua e tentiamo lo spigolo dell'EMILIUS. Tanti auguri BUONA PASQUA"...) r. Cross 47:G/16;A/24.
1995 (Jul 13th): "Cross from Gimillan - rpisson Alp - Garin Pass - Arbolle valley - Emilius - Federigo Bivouac"; in day from Gimillan - Garin Pass - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Mount Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Carrel Pass (route? Róss Pass?) to Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (Floris Pos, Volheet van Ginhel, Marthin Vermeulen, Vibche Gre?... sdies and Caroline Vdl? Meyden: ..."Gimillian, Mt. Emilius, Coll de Garin Deze beegcreh in slecht,kutpad wat een roadnclimb al die losse vol stenen,maav wat een genot om boven te ryn lekhere champignonssed! Moer maen styl, de m..eelte wand. Ach, we slepen aneer voedselvoov acht dagen mee!...?"...,Nederland) r. Cross 48: A/24; A/24.
1995 (Sep 09/10th): (09th): "Or basis from Reverier Dessous - Mount Père Laurent - Becca and Emilius"; from Reverier Dessous - Rongachet Bridge - Martsaouchy Desott and Damon Alps - Plan Croix Alp (ruins) - Arpisson Alp - W Slope of Mont Père Laurent in ascent and in descent - Sources of Emilius - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent; (10th): from bivouac Monte Emilius route in ascent? - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes (two) and Hut - to Pila route? (Elio Plano, C.A.I. Aosta) r. or basis 14 : ?; A/24.
1996 (Jun 16th): "Or basis Gelato Lake Summits"; from Pila - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valè Alp (ruins) - W-SW Éperon (First ascent) Gelato Lake Points (six summits)- E Wall in descent (1° route) - crossing E/W Slopes Róss Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé Alp (ruins) - Comboé - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolé Alp to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. or basis 15.
1996 (Jun 19th): "Cross of N Edge from Pila"; from Pila - Federigo Zullo Bivouac route? - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Carving? - NE Ridge and N Edge in ascent, descent?; (André Doyen and Bernard Marnette, C.A.B.) r. Cross 49: F/16; A/24?. ("La Montagne et Alpinisme" - Magazine (F) n° 2, pages 26/31 "EMILIUS la montagne des Trois Curés", 1999).
1996 (Jul 03/04th): "Minitour at sunset and new route (E Wall) of Becca di Nona"; (03th): in day from Pian Félina - Reverier Dessous and Dessus - Ponteilles Alp - Comboé - Grand Plan - Comboé Arbolle Pass - Arbolle - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête Mount Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Boulders Little Lake - E-SE Arête Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac, in day; (04th) S-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - E-NE Arête in descent to Little Saddle (2.880m) - crossing in E Face to N and new route (S 1927 route by A. Crétier and G. Perolino) up to the top (3.060/70m) (70/80m to Summit) - E-NE Arête terminal part in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé - Ponteilles Alp to Pian Félinaz; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. Minitour 05: A/24; A/24.
1996 (Jul 13/14th): "Minitour Ci sono ancora dei duri!For hards Mans Route! = Becca from Les Iles Pollein; difference in level 2.664m,length 10.000m?"; (13th): from Les Iles/Pollein - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac route? - E-SE Arête Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé to Pila route?; (Davide Necchi, Alberto Piva and Danilo Tora, C.A.I. of Milan) r. Minitour 06.
1996 (Jul 20/21th): "Cross from Pralognan - Laures and Three Capuchins Pass - Emilius - Federigo Bivouac to Aosta"; from Pralognan Alp - Grauson Nuove Alp - Lussert Lakes (three) - of Laures Pass - route? - E-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Federigo Zullo Bivouac route? - Gros Scez - Plan Valé Alp (ruins) - Comboé to Aosta route?, (Ralf Unterreiner, DAV Kempten) r. Cross 50: A/24; A/24.
1996 (Jul 27th): "Cross Emilius - Róss Pass - Federigo Bivouac"; from Pila - Chamolé Pass - Arbolle - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass-S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Gelato Lake - Boulders little Lake - crossing E/W Slopes of Róss Pass - Carrel Pass to Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (Michael Timmermans and André Timmermans) r. Cross 51: A/24; A/24.
1996 (Jul 29th): "Or basis Lakes and Pass"; from Gimillan - Pila Alp - Grauson Vieux and Nuove Alp - Lussert Lakes (three) - of Laures Pass - Three Capuchins Pass - Róss Pass - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (Carlo Zucchi, Alberto Zucchi, Davide Zucchi and Marco Zucchi: ..."Partita da Gimillan ...laghi Lussert colle de laures...colle 3 capuccini...colle Rous"...) r. or basis 16. 1996 (Jul 03/04th): "Minitour At sunset and new route (E Wall) of Becca di Nona"; (03th): in day from Pian Félina-Reverier Dessous and Dessus-Ponteilles Alp-Comboé-Grand Plan-Comboé Arbolle Pass-Arbolle-Gelato Lake-Three Capuchins Pass-S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake-of Stones Little Lake-E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent-Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac,in day; (04th) S-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent-E-NE Arête in descent to Little Saddle (2.880m) -crossing in E Wall and new route from S of 1927 route (A.Crétier and G.Perolino) up to the top (3.060/70m)(70/80m to summit)- E-NE Arête terminal part in ascent-E-SE Arête in descent-Carrel Pass-F.Zullo Bivouac-Gros Scez-Comboé-Ponteilles Alp to Pian Félina; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. Minitour 04: A/24;A/24.
1996 (Sep th?): Tour FOURTEEN "From Gremonenche to Cogne,in day, to steping over Emilius"; from Gremonenche Alp-L'Arp-La Vieille-Le Tramouail-Dessous Lake-Ménabreaz Hut-Blantsette Pass-Summit and S-SE Arête in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-crossing Ridges N/S of Three Capuchins Peak-Arbolle Pass-descent E Slope and crossing of Laures Pass-descent in Lussert/Grauson Valley-Lussert Lakes (three)-Grauson Nuove and Vieux Alps-Pila Alp-Écloseur Alp and Little Bridge-Tzecheu Alp-Reventis Alp (ruins)-Gimillan-Montroz to Cogne; (Corrado Gontier,solo) r. Tour 14: r :G/16;A/24 and T. Cap. Peak.
1996 (Oct 06th): "Cross W Arête Pila/Pila in day"; from Pila - Comboé route? Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Federigo Zullo Bivouac - NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes (two) and Alp - crossing SE/NW of Chamolé Pass - Chamolé Lake to Pila; (Aldo Cambiolo, Vlpelline mountain guide, and Michel Mottini, C.A.I. Aosta) r. Cross 52: D/23; A24.
1996 (Oct 31th/Nov. 01th): "Cross vice of N Edge!"; in day from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valé Alp (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (01 th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass? - NE Ridge and N Edge of Monte Emilius in ascent - ? in descent to Pila/Aosta; (Aldo Cambiolo, Valpelline mountain guide, and Roberta Vittorangeli, mountain guide of Valpelline) r. Cross 53: F/16; A/24.
1997 (Jul 04/05th): (04th): "Cross trade of mountain guide"; from Pila - Comboè, route? - Plan Valè (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (05th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - to Pila route? (Aldo Cambiolo, Valpelline mountain's guide and Fausto Sacchi of Reggio Emilia) r. Cross 54: F/16; A/24.
1997 (Jul 10th): "Cross Pila/N Edge/Pila"; in day from Pila? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac-Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - to Pila route?; (Pol Miserque and Hugues Belsack, C.A.B.) r. Cross 55: F 16; A/24.
1997 (Jul 12th): "Idem Cross" in day from Pila? - Comboè - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - to Pila route?; (Ilario Pedrolini and Maurizio Del Maestro, C.A.I. Valtellinese) r. Cross 56: F/16; A/24.
1997 (Jul 16/17th): (16th): "Cross Classic Tour" from Gimillan route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (17th): Arpisson W and E Glaciers - crossing W/E Slopes of Peckoz Pass - Monte Emilius in ascent route? - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - to Gimillan route?; (Roel Vld, KNAV, and Judith de heede, NBV) r. Cross 57: I/32 or A/24 ?; A/24.
1997 (Jul 26th): "Cross from Lassalley/W Arête Emilius/to Lassalley,those of Tsarvensü"; from Lassalley (Charvensod) route? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - in day? - NW Arête Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius and W Arête Mount Emilius's in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp to Lassalley route?; ("Ciabi"?, Alex?, "Cece"? and Andrea?: ..."Salita alla Becca con partenza da Lasalley de Charvensod,arrivo al bivacco in 3,30' con successiva ascensione all'Emilius,attraverso la cresta antistante al Bivacco, difficoltà intorno III° (max) speriamo di arrivare"..., of Charvensod) r. Cross 58: D/23;A/24.
1997 (Jul 30/31th): "Minitour In two days of NE Ridges from Martsaouchy Alp to Pila"; (30th): from Martsaouchy Damon - Plan Croix (ruins) - Arpisson Alp - N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass to Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (31th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Sandro Dallou, Luigi Pepellin and Remo Rossor) r. Minitour 07: F/16; A/24.
1997 (Aug 10/11th): "Cross N Edge Classic"; (10th) from Pila - Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez-Carrel, Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (11th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Alp - to Pila route?; (Cristina Zanchi, Fabrizio Bertino, Paola Vicquery and Piergiorgio Therisod) r. Cross 59: F/16; A/24.
1997 (Aug 21th): "Little Minitour Gimillan/Gimillan or basis of Monte Emilius"; from Gimillan - Grauson Vieux and Nuove - Lussert Lakes (three) - of Laures Pass - Peckoz Pas (route?) - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel Pass - Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé/Arbolle Pass - Arbolle - Garin Pass - Pian Bessey - Arpisson Alp to Gimillan; (Guido Cima and Biagio Merlo) r. Minitour 08.
1997 (Sep 11/12th): "Little tour of seven lake Gimillan/Pila"; (11th) from Gimillan - Grauson Vieux and Nuove Alps - Lussert Lakes(three) - of Laures Pass - Laures Lakes(three) - Ménabreaz Hut; (12th) from Ménabreaz Hut - Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Peckoz Pond - Carrel Pass - F. Zullo Bivouac - Comboé to Pila; (Vridev? Ronibr?z? of Krahów, solo) r. Minitour 09.
1997 (Sep 20/21th): "Cross W Arête from Society mountain guides of Courmayeur";(20th): from Pila-Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (21th): from bivouac-NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé-Little Emilius-W Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent-S-SE Arête in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lale-Arbolle Lakes and Alp-to Pila route?; Stefano "Tcheunne" Pellin and Ruggero Pellin, Society mountain guides of Courmayeur) r. Cross 60: D23bis/D/23;A/24).
