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cftbq - Jul 29, 2008 7:14 pm - Hasn't voted

How was the snow?

I see from the pics that you packed your ice axes. Did you actually use them? (We're headed there soon, and I'd love to leave the hulking thing behind.) Also, did they pose a problem as baggage on the train? Thanks.


HokieJim - Jul 30, 2008 2:04 am - Hasn't voted

Re: How was the snow?

We used our ice axes on the snow that led up to the ramp on Eolus as well as a few short snow crossings on the way up to Sunlight and down from Windom. The crossings were generally short and suncupped, but firm in the morning with runout onto rocks. Many that weekend did the same crossings without an axe, and some even without trekking poles, but I just wasn't comfortable without an axe, mostly on Eolus. That was two weeks ago, so maybe poll others who were down there more, and on Our axes were not a problem on the train, they just asked us to detach them from our packs and load them separately. Enjoy your trip!


cftbq - Jul 30, 2008 2:54 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: How was the snow?

Thanks--that was just the info I was looking for!

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