Alpine 4000m Peaks

France/Italy/Switzerland, Europe
Page Type Page Type: List
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Dynamic Table of Alpine 4000ers

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The problem was already reported in the Forum.
Until it is solved, the page will not work and will look strange.

If you use a current browser with Javascript enabled, you may adapt the tabledependent on your needs, after the page is COMPLETELY loaded:

You can hide most table columns by using the column selector in front of the table (e.g. for printing, if you just want to print the mountainnames and their height).

You may sort by different criteria by clicking on the tableheaders (clickable headers changetheir color if you move the mouse over them).

For a more detailed description of the functionality see section 2.










Sort the table by clicking on one of the column headers below
Main Summit NameMinor Summit NameGroupHeight
1 Link to mountainpageMont Blanc / Monte Bianco  Montblanc Group4807 15772 main BLG
2 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco Mont Blanc de Courmayeur Montblanc Group 4748 15578 main   L G
3 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco La Tourette Montblanc Group 4677 15345 minor      
4 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour   Pennine Alps 4634 15204 main B L G
5 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour Ostgipfel (east summit) Pennine Alps 4630 15191 minor     G
6 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour Grenzgipfel Pennine Alps 4618 15152 minor   L G
7 Link to mountainpage Nordend   Pennine Alps 4609 15122 main B L G
8 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour west summit Pennine Alps 4600 15093       G
9 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco Frêney Gr. Chandelle *) Montblanc Group 4600 15093       G
10 Link to mountainpage Zumsteinspitze / Punta Zumstein   Pennine Alps 4563 14971 main B L G
11 Link to mountainpage Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti   Pennine Alps 4556 14948 main B L G
12 Link to mountainpage Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti east ridge gendarm Pennine Alps 4550 14929       G
13 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco Petite Bosse Montblanc Group 4547 14919 minor     G
14 Link to mountainpage Dom   Pennine Alps 4545 14912 main B L G
15 Link to mountainpage Nordend south ridge knoll Pennine Alps 4542 14902       G
16 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm orientale (east summit) Pennine Alps 4527 14853 main B L G
17 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco Grande Bosse Montblanc Group 4513 14807 minor     G
18 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn   Pennine Alps 4505 14781 main B L G
19 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour upper west ridge summit Pennine Alps 4499 14761       G
20 Link to mountainpage Täschhorn   Pennine Alps 4491 14735 main B L G
21 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm occidentale (west summit) Pennine Alps 4480 14699 main   L G
22 Link to mountainpage Dom west summit Pennine Alps 4479 14696       G
23 Link to mountainpage Matterhorn / Monte Cervino   Pennine Alps 4477 14689 main B L G
24 Link to mountainpage Matterhorn / Monte Cervino vetta italiana (west summit) Pennine Alps 4476 14686 minor     G
25 Link to mountainpage Pic Luigi Amedeo/ Pic Louis Amédée no page on SP *) Montblanc Group 4469 14663 main   L G
26 Link to mountainpage Dom Grand Gendarme (NE ridge summit) Pennine Alps 4468 14660 minor     G
27 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit   Montblanc Group 4465 14650 main B L G
28 Link to mountainpage Zumsteinspitze / Punta Zumstein southwest ridge knoll Pennine Alps 4463 14643       G
29 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm west summit, east point Pennine Alps 4450 14600       G