1997 (Oct 01/02th): "Cross Courmayeur bis" (01th): from Pila-Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac; (02th): from bivouac NW Arête of Mont Róss and crossing Little and Mount Emilius in ascent-S-SE Arête in descent-Three Capuchins Pass descent E Slope-Ghiacciato, Dessus, Long and Dessous of Laures Lakes to Ménabreaz Hut; (E. Gaia, C.A.I. of Biella and Ruggero Pellin, Society mountain guides of Courmayeur) r. Cross 61: D/23bis/D23;A/24).
1997 (Oct 05th): "Cross of N Edge, one fashion!" in day from Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and NE Edge of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Alberto Bonino, Oliviero Guichardaz, Elio Plano and Edy Tremblant) r. Minitour 10: G/16; A/24.
1997 (Oct 09th): "Or basis of Hunters (des Chasseurs)"; from Ponteilles/Dard - Morion Alps to Arpisson Valley; in day from Ponteilles Alp - Morion Alp(ruins) - Plan Croix Alp (ruins) - Arpisson Alp - Cordannier (or Cordagnë) or basis of Arête (of Becca di Seneva) - Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez-Comboé to Ponteilles Alp; (Diego Bollon, Remo Bollon and Comé Stefano: ..."Partiti da Ponteille settacciato Morion,ripartiti per ARPISSON, settacciato niente, ripartiti fatto il CORDANNIER cresta arrivati col Pecoz - una lunga binocolata alle LOR - niente - ripartiti fatto tutta l'attraversata del ghiacciaio dell'EMILIUS - arrivati contenti alle ore 16.30 al BIVACCO FEDERICO - CARREL."..., of Charvensod d'en Haut) r. or basis 17.
1998 (Jul th?): "Cross N Wall, solo, in day from Pila" in day from Pila - Comboé - Col Carrel - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall (Pillar of Left, 3° solo of Wall) - Arête S-SE in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle to Pila; (Christian Gianni Ilario Cardellina, solo) r. Cross 62: E/7; A/24.
1998 (Jul 05th): "Cross from Arbolle Hut to Arbolle Hut"; from Pila? - Arbolle Hut - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - W Arête? in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboè/Arbolle Pass to Arbolle Hut; (Marco Farina and Alberto Farina) r. Cross 63: A/24?; D/23/23 bis.
1998 (Aug 03th): "Minitour Arbolle Hut/Federigo Bivouac on the contrary in day"; Arbolle Hut-Arbolle Pass?-of Laures Lakes (three)-Ménabreaz Hut-; Peckoz Pass-Arpisson E and W Glaciers-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (Pierluigi Ferrari, solo) r. Minitour 11.
1998 (Aug 03/04th): "Minitour Arbolle Hut/Pila on the contrary in two days"; (04th): from Arbolle Hut - Gelato Lake - crossing W/E Slopes of Three Capuchins Pass - of Laures Lakes (three) to Ménabreaz Hut; (04th): from Ménabreaz Hut - crossing E/W Slopes of Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé - Plan Fenêtre Pass? to Pila: (Luc Schlangen and Anne Riesewyh) r. Minitour 12.
1998 (Aug 09th): "Cross of N Wall, solo, Couloir of Right (1°, new route)/Róss Pass and Becca/Becca transing"; from Pila - Plan Fenêtre Pass-Comboé - Carrel Pass - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (09th): from Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Carrel Pass - Arpisson W Glacier - N Wall of Monte Emilius (Couloir of right, new route) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Boulders Pond - crossing E/W Róss Pass - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - S-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - S-SW Slope in descent - Gros Scez - Comboé to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. Cross 64: 03; A/24.
1998 (Aug 11th): Tour FIFTEEN "From Cogne to Ménabreaz Hut Becca di Nona transing, in day"; from Gimillan - Arpisson Alp - Garin Pass - Lakes (two) and Arbolle Hut - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Plan Valé Alp (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope of Becca di Nona in ascent and E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass - of Laures Dessous Lake to Ménabreaz Hut: (Fabrizio Riva Roveda, Pont Canavese, and Nadia Vallino, Locana C.A.I. of Sparone Torino) r. Tour 15.
1998 (Aug 10/14th): Tour SIXTEEN "From distant to Monte Emilius - Route Inter Valleys"; from Clavalité Valley (Fénis) - Col Medzove - Barbustel Hut - of White Lake Pass - Dondena Alps - Miserin Lake and Hut - Fenêtre of Champorcher(pass) - Lillaz - Gimillan - Grauson Valley and Lussert (three) Lakes - of Laures Pass - of Laures (three) Lakes - Mènabreaz Hut - E Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Plan Vallé Alp(ruins) - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Replan N Pass - Chamolé Lake to Pila; (Alberto Ofane?, Marisa Aral, Daniela Revel, Laura Gerolin and Giuseppe Marcoz) r. Tour 16: I/32, A/24.
1998 Aug 17/18th): (17th): "Minitour of five Pass Gimillan/Pila"; Gimillan - Pila Alp - Grauson Vieux and Nuove Alps - Lussert's Lakes (three) - Laures's Pass - Arbolle Pass - Gelato Lake - Greats Stones's Little Lake - Róss Pass traverse E/W Slopes - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolé Alp to Pila; (Naye Koningsvald and Marisha Bolt) r. Minitour 13.
1998 (Sep 04th, hours 4): Tour SEVENTEEN "To rise of sun"; from Arbolle Hut - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Gelato Lake - of Stones Little Lake - Róss Pass crossing E/W Slopes - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Gros Scez - Plan Valé(ruins) - Comboé/Arbolle Pass to Arbolle Hut; (Remo Comé - Haut Charvensod, solo) r. Tour 17: A/24; A/24.
1999 (Jan 23th and Mar 13th): "Bis in Becca by snowshoes"; from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valè (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé - to Pila route?; (Andrea Vania, of Milano, solo) r. or basis 18.
1999 (Mar 19th): "Saint Joseph in Becca, by ski"; from Pila route?; Comboé Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé - to Pila route?; (Carlo Lucianaz, Franco Lenzi, Angelo Guichardaz and Remo Brunod) r. or basis 19.
1999 (Jun 06th): "Or basis W Wall of Mont Róss and Little Emilius"; from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - W Wall (1° ascent) of Mont Róss de Comboé in ascent and crossing to Little Emilius from W Arête - S Slope in descent - of Stones Little Lake - crossing E/W Slopes of Róss Pass - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Chamolé Alp to Pila; (Osvaldo Cardellina, solo) r. or basis 20: D/23bis/28bis.
1999 (Jul 13th): "Cross from Chamolé Alp - Becca - crossing Róss Pass - Emilius - Arbolle Hut"; in day from Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Becca di Nona route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Róss Pass crossing W/E Slopes - of Stones Little Lake - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake to Arbolle Hut; (Remo Comé, solo) r. Cross 65: A/24; A/24.
1999 (Jul 13/14/15th): Tour EIGHTEEN "Quiet - calm tour" (13th): to Pila - Comboé - Carrel Pass to Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (14th); from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass crossing W/E Slopes to Ménabreaz Hut; (15th): to hut E Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut to Pila; (Aldo Cambiolo, mountain guide of Aosta, Luca Boetti, Sergio Saudino, Viviana Savin and Nicolas Meli) r. Tour 18: I/32; A/24.
1999 (Jul 17th): "Cross N-NE Ridge of Becca and W Arête of Emilius"; from Pila - Morion Alp? or Arpisson Alp? – N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Federigo Zullo Bivouac - NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake-to ?; (Luciano Bonino, solo) r. Cross 66: D/23/23 bis; A/24.
1999 (Jul 24th):"Cross W Arête Courmayeur/Berlin in day from Pila to Pila"; from Pila-Comboé-Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac-crossing Mont Róss de Comboé-Little and Mount Emilius in ascent-S-SE Arête in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-to Pila?; (Andreas Meurer, of Berlin, and Ruggero Pellin, Society mountain's guides Courmayeur). r. Cross 67: D/23bis/D23;A/24.
1999 (Jul 24/25th): (24th): "Cross Imitators's of Abbot Henry 1902"; from Pila to Arbolle Hut; (25th): Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - W Arête in descent - Little Emilius - Mont Róss de Comboé - Federigo Zullo Bivouac and Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Comboé/Arbolle Pass and Hut; (Giancarlo Pozzoli and Alessandro Zollo) r. Cross 68: A/24; D/23/23 bis.
1999 (Aug 04th): "Old Cross Classic": from? - Becca di Nona route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - crossing W/E Slopes of Peckoz Pass - Mount Emilius route in ascent and in descent?; (Andrea Colombo of Cassina de Pecchi, and Flora Venturini of Cologno Monzese) r. Cross 69: I/32 or A/24?.
1999 (Aug 13/14th): (13th): "N Edge toujours" from Pila? route? - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac; (14th): from bivouac Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - in descent route? to?; (Thomas Kerrich and Gunilla Kerrich) r. Cross 70: G/16; A/24?.
1999 (Aug 31/Sep 01th): (31th): "Cross Tour"; from? - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (01th): from bivouac - tour of Mount Emilius route? - E Slope of Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - to? route?; (Roberto Zaninelli, S. E. M.) r. Cross 71: A/24; A/24.
2000 (Jul 27/28): (27th): "N Edge"; from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Becca di Nona route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (28th): from bivouac - NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête Mount Emilius's - S-SE Arête in descent? - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Hut - to Pila route?; (Anne Monddaers, Jos Winters and Marc Philtgens: ..."Mont Emilius - Oestgraad "/Becca di Nona ...Partenza per Pila"..., Bergsteiger Kempem) r. Cross 70bis: D/23bis/D/23; A/24?.
2000 (Jul 28/29)th): "Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Peckoz Pass-Ménabreaz Hut"; (28th); from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (29th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Peckoz Pass crossing W/E Slopes - Dessous of Laures Lake and Ménabreaz Hut; (Massimo Bottari) r. Cross 72.
2000 (Aug 06/07th): "Pila - Emilius - Arbolle Hut - Federigo Bivouac - Becca to Pila"; from Pila - Mount Emilius route? - Arbolle Hut: (07th): from Arbolle Hut - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - in descent route? - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé - to Pila route?; (Mauro Sabatini, C.A.I. of Rieti) r. Cross 73: A/24?; A/24?.
2000 (Aug 09/10th): "Cross Pila/Pila on the contrary and ascent of Mount Emilius"; (09th): from Pila - Lake and Chamolé Pass - Arbolle Hut - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass E Slope - route? to Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (10th): from bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboè to Pila; (Christine Lausmann, DAV, DGF, and Rudi Lausmann: ..."Rifugio Arbolle - Mt. Emilio - Col Peccoz Bivacio Federigo (diese Rundtour ist sehr alpin, stellenweisesehrgefahrlicheind fur vivisere Begritle nicht immer leicht zu finden!Wir waren fast N Std. unterweys"...), DAV LA); r. Cross 73bis: A/24; A/24. 2000 (Aug 06/07th): "Pila - Emilius - Arbolle Hut - Federigo Bivouac - Becca to Pila"; from Pila - Mount Emilius route? - Arbolle Hut: (07th): from Arbolle Hut - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - in descent route? - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé - to Pila route?; (Mauro Sabatini, C.A.I. of Rieti) r. Cross 73: A/24?; A/24?.
2000 (Aug 15th): "Cross in day? N Edge"; from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Hut - to Pila route?; (Carlo Lucianaz and Nadia Bennani) r. Cross 74: G/16; A/24.
2000 (Aug 20th): "Or basis Grand Brissogne/Three Capuchins Pass/Arbolle Hut/Pila"; in day from Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - Dessous Lake - Ménabreaz Hut - Three Capuchins Pass? or Arbolle Pass? - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut - route? to Pila; (Christian Fiou and Salvatore Gagliano) r. or basis 21.
2000 (Aug 22/23th); (22th): "Tour NINETEEN Pila - Federigo Bivouac - Peckoz Pass - Ménabreaz Hut - E and E-SE Arêtes of Emilius to Pila" from Pila - Chamolé Alp - Plan Fenêtre Pass - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - crossing W/E Slopes Peckoz Pass - to Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut; (23th): from Hut Laures Lungo Le - Cross of Charrey brothers and Cino Norat - E Arête Mount Emilius's in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lak e- Arbolle Lakes and Hut - to Pila route?; (Davide Maiocco and Mauro Bovio, C.A.I. of Turin) r. Tour 19: I/32; A/24.
2000 (Aug 24th): "Cross Departures/Starts and Arrivals Unknowns and W Arête"; from? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboè - Little Emilius - W Arête of Mount Emilius in ascent-in descent route? to ?; (David?, Gianni? and Niccoló?) r. Cross 75: D/23bis/D23; A/24?.
2001 (Aug 02/03th): "Cross Refuge/Bivouac Dutch Ghost in Les Laures Valley?"; (02th): from Cogne - Arpisson Valley - Garin Pass - Arbolle Lakes and Hut; (03th): from Arbolle Hut and Lakes - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête Mount Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - try of Róss Pass to Federigo Bivouac? - return to Three Capuchins Pass? - try of crossing to Peckoz Pass and descent to Les Laures Lakes and Ménabreaz Refuge (non - existent in consulted a Agency Tourist Board of Cogne!); (Joris Bernekamp, Pier Bernekamp and Michel Künzel, Alkmaar-Holland) r. Cross 76: A/24; A/24 and ???.
2001 (Aug 19th):"Cross /Tour Emilius More Sure"; from Pila-Comboè-Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac-E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent-Carrel Pass-Arpisson W and E Glaciers-crossing W/E Slopes of Peckoz Pass-of Laures Dessous Lake to Ménabreaz Hut); (Luigi Pession, Matterhorn mountain guide, and Gianni Grazia, C.A.I. of Asti) r. Cross 77.
2001 (Sep 02th): "Cross Pila - Emilius - Arbolle - Laures's Pass and Lakes - Ménabreaz Hut - Peckoz Pass - Carrel Pass - Becca to Pila"; from Pila Chamolé Lake and Pass - Arbolle Hut - Gelato Lake - Three Capuchins Pass - S-SE Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent and in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Arbolle Pass - of Laures Lakes(three) - Ménabreaz Hut - Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E and W glaciers - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent - S-SW Slope in descent - Gros Scez -Cross 78: A/24; A/24.
2003 (Jun 20/21th); (20th): "Cross N-NE Ridge of Becca - Federigo Bivouac - N Edge of Emilius to Pila"; from? - N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona in ascent - E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (21th): Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hu t- route? to Pila; (Matteo Giglio, Ilaria Iemmi and Nicolas Meli) r. Cross 79: G/16; A/24.
2003 (Jul 12/13th) (12th): "Cross from Pila? - N Edge Emilius's - to Pila?", from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valé (ruins) - ros Scez - Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (13th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Hut - to Pila route?Cross 80: G/16; A/24.
2004 (Jul 27/28): (27th): "Cross of those of Drôme Valley in N Edge"; from Pila route? - Comboé - Plan Valè (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (28th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - NE Ridge and N Edge of Mount Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Hut - to Pila route?; (Jean François?, Robert?, Eric?, Gaby?, Henry?, Roland? and Thierry?, C.A.F. Crest Val de Drône) r. Cross 81: G/16;A/24.
2004 (Aug 18th): "Or basis To be on s.o.'s track of gamekeepers Peckoz Barons's"; from Ménabreaz Hut- Laures's Dessous Lake-crossing E/W Slopes Peckoz Pass's-Arpisson E and W Glaciers-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac to?; (Rob de Vissend, solo from Holland) r. or basis 22.
2004 (Aug 22th): "Cross in N Edge of the C.A.I. Aosta"; from? to?; (Fausto Lorenzi, Ester Francesconi, Carlo Lucianaz, Nadia Bennani and Giancarlo Civiero, C.A.I. of Aosta) r. Cross82 :G/16;A/24.
2004 (Sep 27/30th): Tour TWENTY "From Grand Brissogne to Grand Brissogne" from Grand Brissogne Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut - Long Lake - route? Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - S-SW Slope Becca di Nona in ascent and E-SE Arête in descent - Carrel Pass - Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête of Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass - Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé - route? Arpisson Valley - route? to Grand Brissogne; (Eugenio Nando: ..."Finisce qui il bellissimo Giro dell'Emilius Brissogne - Menabreaz - Mte Emilius - Rif Arbole - Bca Nona - Bivacco Federigo - Becca di Nona (mattino) - Vallone Comboe - Vallone Arpisson Brissogne Lo consigliamo veramente 4 giorni in ambienti molto particolari"..., of C.A.I. Casale/Alessandria) r. Tour 20: G16?/A 24.
2005 (Jun 09th): Tour TWENTY ONE "Panorama of N Wall" from Martsaouchy Damon - Plan Croix (ruins) - Arpisson Alp-W Slope Mount Père Laurent in ascent and in descent - Sources Emilius - W Arpisson Glacier - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - E-SE Arête Becca di Nona in ascent and in descent - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Comboé - route? to Martsaouchy; (Luigi Pasquin?) r. Tour 21.
2005 ( Jul 03th): "Cross Sky Runner in Ferrata Route"; from Pila route? - Becca di Nona route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - NW Arête Mont Ross of Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête (Via Ferrata) Monte Emilius's in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut to Pila route?; (Alfredo Mammoliti, sky runner) r. Cross 83: D/23 bis/23; A/24.
2005 (Jul 18th): "Cross from Pila in day Via Ferrata, solo in great thunderstorm!"; from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac - NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête of Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Refuge, continuously in hard temporal since 11.10' hour at nightfall!; ("boy" name unknown of Varese City, solo) r. Cross 83bis: D/23bis/D/23;A/24.
2005 (Sep 04/05th): "Cross in day Via Ferrata still"; from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and F. Zullo Bivouac; (05th): from bivouac - NW Arête Mount Róss of Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête Monte Emilius in ascent - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Lakes and Hut; (Rudy Vallet of Saint Pierre, solo) r. Cross 84: D/23bis/D23;A/24.
2006 (Jun 23th): "Cross in Becca from Pollein in day for Women champion": from Crêtes (Pollein) - Plan Croix - Becca di Nona route? - descent route? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez - Plan Valé (ruins) - Comboé Alp - Plan Crou? or Plan Croix (Cross Tableland) - Terreblantz(s)e - Crêtes; (Delia Vaudan,of Pollein, Women's Champion in sledge; three times World Championship, solo in day: Brava Delia!)Cross 85: B. di N.
2006 (Sep 13th): "Minitour Gremonenche/Peckoz Pass/Luin - Brissogne"; from Gremonenche - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - Laures's Dessous Lake - crossing E/W Slopes Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E Glacier and Alp - Plan Croix (ruins) - Martsaouchy Damon and Desott - Terreblantse - Luin-Brissogne; (Corrado Gontier, Valsavarenche mountain guide "Esprit de montagne", solo) r. Minitour 14.
2006 (Nov 10th): Tour TWENTY TWO "Via Ferrata, solo" from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - NW Arête of Mont Rôss de Comboé - Little Emilius - W Arête of Monte Emilius) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut - From route? Pila; (Marco Gaida, solo) r. Tour 22: D 23 bis/23; A/24.
2007 (Jun 19th): "Minitour Mystrerious - Mission Accomplished"; from Pila to Mount Emilius route? - from Mount Emilius - Federigo Zullo and Carrel Pass route? - to Pila? route?; (Grant Foster, Joris Volmer and Grace Smith, ACORN ADVENTURE) r. Minitour of Mistery: ???.
2008 (Aug th?): "Tour TWENTY THREE from Pila Via Ferrata, solo in day"; from Pila-Comboé-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac-NW Arête Mount Róss of Comboé-W Arête Mount Emilius in ascent-S-SE Arête in descent-Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake-Arbolle Lakes and Hut-Chamolè Pass and Lake to Pila; (Battista Pieiller Fénis, solo) r. Tour 23: D/23bis/D/23;A/24.
2009 (Sep 29th): Tour TWENTY FOUR "Great North Tour Emilius's Mountain Chain" in day from Charvensod - Pollein - Grand Pollein - Grand Brissogne - Gremonenche Alp - L'Arp - La Vieille - Le Tramouail - Ménabreaz Hut - Laures Lakes (three) - Arbolle Pass - Old Glacier Mount Emilius - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut - Arbolle/Comboé Pass - Ponteilles Waterfall and Alp to Charvensod; (Remo Comé, solo) r. Tour 24.
2009 (Oct 06th): Tour TWENTY FIVE "Great South Tour Emilius Group" in day from Pila - Plan de l'Eyve Alp - Tsa Setze Pass - Arpisson Alp - Gimillan - Écloseur Bridge - Pila Alp and Waterfull - Creuzet Alp - Grauson Vieux and Nuove Alps - Lussert's Lakes (three) - Laures Pass - Arbolle Pass - Old Glacier Mount Emilius - Gelato Lakes - Arbolle Hut and Lakes (two) to Pila; (Remo Comé, solo) r. Tour 25.