30 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm west summit, west point Pennine Alps 4447 14591       G
31 Link to mountainpage Parrotspitze / Punta Parrot   Pennine Alps 4432 14541 main B L G
32 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm Sattelkuppe Pennine Alps 4430 14535       G
33 Link to mountainpage Täschhorn north ridge summit Pennine Alps 4404 14450       G
34 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour lower west ridge summit Pennine Alps 4385 14387       G
35 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit upper south shoulder Montblanc Group 4369 14335       G
36 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn upper north ridge knoll Pennine Alps 4362 14312       G
37 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit lower south shoulder Montblanc Group 4361 14308       G
38 Link to mountainpage Dent Blanche   Pennine Alps 4357 14295 main B L G
39 Link to mountainpage Aiguille de la Belle Etoile (east of "La Tourette" at Mont Blanc) Montblanc Group 4349 14269 minor      
40 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit Epaule (northwest summit) Montblanc Group 4345 14256       G
41 Link to mountainpage Ludwigshöhe   Pennine Alps 4341 14243 main B L G
42 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit northeast summit Montblanc Group 4336 14226       G
43 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm Cima di Scoperta (east shoulder) Pennine Alps 4335 14223       G
44 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn Grand Gendarme (north ridge) Pennine Alps 4331 14210 minor     G
45 Link to mountainpage Nadelhorn   Pennine Alps 4327 14197 main B L G
46 Link to mountainpage Schwarzhorn / Corno Nero   Pennine Alps 4321 14177 main B L G
47 Link to mountainpage Grand Combin de Grafeneire   Pennine Alps 4314 14154 main B L G
48 Link to mountainpage Dôme du Goûter   Montblanc Group 4304 14121 main   L G
49 Link to mountainpage Lenzspitze   Pennine Alps 4294 14089 main B L G
50 Link to mountainpage Nadelhorn northwest summit Pennine Alps 4290 14075       G
51 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit Pointe Mieulet Montblanc Group 4287 14066 minor   L G
52 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour lowest west ridge summit Pennine Alps 4280 14043       G
53 Link to mountainpage Nadelhorn south ridge, upper gendarme Pennine Alps 4280 14043       G
54 Link to mountainpage Finsteraarhorn   Bernese Alps 4274 14023 main B L G
55 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm Il Naso del Lyskamm / Schneedomspitze Pennine Alps 4272 14016 minor   L G
56 Link to mountainpage Nadelhorn south ridge, lower gendarme Pennine Alps 4270 14010       G
57 Link to mountainpage Dôme du Goûter Pointe Bayeux Montblanc Group 4258 13970 minor      
58 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc du Tacul   Montblanc Group 4248 13938 main B L G
59 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc du Tacul punta E (eastsummit) Montblanc Group 4247 13934 minor     G
60 Link to mountainpage Aiguille du Croissant   Pennine Alps 4243 13921 minor   L G
61 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco south ridge, Grande Pilier d'Angle *) Montblanc Group 4243 13921 main     G
62 Link to mountainpage Matterhorn / Monte Cervino Pic Tyndall Pennine Alps 4241 13915 minor     G
63 Link to mountainpage Stecknadelhorn   Pennine Alps 4241 13915 main B L G
64 Link to mountainpage Lenzspitze big north ridge gendarme Pennine Alps 4240 13911       G
65 Link to mountainpage Nadelhorn south ridge, lower knoll Pennine Alps 4235 13895       G
66 Link to mountainpage Castor   Pennine Alps 4226 13866 main B L G
67 Link to mountainpage Zinalrothorn   Pennine Alps 4221 13849 main B L G
68 Link to mountainpage Hohberghorn   Pennine Alps 4219 13843 main B L G
69 Link to mountainpage Piramide Vincent   Pennine Alps 4215 13829 main B L G
70 Link to mountainpage Zinalrothorn Kanzel Pennine Alps 4210 13813       G