1905/6 (in winter): Idealization try First ascent of NE Ridge and N Edge; (Abbot Saint Pierre Joseph Maria Henry and Reverend Roisan Louis Bonin). (RM C.A.I. - Magazine 1907, page 49. "Guida del Monte Emilius"; by Osvaldo Cardellina; page 128; route 58f). Edit. Osvaldo Cardellina; Aosta, Dec 1978.
1906 (Aug 02/03th): First Ascent absolute of N-NE Crest; (Pantaléon Bovet, Abbots Joseph Maria Henry, Louis Bonin and Engineer Nino Tofani; from Aosta and Saint Marcel by mule (Bovet, Bonin and Tofani), Abbot Henry on foot (ecologist ante litteram !) - Grand Brissogne - Les Laures Hunting House; (02th): from Les Laures Hunting House - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Les Laures Dessous Lake and Grand Brissogne - Aosta and Saint Marcel). (RM C.A.I. - Magazine 1907, page 49 ..." Noi avevamo sempre concluso nei nostri studi, che tutte le maggiori difficoltà si sarebbero limitate al tratto inclinato ormai vinto; ma una delusione ci attendeva appunto qui, perché questi denti di dega che formano la spalla sono tagliati a picco d'ambo le parti e dopo di essi non si vede che una specie di muro a spacchi verticali così lisci da lasciar veramente perplessi. Pazienza e coraggio! "..."OGNI VILTA' CONVIEN CHE QUI SIA MORTA"..." ...Saltiamo una spaccatura, per portarci sul terzo spuntone..."..." Bovet sale penosamente un poco, girando al nord lo strapiombo che ci sta sopra, e con veri prodigi si toglie ai nostri sguardi. Attendiamo un poco: "..."Eh bien ?" - "Je suis arreté, il me faudrait une corde:c'est l'abime, mais il y a une fissure..." - "Et après ?" - Nessuna risposta. Se Bovet parla di corde e di abissi, tentiamo da un'altra parte..."...; by Engineer Nino Tofani. Edit. RM C.A.I.
1907. "Le Ràye di Solei" (of Sun Pastures"); by Abbot Joseph Maria Henry; 1935, pages 11 and 109. "80 itinerari di escursionismo alpinismo e sci alpinismo in valle d'aosta", by Osvaldo Cardellina, pages 96/7..." mentre entusiasmante é il tratto finale che dal Triangolo Nero porta in vetta. Durante l'intera arrampicata si gode di un panorama splendido sulla città di Aosta che si domina da un abisso di 3000 metri; inoltre quadri molto belli sui Laures con i suoi laghetti e colpi d'occhio eccezionali sulle pareti nord ed est della stessa piramide che riunendosi, formano lo spigolo...". Edit. O. Cardellina in Aosta Juny 1977. "Guida del Monte Emilius"; by Osvaldo Cardellina; Edit. O. Cardellina, Dec 1978,pages 126/133; route 58f) and Monograph. La Montagne et Alpinisme-Magazine (F) n° 2. pages 26/31, 1999 " EMILIUS la montagne des Trois Curés"..." Ils auront recours à plusieurs reprises à des courtes échelles des "montées sur épaules" pour gravir les passages les plus techniques avant que Bovet, hissé sur les épaules de Bonin, ne puisse s'exclamer: "Je vois le sommet, l'arete est faite"...; by Bernard Marnette. "Gran Paradiso - Gebietsführer für Wanderer, Bergsteiger und Kletterer"; by Gerd Klotz; Feb 2005, pages 218/220; route 594. Guida dei Monti d'Italia C.A.I./T.C.I. "Emilius Rosa dei Banchi Parco del M. Avic"; by Giulio Berutto and Lino Fornelli; Edit. Mar 2005, pages 118/119; routes 49a) and 49aa) variant.
1926 (Aug 15/16th): 1°? replay and 2°? absolute; (Alessandro Martinotti and companion unknown, C.A.I. Biella; from Grand Brissogne - Les Laures Hunting House; (16th): from Les Laures Hunting House - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Les Laures Dessous Lake and Grand Brissogne). (RM C.A.I. - Magazine n° 7-8/1929; by Lino Binel - Renato Chabod - Amilcare Crétier. "Diario di Montagna Ascensioni in Valle d'Aosta 1921-1933 - In Aosta Valley Ascents 1921-1933"; "Mountain's Diary by Amilcare Crétier; Edit. Section's Verrés of the C.A.I, and Verrés's Library Jul 1993, pages 29 and 74.
1929 (Aug 17/18th): 2°? replay and 3°? absolute; (Alexandre "Dino" Charrey, Jean Charrey and Cino Norat; from Grand Brissogne - Lers Lasures Hunting House; (18th): from Les Laures Hunting House - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Les Laures Dessous Lake and Grand Brissogne). (Rivista della Montagna of Turin - Magazine).
1941 (Jul 20th): 3°? replay and 4°? absolute and First crossing W and NW Arête to Becca di Nona and N-NE Ridge in descent; (Giulio Adolfo Ourlaz "Dulo", mountain guide Aosta, and wife Aurora Wuillerminaz; in day from Pila). (C.A.I. Magazine 1943, page 106; by Giulio Adolfo Ourlaz. Priv. inf. by Giulio Adolfo Ourlaz "Dulo" 1977/78. "Guida del Monte Emilius"; by Osvaldo Cardellina; Dec 1978, page 140; route 60c); page 152; route 63d). Guida dei Monti d'Italia C.A.I./T.C.I. "Emilius Rosa dei Banchi Parco del M. Avic"; by Giulio Berutto and Lino Fornelli; Mar 2005, page 111; route 49db).
1949 (Feb th?): First Winter Absolute and 5°?; (Franco Garda mountain guide Aosta, and Pietro "Piero" Rosset Aosta and mountain carrier Valpelline: ... "Dopo aver bivaccato a Comboé, ci siamo portati, senza aver bisogno degli sci, piuttosto agevolmente all'attacco dello spigolo NE, grazie alle buone condizioni della neve ed a una certa capacità nel saper sfruttare certe crestine formate dal vento. Salita senza coplicazioni, anche per l'assenza di verglass. Pena del Contrappasso in discesa, quasi mistica, per la via normale dei Tre Cappuccini ed il lungo Vallone di Arbole sprofondando ad ogni passo…".... Thry translation…: ... "Bivouac in Little Comboé Valley; excluding ski at base of the N-NE Ridge and N Edge: snow is in good state and by a personal ability in littles crests, by wind shapes. No problems in climbing, near for lack of "verglass" (hard ice n.d.r.). "Retaliation Punishment" in descent,almost mystic, from normal route of the Three Capuchins to long Arbolle Valley. Plunging all footprints…"...; from Pila - Carrel Pass - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila, in day). (priv. inf. by "Piero" Rosset 1977/78. "Guida del Monte Emilius"; by Osvaldo Cardellina; Dec 1978, pages 114 and 127; route 58f). Guida dei Monti d'Italia C.A.I/T.C.I. "Emilius Rosa dei Banchi Parco del M. Avic"; by Giulio Berutto and Lino Fornelli; Mar 2005, page 118; route 49o).
1955 (Aug 14/15th): 6°? ; (15th):(1° group of rope climbers: Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian and Mirando Perruquet; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut; 2° group of rope climbers: Fedele Deval, Valentino Zulian, Adolfo Mathiou, Bruno Nicoletta and Roberto Brughera: from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit of Black Triangle, in ascent and in descent to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1955 (Aug 16th): 7°? and 1° solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1956 (? th?): 8°? and 2° solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1957 (? th?): 9°? (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian and son Walter, 9 years!; in day (!) from Prarayer - Les Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête - Three Capuchins Pass (Apparition Gelato Lake!) - Arbolle Valley to Pila). (priv. inf. in house by "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1958 (? th?): 10°? and 3°? solo; partial, in inferior part to Summit of Black Triangle and "Gördze" (Colletto) 3360mc. and E Wall, new route, solo; ("Angelino" Bozzetti mountain guide Valpelline; in day from Pila). (priv. inf. by "Angelino" Bozzetti 1966/67. "Diary of Mountain" (unpublished); by Angelo Bozzetti. "Guida del Monte Emilius"; by Osvaldo Cardellina; page 135; route 58g). Edit. Osvaldo Cardellina; Aosta, Dec 1978).
1958 (? th?): 11°? and 4°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1959 (? th?): 12°? and 5°? lone (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut); (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1960 (? th?): 13°? and 6°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1961 (? th?): 14°? and 7°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1962 (? th?): 15°? and 8°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1962 (? th?): 16°? and 9°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1962 (? th?): 17°? and 10°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, lone; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1963 (? th?): 18°? and 11°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1964 (? th?): 19°? and 12°? solo (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009).
1971 (Sep 29/30th): 20°? and 13°? solo; partial, superior part; (Guido Matteotti; from Ménabreaz Hut - E Wall, diagonal route, and N Edge in superior part and descent S-SE Arête ? to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne?). (priv. inf. by Guido Matteotti 1977/78 and Oct/Nov 2009. "Guida del Monte Emilius", by Osvaldo Cardellina; page 133; route 58g). Edit. Osvaldo Cardellina; Aosta, Dec 1978. Guida dei Monti d'Italia C.A.I./T.C.I. "Emilius Rosa dei Banchi Parco del M. Avic"; by Giulio Berutto and Lino Fornelli; Mar 2005, page 120; route 49rc).). 1970 years (In the Seventies) 21°? and 14° solo; partial, superior part in descent and in ascent from Summit to Black Triangle to give help to s. o. of mountaineers C.A.I. Verres Section. (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian,solo; from Summit to Black Triangle (3378m); (priv. inf. by "Agostino" Zulian, Summer 2009).
1972 (Aug 27th): 22°? and 15°? solo; partial, inferior part to quota about 3415 metres in N Edge in ascent and in descent (it's snowing!) to give help to s. o. of mountaineers Bruno Pagliarin Aosta and Pino Serge Paris, to be snowed up; (Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian, solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to mountaineers with supplies provisions and blankets). (priv. inf. by Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian 1977/78 and Nov 2009. "Gazzetta del Popolo" - dally - newpaper Aug 29th 1972. "Guida del Monte Emilius", by Osvaldo Cardellina; page 133; route 58f). Edit. Osvaldo Cardellina; Aosta Dec 1978).
1976 (Aug 08th): 23°? NE Ridge and N Edge (1°? in Integral edge); (Osvaldo Cardellina and Camillo Roberto Ferronato; in day from Pila - Comboè - Carrel Pass - Mont Blantsette and Pass - to Summit and S-SE Arête in descent). ("Mountain Diary Ascents 1964/2013" (unpublished) by Osvaldo Cardellina. "80 itinerari di escursionismo alpinismo sci alpinismo in valle d'aosta", by Osvaldo Cardellina, pages 96/7. Edit. Musumeci in Aosta, Dec 1977. "Guida del Monte Emilius", by Osvaldo Cardellina; pages 132/133; route 58f). Edit. Osvaldo Cardellina; in Aosta Dec 1978).
1977 (Aug 11/12th, 1977): 24°? NE Ridge and N Edge; (Roberto Arbaney, Pier Giorgio Casadei and Roberto Giunta; from Gremonenche - Ménabreaz Hut; (12th): from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit-S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Alp to Pila). ("Montagnes Valdôtaines" Anno V – N. 2 (13) Oct 1978, Magazine of Section Aosta C.A.I.; Priv. inf. by Roberto Arbaney Jan 04th, 2010).
1978 (Oct 12th, 1978): 25°? and 16°? solo NE Ridge and N Edge; (Danilo Chatrian Aosta,solo; from? to?). ("Montagnes Valdôtaines" Anno VII - N. 1 (15) Feb 1980. Magazine of Section Aosta C.A.I.; priv. inf. by Danilo Chatrian Jan 04th, 2010).
1979 (Aug 11/12th): 26°? (Maurice Gaillard Fénis, and Sergio Pession Quart; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by Sergio Pession Dec 21th, 2009).
1981 (Aug 29/30th): 27°? (Ugo Brunier Fénis, Sergio Pession Quart, and Battista Pieiller Fénis; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by Battista Pieiller Dec 10 and 14th, 2009 and Sergio Pession Dec 21th, 2009).
1982 (Jul 17/18th): 28° and 17°? solo (Elio Saluard Grand Brissogne, solo: 2° group of rope climbers: Sergio Matteotti and ? ?, C.A.I. of Aosta; 3° group of rope climbers:Sergio Pession Quart, and Bruno Mortara C.A.I. Saint Barthélemy; from Ménabreaz Hut-Blantsette Pass-Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by Elio Saluard Dec 12th, 2009 andSergio Pession Dec 21th, 2009).
1982 (Sep 22/23th): (23th): 29°? and 18°? Solo; (Flavio Zulian Luin-Brissogne, lone; from Grand Brissogne - Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by "Agostino" Zulian Dec 16th, 2009).
1983 (Jul 26/27th): 30°?; (Sergio Pession Quart, and Battista Pieiller Fénis; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by Sergio Pession Dec 21th, 2009).
1984 (? th?): Elio Saluard Brissogne, 19°? solo; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by Elio Saluard Dec 12th, 2009).
1983? or 1984? (Aug th?): 31°? (Last ascent of N EDGE for "Agostino"; many times (18/20?); Giovanni "Agostino" Zulian and son Flavio; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass to Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut). (priv. inf. in house of "Agostino" Zulian Nov 28th, 2009). 1984 (Jul 27/28th): 32°? (28th): (1° group of rope climbers: Battista Pieiller Fénis, Sergio Pession Quart; 2° group of roped climbers: Pietro Pieiller Fénis, Angelo Bonichon Fénis and Diego Squinabol Pollein (in occasion of the positioning of Federigo Zullo Bivouac in Carrel Pass); from Ménabreaz Hut - Summit and descent E-SE Arête to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (about N Wall - Direct Summit, new route from Osvaldo Cardellina and company; priv. inf. by Battista Pieiller Dec 10th and 14th, 2009; priv. inf. by Sergio Pession Dec 21th, 2009).
1984 (Aug 18/19th): 33° and 20°?, solo (Alberto Sciardi Aosta, solo; (18th): from Chamolé Station-Replan N Pass-Comboé Alp-Plan Valé (ruins)-Gros Scez-Becca di Nona route?-Fires Saints Peter and Paul-Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac with brother….?;(19th): from bivouac-Arpisson W and E Glacier-Mont Blantsette and Pass-Summit and descent S-SE Arête-Three Capuchins Pass-Gelato Lake-Arbolle Valley, Lakes, Alp and Pass-Comboé-Plan Fenêtre Pass-Chamolé Alp to Pila). (priv. inf. and report by Alberto Sciardi Jan 21/22th, 2010;action photo Dec 22th, 2010).
1985 (Aug 14/15th): 33°? (Adriana Perrin Torgnon/Aosta and Sergio Pession Quart, Maurice Gaillard Fénis and Valpelline mountain guide with two clients: Alberto Conserva and son Lorenzo Milan; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf by Sergio Pession. Dec 21th, 2009).
1985/86/87/88? (? th?): 34°? and 20°? solo (Carlo Lucianaz, solo Haut Charvensod; from Charvensod (!) - Ponteilles Alp - Morion Alp (ruins) - N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona - crossing Carrel Pass, Arpisson W and E Glaciers, Mont Blantsette, Pass and NE Rige and N Edge of Mount Emilius (in 1h.15' from Blantsette Pass to Summit!!); W and NW Arête in descent to Charvensod (!!!). (priv. inf. by Carlo Lucianaz Oct 06th, 2009).
1986/7? (? th?): 35°? (Carlo Lucianaz, Remo Comé Haut Charvensod and a companion C.A.I. Aosta; from Ponteilles Alp - Federigo Bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Ponteilles Alp, in day). (priv. inf. by Remo Comé Dec 08th, 2009).
1986 (Sep 14th): 36°? (Three Italian mountaineers; from? to?). (seen and heard from Osvaldo Cardellina, Giuseppe Lamazzi and Corrado Papone from S-SE Arête of Seneva Becca). Years '90 /In the Nineties) ? (? th?): (twice) 37°? and 38°? (Fausto Lorenzi Rovereto and Valpelline mountain guide and mountain clients; from Pila - Comboé-Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - Summit-S-SE Arête in descent - Arbolle Valley to Pila). (priv. inf. by Fausto Lorenzi Jan 05/06th, 2010).
1993 (Jun 18/19th): 39°? (Roberta Vittorangeli Roma/Valpelline and mountain guide Valpelline and Aldo Cambiolo Aosta/Valpelline, mountain guide Valpelline; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (19th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th 1992/Jul 01th 2007. Priv. inf. by Aldo Cambiolo Nov 15th, 2009 and Dec 02th, 2009).
1993 (Aug 21/22th): 40? (Aldo Comé Pollein, Sergio Pession Quart, and Battista Pieiller Fénis; from Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to Ménabreaz Hut and Grand Brissogne). (priv. inf. by Battista Pieiller Dec 10 and 14th, 2009 and by Sergio Pession Dec 21th, 2009).
1994 (Jul 09/10th): 41°? (Corrado Demarchi, C.A.I. of Chiavari, and Paola Curillo?, C.A.I. Ligure; from Pila - Ferigo Bivouac; (16th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992 Jul 01th, 2007).
1994 (Aug 11/12th): 42°? ("Gerd" Klotz Praillon-Quart and (name?) of Saint Christophe; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (12th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (priv. inf. Sep. "Gerd" Klotz Sep 04th, 2006. "Gran Paradiso - Gebietsfürher für Wanderer, Bergsteiger und Kletterer"; by Gerd Klotz; Feb 2005, pages 218/220; route 594.
1994 (Aug 13/14th): 43°? (Rino Quendoz and Tullio Baldon C.A.I. Aosta; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (14th): from Bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1995 (15/16th-Easter): 44°? (Mauro Farina and Lino Facchini C.A.I. Piacenza; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (16th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1996 (Jun 19th): 45°? (André Doyen and Bernard Marnette C.A.B.; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac - Summit - descent S-SE Arête to Pila, in day?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007). "La Montagne et Alpinisme" - Magazine n°2, pages 26/31 "EMILIUS la montagne des Trois Curés", by 1999.
1996 (Jul 12/13th): 46°? and 21°? solo (Paolo Ferrario "Orso Rosso" Montevecchia-Lecco, solo; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (13th): from bivouac - Peckoz Pass - Summit and descent S-SE Arête - Three Capuchins Pass - crossing E/W Slopes of Róss Pass - Federigo Bivouac to Pila). (priv. inf. Jul 12th by Paolo Ferrario on Osvaldo Cardellina arrival in bivouac, from N Wall of Becca di Nona, new route. Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007: ..."12 Luglio Paolo Ferrario - Montevecchia (LC) Arrivato da Pilaz al bivacco confortevole. Dormito come ghiro. 13 Luglio ore 6.00. Disatteso consigli di "Osvich". Raggiunto Colle Peccoz. Iniziato danza su cresta NNE. Trovato verglass. - No problema io pinguino. Poi scivolato e battuto forte ginocchio SX. Allora dato ragione a "Osvich"!. USCITO in vetta M. Emilius con adrenalina OVER LEVEL. Gustato panorama interessante rullino da 24? - Seguito consiglio di "Osvich" e sceso x via normale. Tenuto quota e arrivato a intaglio Q. 3.090 m. Giunto bivacco in tempo x pranzo. P.S. x amici di "Osvich": quando vi dà un consiglio… SEGUITELO! Comunque Orso Rosso - torna presto - forse Aprile. KUNTISKY!"....
1996 (Sep th?): 47°? and 22°? solo(Corrado Gontier Établoz-Brissogne/Saint Pierre, mountain guide Valsavarenche/Esprit de Montagne; solo, in day; from Gremonenche - of Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut - Blantsette Pass - Summit and S-SE Arête in descent - crossing in ridge N/S of Three Capuchins Peak - Arbolle Pass and descent in Lussert Lakes - Lussert/Grauson Valley - Grauson Nuove and Vieux Alps - Gimillan - Montroz to Cogne). (priv. inf. by Corrado Gontier Dec 22th, 2009).
1996 (Oct 31th/Nov 01th): 48°? (Aldo Cambiolo, of Aosta/Valpelline and mountain guide Valpelline with Roberta Vittorangeli Roma/Valpelline and mountain guide Valpelline; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (01th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007. Priv. inf. by Aldo Cambiolo Nov 15th, 2009 and Dec 02th, 2009).
1997 (Jul 04/05th): 49°?(Aldo Cambiolo Aosta/Valpelline and mountain guide Valpelline with Fausto Sacchi Reggio Emilia; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (05th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007. Priv. inf. by Aldo Cambiolo Nov 15th, 2009 and Dec 02th, 2009).