71 Link to mountainpage Grandes Jorasses Pointe Walker Montblanc Group 4208 13806 main B L G
72 Link to mountainpage Alphubel   Pennine Alps 4206 13800 main B L G
73 Link to mountainpage Castor north summit Pennine Alps 4205 13797       G
74 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn lower big north ridge knoll Pennine Alps 4203 13790       G
75 Link to mountainpage Lyskamm southwest ridge knoll Pennine Alps 4201 13783       G
76 Link to mountainpage Lenzspitze south ridge gendarme Pennine Alps 4200 13780       G
77 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn   Pennine Alps 4199 13777 main B L G
78 Link to mountainpage Aletschhorn   Bernese Alps 4195 13764 main B L G
79 Link to mountainpage Strahlhorn   Pennine Alps 4190 13747 main B L G
80 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn upper small north ridge head Pennine Alps 4190 13747       G
81 Link to mountainpage Alphubel north summit - Goedeke Pennine Alps 4188 13741       G
82 Link to mountainpage Matterhorn / Monte Cervino Picco Muzio *) Pennine Alps 4187 13738 minor      
83 Link to mountainpage Castor southeast summit Pennine Alps 4185 13731       G
84 Link to mountainpage Grand Combin de Valsorey   Pennine Alps 4184 13728 main   L G
85 Link to mountainpage Grandes Jorasses Pointe Whymper Montblanc Group 4184 13728 main   L G
86 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn south summit Pennine Alps 4180 13715       G
87 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn lower small north ridge head Pennine Alps 4180 13715       G
88 Link to mountainpage Roccia della Scoperta / Entdeckungsfels (near Colle del Lys, Monte Rosa massif) Pennine Alps 4178 13708 minor      
89 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn east ridge tower Pennine Alps 4178 13708       G
90 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn 5th north ridge peak Pennine Alps 4175 13698       G
91 Link to mountainpage Täschhorn southeast shoulder Pennine Alps 4175 13698       G
92 Link to mountainpage Felikhorn / Punta Felik the real, at Castor Pennine Alps 4174 13695     L G
93 Link to mountainpage Dent d'Hérens   Pennine Alps 4171 13685 main B L G
94 Link to mountainpage Balmenhorn   Pennine Alps 4167 13672 minor     G
95 Link to mountainpage Finsteraarhorn southeast summit Bernese Alps 4167 13672       G
96 Link to mountainpage Alphubel south summit Pennine Alps 4166 13669 minor      
97 Link to mountainpage Breithorn   Pennine Alps 4165 13665 main B L G
98 Link to mountainpage Breithorn midsummit Pennine Alps 4160 13649 main   L G
99 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn 4th north ridge peak Pennine Alps 4160 13649       G
100 Link to mountainpage Jungfrau   Bernese Alps 4158 13642 main B L G
101 Link to mountainpage Bishorn   Pennine Alps 4153 13626 main B L G
102 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn south shoulder Pennine Alps 4150 13616       G
103 Link to mountainpage Zinalrothorn Bosse Pennine Alps 4150 13616       G
104 Link to mountainpage Dent d'Hérens La Corne (pre summit) Pennine Alps 4148 13610 minor     G
105 Link to mountainpage Breithornzwillinge / Gemello del Breithorn western twin Pennine Alps 4141 13587 main   L G
106 Link to mountainpage Grand Combin de la Tsessette   Pennine Alps 4141 13587 main   L G
107 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn 3rd north ridge peak Pennine Alps 4140 13649       G
108 Link to mountainpage Bishorn Pointe Burnaby Pennine Alps 4135 13567 minor     G
109 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn 2nd north ridge peak Pennine Alps 4130 13551       G
110 Link to mountainpage Alphubel northeast summit Pennine Alps 4128 13544 minor      
111 Link to mountainpage Aiguille Verte   Montblanc Group 4122 13524 main B L G
112 Link to mountainpage Grand Combin de la Tsessette west summit Pennine Alps 4121 13521       G