1997 (Jul 10th): 50°? (Pol Miserque and Hugues Belsack C.A.B.; in day from Pila?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1997 (Jul 12th): 51°? (Ilario Pedrolini and Del Maestro C.A.I. Valtellinese; from Pila? – Federigo Bivouac - Summit and descent?, in day ?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1997 Jul 30/31th): 52°? (Sandro Dallou, Luigi Pepellin and Remo Rossor; from Martsaouchy - N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona - Federigo Bivouac; (31th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête? to Martsaouchy?). Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1997 (Aug 10/11th): 53°? (Cristina Zanchi, Fabrizio Bertino, Paola Vicquery and Piergiorgio Therisod; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac; (11th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête to Pila); (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1997 (Oct 05th): 54°? (Alberto Bonino, Oliviero Guichardaz, Elio Plano and Edy Tremblant C.A.I. Aosta; in day from Pila?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1998 (Jul 27/28th): 55°? (Stefano Mazzoli and Francesca Ferri C.A.I. of Bologna; from Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1999 (Aug 13/14th): 56°? (Thomas Kerrich and Gunilla Kerrich; from Pila?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2000 (Jul 27/28th): 57°? (Anne Monddaers, Jos Winters, Marc Philtgens Bergsteiger Kempem). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
1999/2000 (Aug th?): 58°? Ezio Marlier Chenaux-Pollein and mountain guide Valpelline, Patrick Gabarrou French mountain guide with a client mountaineer Reverend (name?) Sallanches. (priv, inf. by Ezio Marlier 2009).
2000 (Aug 15th): 59°? (Carlo Lucianaz and Nadia Bennani; in day from Pila?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2002 (Jul 22/23th): 60°? (Sergio Spicci and Alessandro Sammartino; (22th): Becca di Nona and (23th): NE Ridge and N Edge). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 91th, 2007).
2003 (Jun 20/21th): 61°? (Matteo Giglio, mountain guide Aosta, Ilaria Iemmi and Nicolas Meli; from? - N-NE Ridge of Becca di Nona in ascent to Federigo Bivouac; (21th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête? to Pila?). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2003 (Jul 12/13th): 62°? (Michel Zimmerman and Gilbert Wentginger, France; from Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2004 (Jul 27/28): 63°? (Jean François?, Robert?, Eric?, Gaby?, Henry?, Roland? and Thierry? C.A.F. Crest Val de Drôme; from Pila? - Federigo Bivouac; (28th): from bivouac - Summit and descent S-SE Arête ? to Pila?). ...("Arête des trois cures magnifique - Ont ils enlevé leurs soutanes en 1906? CAF CREST VAL DE DRÔME 7 PERSONNES".... ANSWER/REPLY in RM C.A.I., 1907, pages 49/51 ..." Il mattino sveglia, caffé e latte, e partenza alle 4,15. Anche Bovet abbandona, sebbene a malincuore, l'abito nero, e nell'incerta luce dell'alba attraversiamo, secondo il prestabilito, il ruscelletto al suo nascere dal lago inferiore, seguiamo senza fatica il sentiero che conduce al colle Peccoz e giungiamo sul crinale a salutare Aosta, che ci appare in un fantastico levar del sole...".... Summit Book Jul, 20th, 2004/Jul 30th, 2007. Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2004 (Jul 30/31th): 64°? (Fabrizio Brunod, Nilo Pieiller and Piero Pieiller Fénis; (31th): from Ménabreaz Hut (5.00' hour) - Blantsette Pass - Summit (9.05' hour) - S-SE Arête in descent - Three Capuchins Pass to Ménabreaz Hut). (Summit Book Jul 20th, 2003/Oct 06th, 2004. Priv. inf. by Battista Pieiller Dec 14th, 2009).
2004 (Aug 23/24th): 65°? (Fausto Lorenzi, mountain guide Valpelline, Ester Francesconi Valpelline, Nadia Bennani Aosta, Giancarlo Civiero Aosta and Carlo Lucianaz Charvensod d'en Haut and C.A.I. Aosta; from Pila - Comboé - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federgo Zullo Bivouac; (24th): from bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass - Summit and descent S-SE Arête - Three Capuchins Pass - Gelato Lake - Arbolle Hut to Pila). (Bivouac Federigo Book, Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007; priv. inf. by Fausto Lorenzi Jan 05/06th, 2010).
2005 (Jun 10/11th): 66°? And 23°? solo (Bernard Brighi C.A.F. Metz, solo; from Pila? - Federigo Bivouac; (11th): from bivouac - Blantsette Pass - Summit and descent?. (Bivouac Federigo Book Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007: "11/6 Arête NNE (arête des 3 curés) au MONT EMILIUS".
2005 (Aug 14th): 67°? (Roberto Laughin?, Sandro Petey and Andrea Fiorio C.A.I. Aosta; from Pila - Federigo Bivouac - Summit and descent W Arête/Via Ferrata 2004 - Federigo Bivouac to Pila, in day ?). (Bivouac Federigo Book Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2005 (Sep 03th): 68°? (Bruno Trombotto and Enzo Primo C.A.I. Pinerolo; from?-Gros Scez-Carrel Pass and Federigo Bivouac-Arpisson W and E Glaciers-Blantsette Pass-Summit and S-SE Arête in descent to?. (Summit Book Jun 28th, 2005/Jul 29th, 2006).
2006 (Aug 04th): 69°? (Thierry Baranzelli and Christophe Rezette mountain guide of?; from? - Plan Valé (ruins) - Gros Scez - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Blantsette Pass - Summit and descent?. (Bivouac Federigo Book Sep 26th, 1992/Jul 01th, 2007).
2006 (Aug 09/10th): 70°? (Patrick? and Valerio? Aosta?; from Pila? - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac; (10th): from bivouac Arpisson W and E Glaciers - Mont Blantsette and Pass ... "Cresta Est salita"... ? or NE Ridge and N Edge, very probably, to Summit in ascent and descent W Arête - Via Ferrata 2004 - Federigo Bivouac and Carrel Pass - Gros Scez - Comboé to Pila. (Bivacco Federigo Book 1992/2007).
2007 (Sep 01/02th): 71°? (Stefano Rinaldelli, Giuseppe Di Iulio and Omar Scarpellini C.A.I. Barberino del Mugello, Prato and Pistoia?; from Pila). (priv. inf. by Giuseppe di Iulio, Stefano Rinaldelli and Omar Scarpellini, in descent from Chamolé Pastures, Sep 02th). Finding, in Arpisson W Glacier in the base of a Black Triangle, of axe - hammer (piolet-marteau) "Dhaulagïri" (property by Camillo Roberto Ferronato), fallen from 450 meters in N Wall - Direct Summit; Jul 27th, 1984!!!.
See Monte Emilius, by livioz in SummitPost.Org. Apr 23th, 2001. Emilius Normal Route from Pila by marco979 Oct 23th, 2003. Monte Emilius Group by Antonio Giani Feb 15th, 2006.Via Ferrata by buxlex Sep 24th, 2007. Such a shame! "Apartheid" in Charvensod by buxlex (in my articles) Sep. 07th, 2008. Views of Monte Emilius by Antonio Giani Apr 25th, 2009.
("Guida delle Alpi Occidentali Alpi Graie e Pennine Vol. II. Parte Seconda "Le Valli di Aosta, di Biella, della Sesia e dell'Ossola", by Giovanni Bobba and Luigi Vaccarone, pages 115/116. Edit. Section Turin of the C.A.I. in Turin, May 25th, 1896.
RM C.A.I. - Magazine 1903: "DUE NUOVE VIE AL MONTE EMILIUS (M. 3.559) "LA CRESTA EST E LA CRESTA OVEST" and "CONCLUSIONE", by Abate Giuseppe Henry (Sezione di Aosta).", pages 73/78.
RM C.A.I. - Magazine 1907: "PRIMA ASCENSIONE DEL MONTE EMILIUS (m. 3.559) "PER LA CRESTA NORD-NORD-EST", by "Nino Tofani (Sezione di Aosta).", pages 49/51.
RM C.A.I.- Magazine n° 7-8, 1929": "La parete Nord dell'A/Emilius", pages 270/272, by Lino Binel (sez. Aosta e Torino S.U.C.A.I.) Amilcare Crétier (sez. Aosta); Edit. C.A.I. 1929.
"Guida della Valle di Cogne", by Mario Aldrovandi. Edit. Lattes in Turin,1932 (See in bottom 1964). "GUIDA della REGIONE AUTONOMA della VALLE D'AOSTA", by Mario Aldrovandi:7
"CHARVENSOD ASCENSIONI Al Monte Emilius (m 3.559, ore 8)", pages 108/109. Edit. Typography S.P.E. of Carlo Fanton in Turin, Dec 31th, 1964.
"Mountain Diary", until 1967, by Angelo Bozzetti (unpublished). "Mountain Diary" 1964/1969, by Ilario Antonio Garzotto (unpublished). "Mountain Diary" Vol. I° and II° 1964/69, by Gianni Junod (unpublished).
"Mountain Diary" 1965/66, by Walter Ferronato (unpublished).
"80 Itinerari di escursionismo alpinismo sci alpinismo in valle d'aosta", by Osvaldo Cardellina, pages 93/94: "E 48 Monte Emilius (3.559 m) – cresta dei Tre Cappuccini"; 94/95: "A 49 Monte Emilius (3.559 m) per il contrafforte Sud-Ovest"; 96/97:
"A 50 Monte Emilius (3.559 m) – per lo spigolo Nord-Est o cresta dei Tre Curati"; 97/99:
"E-SA 51 Giro dell'Emilius – Testa Blanzette (3.140 m)".One colours photograph (climbing in E Wall) inter pages 32-33, three photos colours betwwen pages 96-97. B&W Map 1:25.000 in page 104 extant. Edit Musumeci in Aosta, Jun, 1977; Second edition (Reprint), Jul, 1981; 3° edit.,Jul, 1984. Edit in French, Feb 25th, 1980;2° edition, Mar, 1980. Pages 93/94 route E 48;94/95 r. A 49;96/97 r. A 50,97/99 r. E-SA 51. Colour photos (four) between pages 96-97. B&W Map 1:25.000n in page 104 extant. "Guida del Monte Emilius", by Osvaldo Cardellina, pages 5/8: "Preface", pages 17/22; "Cartography", page 16; "Bibliography", 25/27; "General Outline" and "Valleys, access routes and Points of support", pages 29/53.
"Mount Emilius or Point of Vallé or Ten Hours Peak also Mount Pie 3.559 m IGM", pages 109/136. B&W sketch-draft:
"North Wall various routes" in page 125. Colour photos two in covers, n° 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 between pages 120-121 and 127 inter 152-153; B&W pages 28,81,123,134,167,184. Map B&W 1:25:000 in existence, page 110. Edit. O. Cardellina in Aosta, Dec 1978.
"Gran Paradiso itinerari alpinistici e sci alpinistici", by Franco Brevini:
"M. Emilius 3.559 m" 2a Versante sud e cresta dei tre cappuccini Via normale da Gimillan; 2b Versante sud e cresta dei tre cappuccini Via normale da Pila", pages 14,18,23,55/58. Colourphotos in page 55 (to map out a two routes), 62/3 (from Summit to South; to map out a three routes). In Second Part Itinerari sci-alpinistici
"4 Giro dell'Emilius", pages 195/9. B&W action photograph in page 195 (from Col Tsa Setze to Punta de la Pierre) and in page 196 (from Garin Pass to Emilius and Arbolle Valley). Picture and track in blue in page 197 (Emilius and Les Laures Valley). Edit Musumeci in Aosta, Jun 1982.
"Gran Paradiso itinerari escursionistici", by Franco Brevini, pages 117/20" 56 Gimillan m 1787 Monte Emilius m 3.559". Photocolor in pages 118/9 (from Summit to Arbolle Valley). In pages 120/2
"57 Traversata Gimillan m 1787 Colle Garin m 2.815 Colle d'Arbole m 3.154 Brissogne m 894". Colorpicture in page 121 (from Summit to Gr. Roise Mountain Chain and Leppe). In Index "Sei ore routes 56/7". Edit. Musumeci in Aosta, Jul 1982. "Andar per sentieri in Valle d'Aosta 70 itinerari", by Pietro Giglio with collaboration by Palmira Orsières:
"4 Il Vallone di Saint-Marcel sopra Fenis), "5 La solitudine dei laghi di Laures", pages 21/26. Colours photos in pages 21 (Saint Marcel Valley), 24/25 (Laures Dessous Lake and Ménabreaz Hut); B&W photos in pages 22 (small bridge in Les Laures Torrent), 26 (North Face Emilius). B&W Map 1:50.000 extant in page 13. Edit. Istituto Geografico De Agostini in Novara IGDA Officine Grafiche,1988.
"Valle di Aosta oltre il sentiero", by Pietro Giglio and Matteo Giglio:
"57 Mont Emilius 3.559 m (via normale della cresta Sud)", pages 209/211. B&W action photo in page 209 (In Summit). General Map routes B&W page 11 in existence. Edit. CDA Centro Documentazione Alpina Torino in Turin, Mar 1993. "Mountain Diary":
"Diario Alpinistico Ascensioni in Valle d'Aosta 1921-1933", by Amilcare Crétier, pages 8 (Preface by Armando Biancardi); 13 (In memento of Amilcare, by Renato Chabod, Sep 29th, 1968); 29,34,35;73/75: "La parete Nord dell'Emilius". Edit. Nuovi Sentieri Section C.A.I. Verrès and Library Verrès in Bologna, Jul 1993.
"Le racchette da Neve" (The snowshoes) by Alessandro Leonardi and Marco Seghezzi:
"PILA Aosta via Gerdaz itinerario 9", pages 46/47. B&W photo (route) and Map 1:25.000;
"Pila Lago di Chamolé it. 10", pages 48/49. B&W photo (Testa Nera and Chamolé Lake) and Map 1.25.000. Edit. TAKE s.r.l. Editrice Libri, Works AGA Artsgraphics Associateds in Cuneo, Mar, 2001.
"I Rifugi della Valle d'Aosta 113 rifugi e bivacchi itinerari - informazioni - consigli utili", by Stefano Ardito;
"Le Valli dell'Emilius… Bivacco Federigo Zullo… Rifugio di Arbole… Bivacco Menabreaz", pages 238/244. B&W pages 240 (route for Emilius), 241 (Arbolle Hut), 242 (trippers-hikers at Chamolé Lake). General Maps B&W and colours routes 1:200.000 in pages 8/9 (n° 1),10/11 (n° 2),12/13 (n° 3) and 14/15 (n° 4). "Introduction" in pages 16/24; "Practical informations in pages 25/25/31. Edit. GUIDE ITER in Subiaco (Roma), Graphics Arts Il Torchio, Feb 2003.
Guida dei Monti d'Italia Emilius Rosa dei Banchi Parco del M. Avic", by Giulio Berutto and Lino Fornelli: "Presentazione" - Presentation in Italian, pages 5,6; "Prefazione" - Foreword in Ital., pages 7,8; "Indice Generale" - Generals Contents in It., pages 9/12; "Cartografia e Bibliografia" - Cartography and Bibliography in It., pages 23/28; "Cenno generale" - General Outline in It., pages 29,30; "Ascensioni di maggiore interesse" - Intersting ascents in It., pages 31,32; "Geologia" - Geology in It., by Silvia Metzeltin, pages 33/38; "Fauna" - Wildlife in It., by Giulio Berutto, pages 39,40;
"Vegetazione e flora" - Vegetation and flora in It., by Giulio Berutto, pages 40,41;
"Storia alpinistica" - Mountaineering History in It., by Lino Fornelli, pages 41,42; "Vallate e vie d'accesso - Valleys and approaches routes in It., pages 44/47; "Parte escursionistica Rifugi e bivacchi" - Escursion Part in It., pages 50/54; "Parte alpinistica Gruppo Monte Emilius and 49. Monte Emilius 3.559 m IGM. and 50. Triangolo dell'Emilius o Triangolo Nero 3.378 m IGM." - Mount Emilius Mountain Chain and Mount Emilius and Emilius Triangle or Black Triangle in It., by Lino Fornelli, pages 105,106 and 107/125. Sketchs-drafts n°5,6,7,8 in pages 108,113,122 and 130. Colourphotos 1,2,8,9,10 between pages 80-81; n°13 inter pages 144-145. Colour General Map 1:400.000 between 16-17 and Colour Map "Monte Emilius" 2:200.000 between pages 80-81 extants. Edit. C.A.I./T.C.I. in Milan, March 2005. " Gran Paradiso Gebietsführer für Wanderer, Bergsteiger und Kletterer",by Gerd Klotz:
"Die Gruppe des Mont Emilius (590 Mont Emilius, 3.559 m; 591 Südgrat; 592 Ostgrat; 593 Westgrat; 594 Nordgrat",pages 215/220. B&W photos in pages 215 (Emilius Mountain Chain), 216 (Emilius from South, traced routes), 219 (North Face traced routes). Colour General Map 1:200.000 pages 0/1 in existence.Edit. BERGVERLAG ROTHER GMBH MÜNCHEN,Auflage 2005, Bad Orb, im Fruhjahr 2005.
Le Nuove Guide Monti "Monte Bianco Monte Rosa e Alpi Pennine", by Variaous writers Capitolo 4 "Monte Emilius e Monte Avic" in pages 168/201. Page 174/7 "1 – Rifugio Arbole".Colorpicture in Page 174 (The Refuge) and action's snap I page 176 (in descent from Chamolé Pass to Refuge). In pages 177/9" 2 – Bivacco Meabreaz". In pages 193/5 " 8 – Monte Emilius"; colorpicture in page 194 (M. Emilius from NE). Edit. Touring Club Italiano and collaboration with Club Alpino Italiano. Edit. C.A.I. in Monza, May 2007. "Variazioni glaciali nel Gruppo del Monte Emilius" - "Glacials Variations in the Emilius Mountain Chain", by Alessandro Giusto Cardellina, pages various. Studies University of Turin, Mathematicals Faculty. Phisic and Natural Sciences/in Natural Sciences Course-Degree, Supervisor Prof. Michele Motta. One's thesis disputed in Turin, Apr 24th, 2009 (unpublished).
"Diari Alpinistici 1964/2013"-"Mountain Diaries Ascents 1964/2019", by Osvaldo Cardellina (unpublished).