113 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour upper southwest ridge tower Pennine Alps 4120 13518       G
114 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn 1st north ridge peak Pennine Alps 4120 13518       G
115 Link to mountainpage Zinalrothorn Gabel Tower Pennine Alps 4120 13518       G
116 Link to mountainpage Alphubel north summit - UIAA Pennine Alps 4116 13505 minor      
117 Link to mountainpage Aiguilles du Diable L'Isolée / Pointe Blanchard Montblanc Group 4114 13498 main   L G
118 Link to mountainpage Aiguille Blanche Pointe Güßfeldt Montblanc Group 4112 13491 main B L G
119 Link to mountainpage Grandes Jorasses Pointe Croz Montblanc Group 4110 13485 main   L G
120 Link to mountainpage Aiguilles du Diable Pointe Carmen Montblanc Group 4109 13482 main   L G
121 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn Signalkuppe (north ridge) Pennine Alps 4109 13482       G
122 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn Grand Gendarme (north ridge) Pennine Alps 4108 13478 minor     G
123 Link to mountainpage Aiguille Blanche Pointe Seymour King Montblanc Group 4107 13475 minor   L G
124 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit P.Androsace (southeast ridge) Montblanc Group 4107 13475 minor     G
125 Link to mountainpage Breithornzwillinge / Gemello del Breithorn eastern twin Pennine Alps 4106 13472 main     G
126 Link to mountainpage Aiguille Blanche Pointe Jones Montblanc Group 4104 13465 minor   L G
127 Link to mountainpage Grande Rocheuse no page on SP *) Montblanc Group 4102 13459 main B L G
128 Link to mountainpage Barre des Ecrins   Dauphiné Alps 4101 13455 main B L G
129 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc du Tacul Tour Rouge (eastbuttress) Montblanc Group 4100 13452       G
130 Link to mountainpage Zinalrothorn Sphinx Pennine Alps 4100 13452       G
131 Link to mountainpage Mönch   Bernese Alps 4107 13476 main B L G
132 Link to mountainpage Dent Blanche Grand Gendarme Pennine Alps 4098 13446 minor     G
133 Link to mountainpage Aiguilles du Diable Pointe Médiane Montblanc Group 4097 13442 main   L G
134 Link to mountainpage Felikhorn / Punta Felik the wrong: Felikjoch knoll Pennine Alps 4093 13429 minor     G
135 Link to mountainpage Lenzspitze Grand Gendarme (east ridge) Pennine Alps 4091 13423 minor     G
136 Link to mountainpage Pollux   Pennine Alps 4091 13423 main B L G
137 Link to mountainpage Jungfrau Wengener Jungfrau Bernese Alps 4089 13416 minor     G
138 Link to mountainpage Finsteraarhorn northwest ridge knoll Bernese Alps 4088 13413       G
139 Link to mountainpage Grand Combin de la Tsessette Gendarme a SE (southeast ridge tower) Pennine Alps 4088 13413 minor      
140 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit Northwestface, P.4087 Montblanc Group 4087 13409       G
141 Link to mountainpage Aletschhorn northeast ridge knoll Bernese Alps 4086 13406       G
142 Link to mountainpage Barre des Ecrins Pic Lory Dauphiné Alps 4086 13406 minor   L G
143 Link to mountainpage Schreckhorn   Bernese Alps 4078 13380 main B L G
144 Link to mountainpage Breithorn Roccia Nera / Schwarzfluh Pennine Alps 4075 13370 main   L G
145 Link to mountainpage Dent d'Hérens Gendarme Crochu Pennine Alps 4075 13370 minor     G
146 Link to mountainpage Aiguilles du Diable Pointe Chaubert Montblanc Group 4074 13367 main   L G
147 Link to mountainpage Aletschhorn Westnorthwest ridge knoll Bernese Alps 4071 13357       G
148 Link to mountainpage Aiguilles du Diable Corne du Diable Montblanc Group 4069 13350 main   L G
149 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc du Tacul Pilier du Diable Montblanc Group 4067 13344 minor     G
150 Link to mountainpage Grandes Jorasses Pointe Marguerite Montblanc Group 4066 13341 main   L G
151 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit Terzo pilastro del Col Maudit Montblanc Group 4064 13334 minor      