Landscapes by Emilio Bertona & Antonio Giani. Moreover collaborations and contributions (reports, connections, remarks, private informations, snaps and photographs) by: Roberto ANDRIGHETTO, mountaineer, tripper-hiker and photographer naturalist, of Aosta (priv. inf. and connections Sep 29th, 1994 and Dec 23th, 2009; snaps and action photos 1994). Roberto ARBANEY, mountaineer of Aosta (priv. inf. Sep 27th, 2003 and Jan 04th, 2010; reports Sep 27th, 2003 and Dec 04th, 2010). Emilio BERTONA († September 20th, 2010, Monte Zerbion), mountaineer of Aosta (snaps, pictures and action photos 1998/2010). Giulio BERUTTO († 2005, Turin), mountaineer and tripper-hiker of Turin and Author-Writer mountain guides books (priv. inf. 1999). Walter BIANQUIN, mountaineer and tripper-hiker of Pian Felina (Charvensod) (action photos 1965). Valdo BINEL, mountaineer and tripper-hiker of Aosta (priv inf. 1977/78; action photo dad's Lino). Abele BLANC, mountain guide Cogne and Himalayst, conqueror of all fourteen 8000 and two times the Everest (priv. inf. Oct 09th, 2009). Renzo BOTTI, mountaineer and tripper-hiker of ont Suaz/Aosta (action photos 1968/1973). Riccardo BOTTI, tripper-hiker and mountaineer of Pont Suaz/Aosta (action photos 1968). Angelo "Angelino" BOZZETTI († March 03th, 1967, Aiguille Noire de Péuterey - Mont Blanc), Valpelline mountain guide (priv. inf. 1966 and Feb 1967; reports 1966 and Feb 1967; by wife "Mountain Diary until 1967 (unpublished) " and B&W photo in the Sixties). Ruggero BUSA, mountaineer and mountaineer skiing, of Senin (Saint Christophe) (snaps, action photos and connections 1968/69). Aldo CAMBIOLO, Valpelline mountain guide and icefallsclimber (priv. inf. and reports Nov. 15th, 2009 and Dec, 02th 2009; remarks Nov/Dec, variaous years, 2009). Alessandro Giusto CARDELLINA, mountaineer, research worker naturalist, physiotherapist and Author-Writer of graduation Thesis "Variazioni glaciali nel Gruppo del Monte Emilius" ("Glacials Variations in the Mount Emilius's Mountain Chain"), Studies University of Turin, Faculty of Mathematical, Phisic and Natural Sciences/in Naturals Sciences Course-Degree, Supervisor Prof. Michele Motta; Turin Apr 24th, 2009) of Pian Felina (Charvensod)/Coutateppaz (Saint Christophe)(reports 2009; connections 2010; action photos 1986/2009). Christian Gianni Ilario CARDELLINA, mountaineer Pian Felina (Charvensod)/Grand Pollein (Pollein) (priv. inf. 1998 and 2004;action photos 1990/91 and 1996). Dario Franco Sergio CARDELLINA, mountaineer Pian Felina (Charvensod)/Etolin (Quart), (priv. inf. from 1964; reports 1964/66; connections 1964/66; action photos 1964/66). Alessandro "Lupetto" CASALEGNO, mountaineer and icefullsclimber Pian Felina (Charvensod) (inf. priv. 1980/86; action photos, pictures 1980/1986). Maurizio CASTELLAN, mountaineer of Jovençan/Valpelline (action photos 1984). Massimo CENTELLEGHE, mountaineer, tripper-hiker and Engineer, of Aosta (priv. inf. 1965/67 and action photos 1967). Andrea CENTO</font/>, mountaineer and Engineer of Aosta (priv. inf. 2009 and 2010) . Danilo CHATRIAN, mountaineer and Engineer of Aosta. At present Chairman-President of the boards of directors Stations a winter ski Resorts Pila. (priv. inf. Jan 04th, 2010; report Jan. 04th, 2010). Alberto CHERAZ († August 16th, 2009, Tour Ronde-Mont Blanc),Valpelline mountain guide (priv. inf. Jun 08th, 2009; reports Jun 08th, 2009). Nicola COLAJANNI, mountaineer of Bari, Supreme Court of Cassation Judge and Professor of University of Bari "Aldo Moro" (action photos 1997/2007). Remo COME, mountaineer and sky runner of Charvensod d’en Haut (priv. inf. Dec 08th, 2009). Marco COSSARD († January 16th, 2013, Aosta), mountaineer La Crete's (Villeneuve) (connections 1971/95; snaps, pictures and action photos 1971/1996). Ezio DONZEL, mountaineer of Charvensod d'en Haut (priv. inf. and reports 1977/78). Anselme FALCOZ († May 31th, 1999, Aosta), mountaineer Aosta and Engineer (priv. inf. 1977/78; reports 1977/78; connections and remarks 1977/78). Camillo Roberto FERRONATO, mountaineer and minerals digger of Pian Felina (Charvensod) (priv. inf. 1972/2010; snaps, pictures and action photos 1972/1996. "Mountain Diary 1965/66" by brother Walter 1997). Walter FERRONATO († February 24, 1997, Aosta), mountaineer Pian Felina (Charvensod) (priv. inf. 1965/66; reports 1965/66; connections 1965/66; action photos 1965/66). Lino FORNELLI, mountaineer and Author-Writer mountain's guides books of Turin/Saint Pierre (priv. inf. 1998/2005; reports 1998/2005; connections 1998/2005). Corrado FRAMARIN, of Quart/Valpelline, mountain guide of Valpelline (priv. inf. Jun 08th, 2009). Giorgio FRUTTAZ, tripper-hiker of Aosta (action photos 1978). Luigi GADIN, mountaineer and techn Teacher of Aosta/La Salle (priv. inf. 1976/2004; action photos 1976). Maurice GAILLARD, Fénis, Valpelline's mountain guide (priv. inf., connections, reports and remarks Nov 15th and 27th, 2009). Danilo GARZOTTO, mountaineer and tripper-hiker Pian Felina (Charvensod) (priv. inf. 1969/2010; pictures and action photos 1985/86 "Mountain Diary 1964/69)" by brother Ilario, in several times). Ilario Antonio GARZOTTO († Sep 29th, 1969, Aiguille J. J. Croux-Mont Blanc), mountaineer (priv. inf. 1964/69; reports and connections 1964/69; "Mountain Diary 1964/69 (unpublished) " 1964/69; snaps, pictures and action photos 1964/1969). Antonio GIANI, mountaineer and alpine photographer (priv. inf. 2004; basic's pictures of the work Jun/Dec 2009; graphic work Jun/Dec 2009; snaps photographs and action and photos since Dec 16th, 2004 until Mar 2010). Corrado GONTIER, of Grand Brissogne/Saint Pierre, Valsavarenche's "Esprit de Montagne" mountain guide (priv. inf. and remarks Dec 22th and 31th, 2009). Eusèbe IMPERIAL, mountaineer, Primary Schoolteacher President-Chairman of the Society Cooperative Haut Charvensod and ex Mayor of Commune Charvensod (priv. inf. 1984/86,;Dec 20th, 2009 and Jan 10th, 2010; reports 2009; connections 2009; action photos 1984. "Summit's Books 2003/2007" Vol. I° since July 20th, 2003 until July 30th, 2007; Vol. II° since Juny 28th, 2005 until Aug 09th, 2006.). Gianni JUNOD († Sep 29th, 1969, Aiguille J. J. Croux-Mont Blanc), mountaineer (priv. inf: 1967/69; reports 1967/69; "Mountain Diarys 1964/69", Vol. I° and II°, 1964/69 (unpublished), pictures and action photos 1964/69). Giuseppina JUNOD, tripper-hiker of Aosta (priv inf. various years and Dec 24th/31th, 2009. Jan 02th/03th/04th, 2010. Jan 03th, 2010 delivery of the "Mountain Diarys 1964/69", Vol. I° and II°, by brother Gianni, 1964/69 (unpublished). Property Junod Familiy. Priv. inf. Feb 20th, 2010). Giuseppe LAMAZZI, mountaineer of Saint Chistophe-Capoluogo (priv, inf. 1971/2005; connections 1971/2005; action photos 1971/1996). Fausto LORENZI, of Valpelline, mountain guide Valpelline, ski instructor and Himalayst (Mil. Expedition Everest 1973. Nat. Expedition of C.A.I. Lotshe 1975, Exp. Head Riccardo Cassin) (priv. inf. Jan 05/06th, 2010). Carlo LUCIANAZ, mountaineer, mountaineer skiing; Headmaster of skiing, mountaineering and climbing Section Aosta C.A.I. of Charvensod d'en Haut (priv. inf. Oct 06th, 2009). Franco LUCIANAZ, mountaineer, ski instructor and minerals digger of Valpettaz (Charvensod d'en Bas) (priv. inf. 1987, 1996 and 2009; connections 2009:action photos 1987 and 1996. Ezio MARLIER, mountain guide and icefallsclimber Valpelline (priv. inf. Aug 2007; Nov and Dec 18th, 2009. Jan 06th, 2010; reports 2007 and 2009; action photos in CD Dec 19th,2009 of the Nov 2006). Guido MATTEOTTI, mountaineer Aymavilles (priv. inf. 1977/78 and 2009; reports 1977/78.Oct. 09th and Nov 30th, 2009; "Mountain Diary until 1978" (unpublished), by Guido Matteotti 1978; actions photos 1971). Luigi NEYROZ, mountaineer, tripper-hiker of Pian Felinaz/Saint Pierre (action photos 1965). Toni ORTELLI, († 2000, Schio), Founder - Promoter and mountaineer of C.A.A.I., President Section Aosta of C.A.I. (since 1866, second in Italy) Founder - Promoter/Editor Chief of Magazine "Montagne Valdotaines" of Section C.A.I. Aosta since 1974 and Author famous mountains song "La Montanara" (reports 1977/78; connections 1977/78; Redition - Editing whole of Work "Guida del Monte Emilius", by Osvaldo Cardellina; Edit. O. Cardellina in Aosta, 1978). Adolfo Giulio "Dulo" OURLAZ († August 17th, 2009, Aosta), mountain guide of Aosta (priv. inf. 1977/78; reports 1977/78; connections 1977/78). Marinella OURLAZ, mountaineer and tripper-hiker of Aosta/Châtillon (priv. inf. Dec 09th, 24th, 2009 and Feb 20th 2010; action photos dad's 2009 of the Fifties and Sixties). Raffaella PELLIZZARI, mountaineer and tripper-hiker of Aosta) (priv. inf. 2009; action photos 1980). Sergio PESSION, mountaineer and hunter of Quart (priv. inf. 2004 and Dec 21th, 2009; reports 2004 and Dec 21th, 2009; action photos 2010 of the 1984). Battista PIEILLER, mountaineer Fénis (priv. inf. 2004 and 2009; reports 2004,Dec 14th and 17th, 2009 and Jan 19th, 2010;action photos Jan 19th, 2010 of the July 1984 and August 2009). Sandro PLAT, mountaineer and tripper-hiker of Aosta (action photos 1980). Renato QUENDOZ, mountaineer and skiing mountaineer (priv. inf. 1967/1978; reports 1969 and 1977/78; connections 1977/78; action photos 1967, 1968 and 1969). Pietro "Piero" ROSSET, mountain guide Valpelline, ski instructor, hunter and gym Teacher of Aosta (priv. inf. and reports 1973, 1977/78 and 2006/07; reports 1977/78/2006/07. Dec 24th,2009 and Jan 16th, 2010; action photo 2007 of the 1946). Elio SALUARD, mountaineer and hunter of Grand Brissogne (priv. inf. 2009; reports 2009; action photo 2010 of the 1982). Ezio SAVIN, mountaineer of Cogne (priv. inf. 2009). Alberto SCIARDI, mountaineer of Aosta (priv. inf. Sep 26th, 2003 and Jan 21/22th, 2010; reports Sep 26th, 2003 and Jan 21/22th, 2010; remarks and connections Jan 21/22th, 2010. "Mountain Diary until 1987",Vol. I° (unpublished). Action photos Jan 2010 of the 1980, 1983, 1984 and 1985). Roberto STELLA, mountaineer, mountaineer skiing and Himalayst (Mil. Expedition Everest 1973); winning of Mezzalama Trophy, 1971, with brothers Aldo Stella and Gianfranco Stella; Mayor General Italian Alpine Troops-Military Training Center of Aosta); at present Chairman-President of the board of directors Stations a winter ski Resort La Thuile's (Aosta Valley). Priv. inf. and connections since Aug 05th, 2001 until Dec 24th and 31th, 2009; Jan 05/06th, 2010; connections 2001/2010. Action photos Aug 02th, 2001/Aug 24th, 2004. Giuseppe "Pino" TREVISAN, mountaineer and Engineer of Aosta (priv. inf. 1969, 1970, 1972 and 1977/78; reports 1977/78; action photos 1968/69). Gianfranco VICENTINI, mountaineer, tripper-hiker and Prof-Headmaster of Aosta (action photos 1997/2005). Lady Vincenzina ZUCCA Capuzzo, housewife of Saint Christophe-Rouye Village (priv. inf. Aug 2005). Giovanni Matteo "Agostino" ZULIAN († July 25th, 2012, Aosta), mountaineer and hunter Grand Brissogne-Luin and Grange (Saint Marcel) (priv. inf. 1977/78, Nov 25th and 30th, Dec 06th, 2009. Jan 01 and 15th, 2010; reports 1977/78, Nov 25th and 28th; Dec 06th, 16th and 20th, 2009. Jan 01 and 15th, 2010; connections 1977/78,2009, Jan 01 and 15th, 2010; Ménabreaz Hut Books 1955/2009 (unpublished); action photos 2010 of the 1984). |