152 Link to mountainpage Obergabelhorn   Pennine Alps 4063 13331 main B L G
153 Link to mountainpage Gran Paradiso   Graian Alps 4061 13324 main B L G
154 Link to mountainpage Schreckhorn east summit Bernese Alps 4060 13321       G
155 Link to mountainpage Gran Paradiso madonna summit Graian Alps 4058 13314       G
156 Link to mountainpage Dôme du Goûter Pointe Bravais Montblanc Group 4057 13311 minor      
157 Link to mountainpage Mont Brouillard no page on SP *) Montblanc Group 4053 13298 main B L G
158 Link to mountainpage Aiguille de Bionnassay   Montblanc Group 4052 13295 main B L G
159 Link to mountainpage Weißhorn Lochmatter Tower Pennine Alps 4050 13288       G
160 Link to mountainpage Groß Fiescherhorn   Bernese Alps 4049 13285 main B L G
161 Link to mountainpage Piz Bernina   Bernina Group 4049 13285 main B L G
162 Link to mountainpage Punta Giordani   Pennine Alps 4046 13275 main B L G
163 Link to mountainpage Grandes Jorasses Pointe Hélène Montblanc Group 4045 13272 main   L G
164 Link to mountainpage Groß Grünhorn   Bernese Alps 4043 13265 main B L G
165 Link to mountainpage Lauteraarhorn   Bernese Alps 4042 13262 main B L G
166 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco Pic Eccles Montblanc Group 4041 13259 minor   L G
167 Link to mountainpage Dent d'Hérens L'Epaule Pennine Alps 4040 13255 minor      
168 Link to mountainpage Aiguille du Jardin   Montblanc Group 4035 13239 main B L G
169 Link to mountainpage Dürrenhorn   Pennine Alps 4035 13239 main B L G
170 Link to mountainpage Mont Maudit Gendarme del Col Maudit Montblanc Group 4032 13229 minor      
171 Link to mountainpage Allalinhorn   Pennine Alps 4027 13213 main B L G
172 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc du Tacul eastface, P.4027 Montblanc Group 4027 13213       G
173 Link to mountainpage Aiguille du Jardin Pointe Eveline Montblanc Group 4026 13209 minor     G
174 Link to mountainpage Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour lower southwest ridge tower Pennine Alps 4026 13209       G
175 Link to mountainpage Gran Paradiso Il Roc Graian Alps 4026 13209 minor   L G
176 Link to mountainpage Hinter Fiescherhorn   Bernese Alps 4025 13206 main B L G
177 Link to mountainpage Aiguille Verte Pointe Croux Montblanc Group 4023 13199 minor   L G
178 Link to mountainpage Weißmies   Pennine Alps 4023 13199 main B L G
179 Link to mountainpage Piz Bernina Punta Perrucchetti / La Spalla / La Spedla Bernina Group 4020 13190 minor   L G
180 Link to mountainpage Zinalrothorn Épaule Pennine Alps 4017 13180 minor     G
181 Link to mountainpage Dôme de Neige des Ecrins   Dauphiné Alps 4015 13173 main   L G
182 Link to mountainpage Dôme de Rochefort no page on SP *) Montblanc Group 4015 13173 main B L G
183 Link to mountainpage Gran Paradiso mid summit Graian Alps 4015 13173       G
184 Link to mountainpage Grande Rocheuse P.4015 at Col Armand Charlet*) Montblanc Group 4015 13173       G
185 Link to mountainpage Lauteraarhorn Northwest ridge gendarme I Bernese Alps 4015 13173       G
186 Link to mountainpage Dent du Géant / Dente del Gigante   Montblanc Group 4013 13167 main B L G
187 Link to mountainpage Punta Baretti no page on SP *) Montblanc Group 4013 13167 main B L G
188 Link to mountainpage Lauteraarhorn northwest ridge gendarme II Bernese Alps 4011 13160       G
189 Link to mountainpage Lagginhorn   Pennine Alps 4010 13157 main B L G
190 Link to mountainpage Dent du Géant / Dente del Gigante Pointe Sella Montblanc Group 4009 13154       G
191 Link to mountainpage Rimpfischhorn west summit Pennine Alps 4009 13154       G
192 Link to mountainpage Mont Brouillard southwest ridge head *) Montblanc Group 4005 13140       G
193 Link to mountainpage Mont Blanc / Monte Bianco Piton des Italiens Montblanc Group 4003 13134 minor      
194 Link to mountainpage Aiguille de Rochefort   Montblanc Group 4001 13127 main B L G
195 Link to mountainpage Les Droites   Montblanc Group 4000 13124 main B L G

How to change the table view

After the page has been COMPLETELY loaded, you can use the sort function, and you can hide table columns (e.g. for printing without the small foto-links).
To do that, you need a modern browser with Javascript enabled.

Selecting columns:
The column selector in front of the table contains checkboxes, where you can select which columns you want to display. The first checkbox selects/unselects ALL other checkboxes.
The minimum amount of colums is the rank, main and minor summit name.

Sorting: Clickable column headers change the color if you move the mouse over them.
If clicked, the table will be sorted by this column. Clicking the same column twice reverses the sort order for this column.

Sort criteria:
  • default order - height: if sorted by height, there are no control breaks between sortgroups, there will be just all summits sorted by elevation, and column 1 will display a consecutive number.
  • main summit name: If the summits are well known by different names (e.g. from different languages), I try to show all names, separated with a slash.
    Every main summit may contain some minor summits. That way you see how many summits belong to the respective mountain. Every new main summit is a control break, where the number in column 1 resets.
  • group: Here you see how many summits belong to each mountain group. Every new group is a control break, where the number in column 1 resets.
  • UIAA: That shows the UIAA list, sorted by major and minor summits. The major and the minor list start is a control break, where the number in column 1 resets.
  • the other columns: Just shows the list of the respective alpinists on top.

Some Remarks

The table above contains a complete list of the Alpine 4000ers, and in the chapters below I added some information for the interested about how the list was created and from which sources. The 4000 meter peaks were always of big interest for the mountaineers, but, as always when something is related to artificial numbers there is a crux:

When is a summit a summit ?

In the next section you can read how UIAA answered that question, but I give also a short introduction to 3 mountaineers who created also such a list.

The current list above is a combined table of the 4 above mentioned lists.

A few words: The table contains direct links to all summits on SP, so that people can easily see (red text color) which mountains are still missing on SummitPost.
If you add a new mountain page for one of the missing summits, please let me know (at best via PM), so that I can include it!

For the minor summits I either linked the main mountain page, or, if that is a better fit, a route page (e.g. at Pic Tyndall at Matterhorn, or the Bosses knolls at the Gouter route, Mont Blanc).
If you think there is for something somewhere a better fit, please let me also know.

However, all of that depends more on subjective taste than anything else, so please let's discuss these issues, I'm open for any recommendations for changes, if they are well founded.

UIAA: List Info

The UIAA (Union Internationale Des Associations d'Alpinisme - International mountaineering and climbing federation) sent out the UIAA bulletin 145 in march 1994 (in french, italian, german, english) to end the endless discussions, what a real 4000m summit is and what not. So they declared some sort of "official" summits and gave also an interesting definition of what a summit is (no joke):

  • A summit in the broadest sense of the word is a point which has a higher altitude compared to the surrounding flatlands,
  • Each summit must be autonomous, must be of mountaineering interest and must own other properties to count as a 4000er,
  • An ascertained amount of summits with defined morphological properties fulfills this criteria automatically and is just added to the list. For other summits at the border of acceptability, criteria were defined which will be described below.
  • This list was made especially for mountaineers, and is therefore not only based on topografical criteria, but also on other, more subjective, criteria, which may change with the evolution of mountaineering.
Selection criteria and special cases:
  • Topografical: to fulfill this criteria, the summit must have more than 30m (approx. 100 feet) height difference to the next neighboring notch or saddle. The horizontal distance (if to close) to the face of a neighboring mountain can be also taken into consideration.
  • Morphological: takes the overall structure of the peak into consideration (e.g. for shoulders, knolls, pre-summits),
  • Mountaineering: the importance of the summit from a mountaineering standpoint, e.g. qualitative, historical or often climbed.
Based on this criteria the UIAA defined 82 "official" 4000ers, but there is also the so called "extended list", which defines 46 additional summits.
Currently in my list above the "official" summits are marked with "main", and the summits of the extended list with "minor".

Karl Blodig: List Info

Karl Blodig (1859-1956) was an austrian mountaineer, who was the first person to climb all 4000er summits of the alps.
His list of 61 summits was at the time of his life undisputed (he climbed 68, but only declared 61 as "summits" in his book).
He wrote a book about these ascents: "Die Viertausender der Alpen".

Will McLewin: List Info

Will McLewin (born 1940) is an english mountaineer, who was the first Briton known to climb all 4000ers without guides, and many of them solo.
His list contains 53 main and 39 minor summits, so a sum of 92.

Richard Goedeke: List Info

Richard Goedeke (born 1939) is a german teacher, writer, politician (green party) and mountaineering addict. He is one of the best german climbers and mountaineers of his time (e.g. Jorasses Walker buttress), wrote many guidebooks and other mountaineering books.
His list is the biggest and contains 181 points of interest, which cannot be necessarily all called summits. He differentiates of course between main summits and minor summits.
However, I liked his complete list, because it can be used as a reference for all of the others.

Why Is There No Link For This Summit ?

  • Mont Blanc (Frêney Gr. Chandelle): want to link it to a currently not existing route page (Freney buttress)
  • Pic Luigi Amadeo: There is currently no mountain page on SP for it, but I would also link it to the Brouillard ridge route, if it would exist.
  • Mont Blanc (S-ridge, Grande Pilier d'Angle): want to link it to a currently not existing route page (Peuterey ridge)
  • Picco Muzio: want to link it to a currently not existing route page (Furggen ridge)
  • Grande Rocheuse: Could link it to Aiguille Verte, though I would prefer a separate mountain page
  • Mont Brouillard: There is currently no mountain page on SP
  • Dôme de Rochefort: There is currently no mountain page on SP, though there is one for the lower Aiguille de Rochefort
  • Grande Rocheuse (P.4015 at Col Armand Charlet): belongs to above mentioned missing mountain page
  • Punta Baretti: I would link it to the mountain page of Mont Brouillard, which is still missing
  • Mont Brouillard (southwest ridge head): belongs to above mentioned missing mountain page

If you have added a page which covers one of the missing peaks above, please let me know that via mail or my summitpost inbox, because I'm not very often logged in except in autumn, and I usually don't check every time if there is a new page available.
I would be happy to add any missing links.

Additions and CorrectionsPost an Addition or Correction

Viewing: 1-4 of 4

Andino - Oct 10, 2006 3:53 pm - Voted 10/10

One great handbook

Very hard to find now, but there is a great handbook, gathering all 4000m alpine peaks, called : "4000 des Alpes" by Richard Goedeke - Oct. 2003 (ISBN : 2907781634)


herbie - Nov 16, 2006 8:06 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: One great handbook

Yes, I own this book in the German version. Thanks for the idea to add a book section.


Andino - Nov 17, 2006 10:07 am - Voted 10/10

Re: One great handbook

You're welcome. I made a book list about South-America. It would be good to have the same for the Alps one day.

Rafa Bartolome

Rafa Bartolome - Sep 3, 2009 8:09 am - Voted 10/10

Roccia Nera

you can change the link of Breithorn / Roccia Nera to my page if you want: it's not an important peak but it's interesting great page

Viewing: 1-4 of 4